

Preliminary Study on the Ecological Compensation of Market Mechanism

【作者】 闫伟

【导师】 王宪恩;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 环境科学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 当前我国生态环境不断恶化,保护生态环境已成为与经济发展并重的国之大计,但在生态环境的保护和建设过程中,存在着外部效益被无偿占有的不公平问题,这不利于我国建设有中国特色的社会主义和谐社会,也不符合党中央提出的科学发展观,因此,在我国实行合理的生态补偿制度势在必行。在这样的背景下,本论文从生态补偿的涵义出发,通过介绍生态补偿的经济学原理,回顾20世纪80年代以来我国生态补偿研究的发展情况,分析了现阶段我国生态补偿存在的问题,并在对我国生态补偿市场化必要性分析的基础上,总结了实现生态补偿市场化的实践措施。之后以中国湖南泊罗流域森林生态效益补偿和松花湖流域生态补偿为例,分析了该地区生态补偿现阶段以政府为主导的生态补偿存在的问题,提出了这两个地区生态补偿市场化的具体步骤。最后依据这两个实例分析,对我国实行生态补偿市场机制提出建议。

【Abstract】 Chinese ecological environment has made great achievements, but the situation of China’s ecological environment in general is still landslide, China’s environmental pollution and ecological governance also take the "pollution first, treatment later" path , increasing water pollution; increasingly serious soil erosion; dwindling arable land; the quality of forest grassland degradation; biodiversity substantially reduced. Ecological damage of the main reasons include: the historical legacy of a large population, weak environmental awareness, extensive mode of economic growth, lack of supervision, has long been inadequate investment in ecological construction and so on. China’s ecological environment is deteriorating situation in the quality of life not only to bring an indelible impact, but also seriously restricting the economic and social level of development. Ecological compensation is to restore the ecology of effective measures.Biased in favor of ecological compensation Kaldor-Hicks improvements contributed by region, industry and eco-protectors to provide proper compensation to the ecological environment quality improvement purposes. Compensation mechanism for ecological protection are Kaldor-Hicks to improve the nature of the decision can not be separated from the implementation of this system in different regions, different industries, different sectors, different economic bargaining power between the main body, as well as the coordination of voluntary consultation.China’s ecological compensation system started relatively early, relatively slow development, is currently in the process of sound and perfect. But also has made some achievements. In the forest areas, nature reserves, mineral resources development and other fields have achieved remarkable results. At the same time, we should also see that because of certain deficiencies in the system, an ecological compensation mechanism, in particular the existence of the market mechanism will be difficult to implement. For example: the absence of law, reward and punishment mechanisms; single investment channels, the lack of market and non-governmental funding sources; bar divided between the Government is a serious problem, such as poor coordination between regions. This is not conducive to the establishment of an ecological compensation mechanism and improved even more detrimental to China’s sustainable development. China’s market-oriented ecological compensation mechanism is necessary: the main problems:⑴ecological economics of capital decisions based on eco-compensation mechanism can not be separated from the marketEcological compensation is based on ecological criteria for the calculation of capital as a basis. Ecological capital is the capital of ecological resources, the ecological environment is to be able to bring economic benefits as a commodity. Ecological capital can be prices, and the results of calculation can be used as the basis for ecological compensation. Commonly used method of calculating the ecological capital are: compensation for the value of law, the marginal opportunity cost method, the expected return of rent or the capital of France, reproduction Compensation Act, an alternative method, such as market value.⑵pricing of natural resources for the study of ecological compensation provided market conditionsPricing of natural resources is on the basis of price theory to determine the price of natural resources. China started very early study of the pricing of natural resources, although the current price does not have a unified approach, most methods are not perfect, but the pricing of natural resources research and practice are indeed moving toward market-oriented ecological compensation provided the necessary conditions.⑶government led by the existence of an ecological compensation mechanism inherent, and market-oriented there is a theoretical possibilityChina’s ecological resources to the State Government should be ecological and economic control of the economy, the Government should be an advocate of eco-economic and implementers. However, the Government can not do ecological and economic, ecological and economic needs of a certain economic environment in the eco-residents, ecology and sustainable development in order to practice, in financial, energy or sacrifice. It seems to do the same, simple way of allocation of government regulation of environmental resources, there may be a government failure, as well as the phenomenon of the power of rent-seeking, resulting in low efficiency of environmental protection and human and material resources, ecological waste of resources.⑷Market-oriented ecological compensation of China’s socialist economic development must go throughChina has already begun in some areas to achieve market-oriented ecological compensation mechanisms for research and practice, mainly about emissions trading system, security system, green, eco-labeling system.In this paper, respectively Perot River Songhua Lake Forest Eco-compensation and compensation for ecological case studies and found that the two areas of ecological compensation at this stage are dominated by the Government, there is a high cost, low efficiency, low compensation funds, the source of funding lack of defects, and two examples of this analysis is based on China’s ecological compensation mechanism for the implementation of the market makes the following recommendations:⑴determine property rights of environmental resources, the establishment of ecological capital assessment system;⑵open public environmental protection, the abolition of the monopoly;⑶responsibility to establish an ecological compensation mechanism;⑷change in consumer attitudes, consumption and eco-green consumption;⑸rectifying the situation of environmental protection investment and financing market, and enhance efficiency in the use of funds;⑹The establishment of an environmental tax and fee system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】X321
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】774

