

Reasarch on Aircraft Carrier-based Compensation System for Flight Control Law Design

【作者】 倪灯塔

【导师】 沙永柏;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 机械电子工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 作者的论文选题是在多年从事海军产品的设计、生产的监造过程中,本着毕业研究和实际工作相结合的原则而自选题目,希望研究生阶段的学习成果能迅速指导将要面临的可能工作。舰载飞机是以航空母舰为基地的作战机种,因此,要求它必须满足和适应航空母舰的工作环境、自然环境和作战环境,当然也就需解决舰载飞机与航空母舰环境的适配性问题。海上的自然环境比陆地复杂和恶劣,飞机在航空母舰上着舰时存在比较大的外界干扰(如大气紊流、甲板风及航空母舰扰流等)。舰载飞机/航空母舰的适配性中最主要的内容是舰载飞机的起飞和着舰,尤其舰载飞机的着舰技术是航空母舰/舰载飞机技术中最大的难点。与陆基飞机的着陆相比,舰载飞机在飞行甲板上着舰更为困难。航空母舰是一个长度有限的海上浮动平台,着舰环境涉及航空母舰的运动和海上的大气紊流扰动。在这种扰动环境下,舰载飞机必须精确控制航迹,保持合适的速度、姿态以及相对航空母舰的位置,对准着舰甲板中心线,才能安全着舰,为此有必要研究飞机舰载机的动力补偿系统。舰载机的动力补偿系统主要体现在进舰着舰的下滑着舰控制,这是舰/舰载机相容性的主要研究内容。由于着舰环境十分恶劣,要求飞机的着舰系统具有非常高的下滑轨迹控制精度;然而在进舰着舰阶段,舰载飞机处于“速度反区”,出现了航迹对升降舵输入的反操纵现象,这种现象是由于飞行的速度较低造成的,结果导致单独依靠升降舵输入无法保持飞机的航迹。因此,对飞机下滑阶段的姿态控制十分关键。本文为此研究动力补偿系统,该系统主要用来调节飞机进场时的速度和高度,它的功能是自动调节油门,旨在消除舰载机在低速区的速度不稳定现象,增强飞行轨迹角对姿态角的快速精确响应,提高航迹控制精度。本文主要解决如何在某舰载飞机验证机上实施动力补偿的问题。重点是根据飞机着舰的动力学分析计算出该系统的控制律。为此研究了某型飞机的基本特性,明确指出舰载飞机自然状态在低动压下,自然飞机控制姿态角达不到控制航迹倾斜角的目的,也即飞行轨迹不可控的共性;其次用经典PID控制方法,对动力补偿系统进行控制律的设计与仿真,对设计结果进行验证。本论文的研究是在依托某飞机设计研究所的预研项目而开展的,作者参与该项目的技术研究和设计评审。

【Abstract】 Dissertation Title:Reasarch on Aircraft carrier-based compensation system for flight control law designThe author’s thesis topic is in the Navy for many years engaged in product design, production supervision process,based on graduate research and practical work and the principle of combining on-demand topic,hope that the learning outcomes of post-graduate stage of rapid guidance will be faced with the possibility of working.Thrust roll will be the introduction of an aircraft carrier take-off landing aircraft is not a simple matter,the length of the deck by the ship goes campaign flow disturbances and many other conditions and factors and the effects of harsh restrictions on ship movements become ship-borne aircraft facing The core of the problem.Ship in order to accurately and safely landing,in order to overcome the low-speed approach the speed of instability,and reduce the landing approach pilot workload paragraph,the introduction of the APCS approach for dynamic power compensation system of compensation,the main function is the elimination of carrier-based aircraft at low speed instability zone.APCS to ATCS automatic throttle control system based on dynamic compensation in accordance with the approach of the engine throttle control law(thrust) to implement the automatic control, seeks to change the aircraft speed and angle of attack control and correction,to improve the control accuracy of track.The aircraft during landing in the fall and,when the aircraft attitude changes,the aircraft down in order to maintain the same trajectory,the need to ensure that the aircraft thrust system of long-period stability of movement.Thrust control system through the control of the aircraft angle of attack to achieve the aircraft flight path angle control. Control orders imposed on the engine under the automatic throttle system,the power to change the engine so that the speed of the aircraft under control,thereby controlling the angle of attack.In essence,a long cycle of aircraft movement control.In order to restrain the thrust as a result of changes arising from changes in flight attitude and effective speed of the flight control,thrust control during the same time,it is necessary to control the movement of aircraft pitch angle in order to achieve the purpose of speed control.Approach for the dynamic compensation system landing process,will enable the pilot to operate the accelerator from the frequent relieved at the same time landing power control system of compensation added to ACLS will form a constant angle of attack system,the flight path angle on posture changes a good response,to achieve control of the aircraft trajectory angle.Driving force for carrier-based aircraft compensation system is mainly reflected in the decline into the landing ship landing control,which is ship / aircraft compatibility of the main study.Environment as a result of a very bad landing,aircraft landing systems require very high precision trajectory control slide;However,in the ship into the landing stage,the carrier-based aircraft in the "anti-speed zone",a track on the elevator input the anti manipulation phenomenon,which is caused by a lower speed flight,resulting in reliance on elevator input alone can not keep track of aircraft.There-fore,the decline phase of the aircraft attitude control is crucial.In this pa-per,dynamic compensation for this study system,which is mainly used to adjust the aircraft approach the speed and height,its function is to automatically adjust the accelerator,aimed at the elimination of carrier-based aircraft at low speed zone instability,and enhance flight path angle attitude angle of the fast and accurate response,to improve the control accuracy of track.Power compensation systems research methods in foreign countries has been the development of a theoretical,but also to stay at home in classical control theory application stage of the project,support of modem control theory methods.Linear design theory,such as root locus,frequency domain design methods,pole placement controller design techniques,the system can change the scheduling parameters to respond quickly to a more satisfactory performance,which has practical applications in a wide range of successful confirmed.With the control system performance requirements become increasingly complex,with the classic design of control law design method becomes very difficult to design the slow progress,and even more unattainable.This was mainly due to:difficult to deal with the classic method of coordinate system of multi-variable input-output characteristics;modern fighter aircraft require flight performance with great mobility,they must find to meet the increasingly complex demands of the flight control system of the modem linear and non-line design methods.As the classical methods of control design deficiencies,the state-variable model-based design methods of modem control theory in the design of flight control system has been developed by leaps and bounds.For example:pole placement method,eigenstructure assignment method as well as quantitative feedback law. However,based on linear system model can not guarantee that the design of control systems of aircraft flight performance at high angles of attack,because that’s when the aircraft aerodynamic performance of a strong non-linear and unsteady,and the strong coupling of aircraft movement,the traditional small signal linear processing technology has been unable to apply,and thus developed a variety of nonlinear control law design method.This article addresses how to drive a ship-borne aircraft to verify the implementation of dynamic compensation.Focus on landing the aircraft in accordance with the kinetic analysis to calculate the control law of the system.To this end a study of the basic characteristics of aircraft,clearly pointed out that the natural state of the aircraft carrier moving at low pressure,natural aircraft attitude control can not control the flight path angle of inclination of the end,the flight path that is common uncontrollable;followed by with the classical PID control method,the compensation system for dynamic control law design and simulation.The main contents as follows:1.Refer to the flight control system of the model coordinate system,the calculation of aerodynamic coefficients and the model is derived,small disturbances,such as linearization of the steps to create mathematical model of aircraft and aircraft in the control of natural signals by adding the rudder angle and throttle-order Yongyue under perturbation in response to movement posture analysis;Elevator step input response analysis showed that the ship into the landing stage,the carrier-based aircraft in the "anti-speed zone",a track on the elevator input the anti-manipulation phenomenon,which is due to the speed of flight caused by low,a result,rely on elevator input alone can not keep track of aircraft.This is a military ship carrier-based aircraft landing into a common feature;2.Dynamic compensation of the control law approaches and algorithms for analysis. At home and abroad through a comparative analysis of research results,combined with a certain type of aircraft carrier-based aircraft to verify the actual situation in specific,to determine the approach applied to aircraft control law dynamic compensation;3.By simulation of this type of carrier-based aircraft in the calculation of the dynamic compensation control of the control law to meet the aircraft in a variety of complex meteorological environment of stability control requirements;4.To determine machine power system,the preliminary design of compensation programs to determine the dynamic compensation system composed of hardware components and system connections between devices.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期
  • 【分类号】V249.1
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】425

