

Research and Testing Experiment of Thermal Parameters of Shallow Layer Soil and Rock

【作者】 李朝佳

【导师】 孙友宏;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 地质工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着常规能源的日益枯竭,可再生能源和新能源的开采逐渐受到人们的重视,地热是一种典型的清洁能源,同时它也被称为“绿色能源”和“可再生能源”。地源热泵技术就是利用浅层地热能作为热源的一种节能、环保的先进技术。其中又以土壤源热泵最为清洁和环保。地层热物性参数是影响地源热泵地下换热器设计的关键因素,包括土壤的导热系数、热扩散率和体积比热。地下换热器设计必须事先准确已知反映岩土热反应能力的热物性参数。在一定热负荷下,地下换热器数量和深度很大程度上取决于土壤热物性参数。对于大型的垂直埋管热泵系统,需进行现场地层热物性原位测试,可以得到较准的钻孔的地层平均导热系数和钻孔的热阻。但目前国内专门用于这方面测量的仪器还非常少,至今还没有制定地层热物性原位测试的标准,这在很大程度上影响了土壤源热泵的发展。本文在吉林大学绿色能源研究与开发实验室的地源热泵实验平台的基础上,利用地源热泵系统和地层热物性原位测试仪,建立了地源热泵钻孔热反应测试仪系统,开展试验研究。通过运行制冷和制热两种工况,将测量得到的初始温度、瞬时流量、进井温度、出井温度等数据,进行分析整理,利用计算软件和线源模型、柱源模型得到地层平均导热系数和钻孔的热阻。并利用MATLAB-PDETool工具作出了垂直单U型埋管周围不同导热系数土壤的温度场分布图和不同管径埋管换热器周围土壤温度场分布图,进行分析。本论文的研究对推广地源热泵工程具有重要的指导意义和实用价值,对进行区域性甚至是全国性的浅层地热资源大调查,对合理利用我国地热资源,减少其它能源消耗,保护环境等具有相当重要的现实意义。?

【Abstract】 Energy-saving and environmental protection in relation to the sustainability of the 21st century development of the national economy, two major issues. The whole world is committed to low-power, non-polluting, renewable energy projects of new technology research and application.At present, China is still based on coal-based developing countries, such an unreasonable energy structure has resulted in serious environmental pollution, and impeded the sustainable development of China’s national economy. China’s total energy consumption is currently building the community a large proportion of total energy consumption, about 1 / 3 the power consumption in commercial buildings and homes on the civilian. The relative shortage of energy in the current, particularly concern the construction of energy-saving technologies. In the field of air-conditioning and heating, as a clean and renewable energy, ground source heat pump system is the world’s fastest-growing one of the ways.Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) for its energy-saving air-conditioning systems, environmental protection and sustainable development of all countries in the world and has been favored .In Europe and the United States have developed more mature in recent years in China’s rapid development has been and is receiving increasing attention, both at home and abroad as a research study of workers in the field of eco-energy hot spot. Underground pipe-type ground source heat pump through the vertical or horizontal rock buried in the ground heat exchanger systems of heat exchange. At present the technology needs to be addressed two important issues are: to improve the heat exchange tube and heat transfer between soil, as well as to reduce the working fluid and the temperature difference between the soil, thereby enhancing the heat efficiency and lower initial investment. Reasonable system to pipe heat exchanger is designed to solve the above problems of the major route of transmission. Pipe heat exchanger in the system design process, the underground rock and soil physical properties of the average thermal design data is an important one of the guiding parameters.Ground Source Heat Pumps There are different forms and structures. According to the form of heat source can be divided into: ground source heat pump groundwater, surface water source heat pump and ground source heat pump. Geo heat pump in this article refers to ground source heat pump. It in accordance with the level of pipe can be divided into the vertical pipe and pipe-style. Which is the underground pipe heat exchanger can be divided into a single U-tube, multi-U-tube and pipe. Buried in the geothermal heat exchangers in the form of the many arrangements, vertical U-pipe pipe than other forms because of its many advantages have been widely used, is the current ground-source heat pump system, the mainstream form of pipe. In this paper, the object is a single vertical U-tube heat exchanger underground. It consists of four parts: U-tube, recycled water, to fill and the surrounding soil.In this paper, Jilin University, green energy research and development of ground-source heat pump laboratory experiment platform based on the combination of heat pump system for ground-source heat pump and thermal reaction tester to connect and establish a ground-source heat pump - thermal response test Instrument systems. The use of thermal reaction tester measurement of drilling were carried out cooling and heating tests of the two conditions.In this paper, Jilin University, green energy research and development of ground-source heat pump laboratory experiment platform based on the combination of heat pump system for ground-source heat pump and thermal reaction tester to connect and establish a ground-source heat pump - thermal response test Instrument systems. The use of thermal reaction tester measurement of drilling were carried out cooling and heating tests of the two conditions. Using line source model and source model column, combined with matlab software, heat transfer model will be the fluid temperature and the actual measured changes in fluid temperature contrast by adjusting the numerical heat transfer model, the average thermal properties of geotechnical parameters, when calculated temperature changes obtained with the measured temperature error of the hour, adjusting the thermal properties of the average value of parameters that is the result of the request.Paper also analyzes the initial ground temperature, ground heat, drilling diameter of the impact of thermal conductivity.Analysis results show that the radius of the initial drilling is to moderate the impact of its calculation of the main factors, the impact of rock and soil specific heat is very small, the basic can be ignored. Thus, in the design of ground source heat pump system, it is necessary to try to choose a good thermal conductivity properties of backfill materials, in order to enhance heat transfer and the surrounding soil;Construction, wherever possible the use of smaller diameter drilling in order to reduce thermal resistance;Cold regions in the north of the transition can be used in summer season or solar energy and other means to compensate for the ground temperature to increase the initial ground temperature, thus reducing the drilling depth, lower project investment.Application of thermal properties in geotechnical test drilling can easily determine the average rock and soil around the thermal conductivity and borehole thermal resistance, the parameters to be more in line with engineering practice, to the ground source heat pump system provides the basis for accurate design. In addition the use of movable thermal reaction tester can also be used for nation-wide parameters of the soil thermal properties testing, the establishment of a database of geothermal utilization, rational use of geothermal resources in China to reduce other energy consumption and environmental protection has important practical significance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期
  • 【分类号】TU411.2
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】545

