

Experimental Study on Thermal Insulation Performance of Winter Greenhouse

【作者】 刘峰

【导师】 张强; 王力;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 农业工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国农业政策调整,农村经济得到迅速发展,经济、高效、节能型日光温室在反季生产中得到了广泛应用。北方地区虽然冬季漫长、寒冷,但秋冬两季光照时间长,适合温室生产。因此,北方冬季蔬菜生产成为增加农民经济收入的重要途径之一。本论文主要研究了基于寻找适合北方地区温室保温发展的模式,在综述国内外设施农业发展的现状和趋势的基础上,针对位于吉林省长春市朝阳区永春乡日光温室的保温及采光状况,进行了温室内外光照、温度的测定;通过数据分析,初步掌握温室的保温、采光性能;并由试验数据分析了采光状况与温度之间的关系。通过对试验数据分析可知,温室内光照的强弱是由温室外光照的强度和温室的透光率决定的,温室内的温度随着温室外气温和光照的变化而变化。通过对目前我国北方温室主要采用的保温方式进行了分析总结;根据实验日光温室状况,结合日光温室保温原理,对内保温幕及地中热交换器两项保温措施的保温效果进行了测定研究,对提高日光温室保温性,增加经济效益,为节能日光温室保温建造提供有力参考。

【Abstract】 In this study,the test is made on a greenhouse located in Yongchun in south Changchun constructed by Jilin Academy of Agricultural Machinery. Through analysis on the data collected from the greenhouse to understand effect of lighting,insulation,thermal insulation and heat preservation quilt on thermal insulation performance.The main conclusions drawn are as follows:(1) Light distribution inside the greenhouse is non-uniform and dynamic changing.It can be concluded through experiments:the most important factors that impact the greenhouse light environment are sun position and light transmittance.(2) Temperature distribution inside the greenhouse is also non-uniform and dynamic.Through the analysis of observational data,we can see that temperature and light are closely linked.Therefore,light is another important factor that affect the heat preservation measures.(3) Through the experimental determination we can concludes that inside thermal insulation curtain can increase the maximum night temperature in greenhouse up to 3-4℃.(4) By using of underground heat exchanger,ground temperature in greenhouse can rise up to 2℃.

【关键词】 温室光照温度保温
【Key words】 greenhouselight illuminationtemperaturethermal insulation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期
  • 【分类号】S625.1
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】421

