

Surface Water Environmental Optimization Management in ChangChun Region

【作者】 刘延辉

【导师】 沈万斌;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 环境科学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着城市点源污染治理不断取得进展,非点源污染问题日益突出,对环境污染的贡献也越来越高,非点源污染已经成为地表水环境的主要污染源。本文以长春市地表水环境水质监测结果为出发点,以水环境数学模型为基础理论,运用河流零维模型与一维衰减模型相结合的方法计算地表水环境污染物的衰减系数;并进一步细化地表水环境污染物浓度,对长春市地表水环境非点源氨氮污染负荷进行了估算,并提出了以下三个优化方案:①点源污水排放达标,城镇污水处理厂污染物达到一级A排放标准;②对非点源浓度进行控制;③若采取方案一和二后仍不能达标排放的断面,执行此方案,对点源污染排放量再分配,减少或禁止污水排放,加强中水回用设施建设力度,提高水资源利用率,其目的是为长春市地表水环境氨氮污染提供防治措施和建议,保护地表水环境,实现地表水环境的优化管理。该计算模型较以往的非点源污染负荷计算模型在研究内容和方法上有所扩充和提高,不失为一种简单有效的估算地表水环境非点源污染负荷的方法。该非点源污染负荷估算模型不但简化了求解非点源污染负荷问题的难度和过程,也使统筹考虑点源和非点源污染的地表水环境优化管理成为可能。

【Abstract】 The main sources of pollution of surface water, including point source and non-point source pollution.Non-point source pollution, also known as non-point source pollution, mainly refers to soluble or solid pollutants in the large area of precipitation and runoff or other forms of erosion under the Import and caused water pollution.With the development of circular economy, clean production technology level, as well as environmental laws and regulations to gradually improve and strengthen environmental management, environment of surface water point source pollution has been effectively controlled, non-point source pollution of surface water have gradually become the main source of.Compared with point source pollution, non-point source pollution of the wider spatial and temporal scales, uncertainties larger, more complex process, pollution is more serious, which increased non-point source pollution research and management difficult.Non-point source pollution of surface water has become the main contents of environmental studies.Considering the establishment of point sources and non-point source pollution of surface water environment can be optimized management model of the surface water to optimize the management of the environment.In this paper, the surface water at home and abroad through non-point source environmental research and management from the model of the two aspects of the system on, pointing out that the current domestic and international non-point source pollution load model or method of calculation, particularly on the domestic non-point source pollution load method of calculation are calculated starting from the sources of pollution, neglect of non-point source pollution arising from the high, low emissions and less into the river’s characteristics, the calculation of non-point source load in general than the actual body of water the amount of pollution generated high,and On the type of non-point source pollution and its impact on the environmental impact of surface water carried out a detailed classification and discussion, according to non-point source pollution of the causes of non-point source pollution will be divided into rainfall-runoff pollution, atmospheric deposition, aquaculture and the second sediment such as pollution and groundwater recharge..Changchun City, and the interference of man-made pollution of water resources exacerbated the contradiction between supply and demand of water resources and surface water environment. Iraq Tonghe monitoring sections of the surface water environment can not DB22/388-2004 "function of surface water in Jilin Province," the water quality standards required by the standard features, especially rivers in Changchun City section of point and non-point source pollution is serious. In this study, through the Iraq Tonghe environmental quality of surface water pollution assessment and trend analysis, can be an upward trend of pollutants ammonia, so ammonia was studied in order to carry out case studies.First of all, the use of "two-point method" of Changchun City Yitong river view of the water environment of surface water pollutants, nitrogen attenuation coefficient calculated.Changchun city has been monitoring the cross-section of river nitrogen attenuation coefficient between the range of 0.001-0.350.Among them, the wet period in the attenuation coefficient of ammonia between 0.107-0.350; dry season in between 0.001-0.2; flat water in between 0.098-0.320.Yinma minimum value of the backing in the South section, paragraph Tonghe surface sinks in Iraq entrance Changchun City to undertake the discharge of sewage, pollution is serious, almost no capacity to speak of the environment, poor self-purification capacity.Then, in accordance with a further attenuation of pollutants in the first full hybrid theory, the application of one-dimensional mathematical model of the water environment based on the concentration of environmental pollutants of surface water for the river to further refine the amount of point source volume, the volume of non-point source three parts, the establishment of the surface water environment by the natural non-point source pollution load estimation model, the surface water environment of Changchun City, non-point source pollution load ammonia were estimated.Non-point source pollution is mainly caused as a result of precipitation, so that the environment of surface water into the non-point source pollution occurs only in the wet period. Environment model through the application of surface water, surface water in Changchun City, the wet period of non-point source pollution load of the total amount of ammonia 7459.45t / a..Through the error analysis, we calculated the changes in Iraq Tonghe ammonia range of error±0.070 ~±6.621, the overall accuracy of the general, the greatest error is backing the wet period of the bridge, at this time is mainly affected by the impact of rainfall runoff, the water quality of the more volatile.Finally, in accordance with the pollution of surface water sources of nitrogen, Changchun City of nitrogen pollution of surface water control measures and recommendations.In short, this item is non-point source pollution load estimation model not only simplifies the load of non-point source pollution issues and the process of solving the difficulty,But also to consider co-ordination point and non-point source pollution of surface water to optimize the management of the environment may become a.In this paper, the application of the model than the previous non-point source pollution load calculation models and methods in research on content has expanded and improved, the actual calculations become, after all, a simple and efficient estimation of surface water environmental non-point source pollution load method.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】X52
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】295

