

Studies on Chemical Constituents of Euphorbia Pekinensis Rupr

【作者】 姜禹

【导师】 李绪文; 金永日;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 分析化学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 京大戟为大戟科大戟属植物大戟(Euphorbia pekinensis Rupr)的干燥根。具有泻水逐饮,消肿散结功效,用于水肿胀满、痰饮、瘰疠、痈疽肿毒等症。临床上常用于胸膜炎积水,晚期血吸虫病腹水,肝硬化腹水及精神分裂症等。本实验利用乙醇提取,经硅胶柱层析分得7个化合物,并利用理化性质以及UV、MS、NMR等波谱数据分析,鉴定了它们的结构,分别是3,3′-二甲氧基鞣花酸-4′-O-β-D-吡喃木糖苷(3,3′-di-O-methyl ellagic acid-4′-O-β-D-xylopyranoside)、3,3′-二甲氧基鞣花酸-4′-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷(3,3′-di-O-methyl ellagic acid-4′-O-β-D-glucopyranoside)、3,3′-二甲氧基鞣花酸(3,3′-di-O-methyl ellagicacid)、阿魏酸二十八酯(octacosyl ferulate)、大戟二烯醇(euphol)、β-谷甾醇(β-sitosterol)和胡萝卜苷(daucosterol)。这些化合物除了β-谷甾醇之外均为首次从京大戟中分离得到。本实验还建立了京大戟中大戟二烯醇的HPLC测定方法。方法学研究表明,该方法具有准确、灵敏、便捷等特点。本实验深入研究了京大戟中主要的化学成分,为完善京大戟质量标准以及为京大戟的开发利用提供了新的科学依据。

【Abstract】 “Jing Daji”, the root of Euphorbia pekinensis Rupr,is widely used for treatment of edema,removing the full bilge, pleurisy and schizophrenia etc. So far, there are many researches in chemical constituents and pharmacological function of the root of Euphorbia pekinensis Rupr., but there isn’t report about the index of content determination in it’s literatures. For the sake of the better use of this herb medicine, this paper describes the extraction, isolation and identification. Moreover, the determination method has been established for content of euphol in the root of Euphorbia pekinensis Rupr in this paper. A series of tests proved that the determination method is accurate, reliable and reproducible to determine euphol in the root of Euphorbia pekinensis Rupr.Extraction and SeparationDried roots (5kg) were extracted by heat reflux in 90% Ethanol (solvent volume were 30, 25 and 20 L , respectively ) for three times (2,1.5 and 1h, respectively), the ethanol was evaporated in vacuum and concentrated to cream. The cream was subjected to silica gel column chromatography eluted with ethyl acetate– methanol– water (5:1:0.5) to afford compounds A (300mg),B (50mg),C (50mg),D (90mg) E(350mg),F(80mg) and G(60mg).Compounds A, B, C, D, E, F and G were identified respectively by UV, IR,MS, and 1DNMR as 3,3′-di-O-methyl-ellagic acid-4′-O-β-D-xylopyranoside , 3,3′-di-O–methyl-ellagic acid-4-O-β-D-glucopyranoside, 3, 3′-di-O-methyl-ellagic acid, Octacosyl ferulate, euphol,β-sitosterol and daucosterol.The content determination of euphol in root of the Euphorbia pekinensis Rupr was studied in the paper. We present a more sensitive and accurate quanti-fication method by HPLC for determining the major chemical constituent-euph- ol in root of the Euphorbia pekinensis Rupr.HPLC was performed on Agilent 1200 HPLC instrument and a Eclipse SDB-C18 column(250 mm×4.6 mm,5μm)at 25℃with the rate of 1.0 ml/min,using the mixture of acetonitrile, methanol and water as mobile phase (49:49:2).Conclusions:ⅰThe linear range of euphol is 0.1μg~5.0μg. y=846.00x+17.00 r=0.9999ⅱEuphol solution was injected into HPLC for six times, the RSD of precision tests is 0.44 % (n=6).ⅲThe repeatability tests for six samples showed RSD of euphol was 1.75%, (n=6) respectively.ⅳThe S/N was 3.1 after the concentration of euphol solution had been diluted to 0.0005 mg/ml and had been determined by HPLC, So the detectability is 0.01μg (10ng)。ⅴThe test of stability showed its RSD was 0.64%, so the euphol solution is stable in ten hours.ⅵThe average recovery of euphol was 100.4%( RSD=0.99% ), ( n=6)。The results of this paper can provide a new index of content determination for establishment of quality standards of the root of Euphorbia pekinensis Rupr. and also can offer science foundation for the development and utilization of this medicinal plant.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期
  • 【分类号】R284
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】387

