

Research on Working Mechanism and Parameters Optimization of Roller for Multifunctional Snow Remover

【作者】 李文峰

【导师】 马文星;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 冬季我国降雪天气十分常见。路面积雪结冰不仅容易引发交通事故,而且会造成公路交通中断、铁路停运、机场关闭,严重影响人民生活和工农业生产,给国家经济造成严重损失。目前,我国专业化的路面除冰设备还十分匮乏,研发适合我国国情的多功能清雪车具有十分重要的意义。本文以吉林大学与沈阳山河工程机械厂合作研究项目“多功能清雪车研发”为依托,主要进行以下几个方面的研究:(1)分析路面压实冰雪的物理力学性质及其破坏准则。(2)结合多功能清雪车牵引主机参数和除冰性能参数要求,在对比分析各种除冰装置的基础上,确定碾压式除冰装置为多功能清雪车的工作属具;对多功能清雪车和碾压磙的具体结构和参数进行设计;对碾压磙的运动和切线工作阻力进行计算和分析;在发动机和变矩器共同工作匹配计算的基础上,结合多功能清雪车牵引平衡和功率平衡,进行整车牵引特性分析。(3)研究碾压磙的工作机理,在研究单个刀具对压实冰雪破坏过程的基础上,对碾压磙的除冰过程进行理论分析;对碾压磙进行阻力分析和计算。(4)利用有限元软件对碾压磙刀具的除冰过程进行数值模拟。对比不同安装角时刀具的应力和变形情况,得出刀具安装角的优化结果。(5)进行多功能清雪车样机试验,测试清雪车的各项性能指标,检验清雪车的作业效果。

【Abstract】 In winter, snowfall is very common, which covers the most part of China. If thenew snowfall cannot be cleared as soon as possible in the northern region, aftercrushed by vehicles and pedestria ns repeatedly, or repeated thaw, it will become thecompacted snow with high density, high strength, and strongly bonding with the road.While in south, due to the frozen rain or sleet in winter, the road is also easy to befrozen. The road with ice is not only causing the traffic accidents, but also causing thedisruption of traffic, railwa y outa ge, and closure of the airport, which will seriouslyinfluence people’s lives, industria l and agricultural production, and make a seriousloss to the nationa l economy. With the sharp development of the road and airportconstruction, the traffic government has to face a severe problem, that is, how to getrid of the compacted snow timely. As for the traditiona l ma nual deicing way, theshortcoming restra ins the effectivness, because of the time and huma n-beingconsuming, low effectiveness, sma ll removing space and potencia l unsafty factors.Due to the side-effcet of the chemica l deicing way, it is restricted in ma ny fields. Thethermal deicing method is used to ma intena nce the specia l road, with the energyconsumption feature. Fina lly, the mecha nical deicing method is suitable to ournationa l situation. It is easy to operate and the features of high effectiveness, lowpollution, which make it achieve a high development. At present, in China, thedeicing equipment ma inly includes loaders , bulldozers, graders and other engineeringmachineries. In January 2008, jet cars, tanks, armored vehicles and other equipment iseven used to help remove the freezing snow in some regions during the lowtemperaturefreezing rain and snow disaster. It shows that our country lacks thespecia lized deicing equipment. As a result, it will make a great contribution of doingresearch and designing a specia lize equipment for removing the snow and ice on theroad to ensure the safety for the vehicles , aircraft and people.Thanks to the cooperation between Jilin University and Shenyang Shanhe Machinery Factory, with their project "Study on Multifunctional Snow Remover", thethesis is based on their research and aims at the roller as the deicing equipment. Thema in content is as follow:(1) Give a introduction of the background on the topic and describe the historyof deicing technology; a summa ry of the development and future trend about thedeicing equipment production in domestic and abroad is made .(2) Analyze the physica l and mecha nical properties of the compacted ice andsnow on the road; make a summa ry of the classification and the density for thecompacted ice and snow; analyze the reason and the influential elements for thecompacted snow and ice; give a specific introduction to the intensity and correla tioncoefficients for the compacted snow.(3) Do a research on the struture and performa nce of the snow remover; Give abrief introduction to the releva nt parameters of traction engine (ZL50 loader) for thesnow remover. Make a summa ry of the requirements for kinds of performa nceparameters of the deicing devices. Based on the analysis on the host tractionparameters and de-icing performa nce parameters in the multifunctional snow remover,different kinds of de-icing device s are analyzed and make the roller as the wokingdevice for the multifunctional snow remover; make an analysis on the specificstructure and parameters for the multifunctional snow remover and the roller; make acaculation and analysis for the motion of the roller and tangentia l resista nce; on thebasis of the collaborative woking of the engine and converter, with the tractionbala nce and power bala nce of the multifunctional snow remover, the characteristics ofvehicle traction is analyzed.(4) Do a research on the working principles of the roller. Based on one tool, thede-icing process of the roller is analyzed. The process of one tool cracking thecompacted snow is divided into two stages: one is fracture crack and the other is shearcollapse crack. On the first stage, the compacted snow is experencing the elasticdeformationn, and parts of areas are forming crack and becoming compaction ofnuclear, because of the force of the tool. On the second stage, the compaction ofnuclear collaps and the crack expands, due to the further cutting of the tool. During thewhole process of fracturing, synergy exists. Lots of tools which operate collabotrallyare good at fracturing the compacted snow. On the basis of researching on the working resistance for specific tool, the working resista nce for the roller is analyzed. Establishthe breaking model for the compacted snow, after force analysis of the fracture section,apply the mohr-coulomb criterion , and get the working resista nce for specific tool.Make a Further analysis of the working resista nce for the roller.(5) Take advantage of the kinetic analysis processing, numerica l simulation ofde-icing process for the tool of the roller is made . Though eatabishing the threedimensionmodel for the tool and the compacted snow, mesh generation, making adefinition of contact and constraint,and appling load , using dynamic analysis , then theresults of numerial simulation are achieved. Make a comparative analysis for theresults, focusing on the different tool insta lla tion angles. The optimization resultindica tes that when the tool insta lla tion angle is forty degree, the stress and thedisplacement are resonable, eliminating the Stress concentration.(6) Make an experiment of the prototype, testing performa nce indicators of theprototype and verify the effectiveness of the snow remover.

【关键词】 清雪车碾压磙工作机理优化试验
【Key words】 Snow RemoverRollerWorking MechanismOptimizationTrial
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

