

Numerical Simulation Ansysis on the Expansion of Vertical Cracks in Asphalt Pavement

【作者】 郭峰

【导师】 郭学东;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全国公路建设事业的飞速发展,沥青路面作为一种高级路面结构形式,以其表面平整、无接缝、行车舒适、耐磨、震动小、噪音低、施工期短、养护维修简便和适宜于分期修建等优点得到了广泛的应用,业已成为道路铺面的主要类型。但沥青路面常见病害多而复杂。其中各种原因导致产生的裂缝是沥青路面早期破坏的主要形式之一。国内外有关学者和道路工作人员对疲劳裂缝、低温裂缝及反射裂缝已经做了较多的研究和评价,也取得了比较完善的成果。但道路表面纵向裂缝,即自路表向下扩展裂缝,近年来随着交通运输的发展,其对路面造成的损害日益突出。这一问题已经开始引起国内外道路工作者越来越多的关注。本文通过大型通用有限元软件ANSYS,针对沥青路面纵向裂缝的各种影响因素,选取荷载、沥青面层的厚度及弹性模量、基层的厚度及弹性模量板厚、裂缝深度等参数作为计算变量,对裂缝尖端的等价I型强度因子进行计算,计算分析了沥青路面各参数对沥青路面纵向裂缝扩展的影响规律,为沥青路面的设计与维护提供了参考。

【Abstract】 Asphalt pavement has many Advantages,such as formation surface, without joints,driving comfort,wear-resistant rub,small vibration,low noise,short construction period,simple maintenance and suitable for construction in phases, etc. So at home and abroad a number of high-grade highway asphalt type surface forms has been adopted .Asphalt pavement has become the main types of road pavement. However, asphalt pavement and more common and complex diseases. A variety of reasons which lead to cracks in the asphalt pavement is an early one of the main forms of damage. The people have been aware of cracks in roads into the following four typical patterns: (a)fatigue crack,(b) reflective crack,(c)low-temperature cracks, (d)the expansion of the vertical cracks. Domestic and foreign scholars and staff of road fatigue cracks in low-temperature cracking and reflective cracking has been done more research and evaluation,also made a fairly complete results. However,in recent years, with the development of transport, vertical cracks in asphalt pavement caused by damage to the roads have become increasingly prominent. This problem has begun to attract domestic and foreign road workers more and more attention.Therefore,this article mainly on asphalt pavement structure of the study, the use of fracture mechanics theory, from the traffic load, road structure parameters, the depth of cracks in different perspectives, research analysis of longitudinal cracks in asphalt pavement to expand the law of the road for the future design, construction and maintenance to provide a reference,has an important practical significance.The full text includes five chapters. The first chapter discusses the research background and significance, both at home and abroad on different types of road crack research methods, results.Because of vertical cracks in asphalt pavement due to the expansion of the current status of the study less, so the authors advanced the main task this paper.Chapter II, from the basic concepts of fracture mechanics approach, introduced the basic types of cracks, the singularity of crack tip stress field and displacement field, the judge theory based on crack-related complex. Chapter III, first of all, combined with the engineering characteristics of asphalt pavement, the author use the finite element software model of the road to budget the sizes. then the author successly continued to introduced a singular unit, to establish a three-dimensional model of asphalt pavement withVertical cracks. Finally, the authors used the standard three-point bending test specimen to verify the two different calculation methods. By comparing the obtained results, the author obtained the result that J integral method results more precise. Chapter IV, first of all,the authors calculated the stress distribution of the road with traffic load. And the anthor came to the conclusion that vertical cracks in asphalt pavement is the direct cause of the shear stress caused by car, rather than tensile stress. Based on traffic load, the depth of cracks in the road structure parameters as variables .The author calculated and analysed the change of crack tip intensity factor, pointed out the law that the vertical cracks expand in asphalt pavement. Chapter V,the author summarizes the content of the full text. he also pointed out that the next step needs to improve and add content.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】U416.217
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】316

