

Study on the Stigma Exsertion Habit of Male Sterile Line and the Correlation of Floral Character

【作者】 贺立伟

【导师】 肖层林;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 种子科学与工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 以7个水稻三系雄性不育系(华37A、T98A、Ⅱ-32A、V20A、金23A、优ⅠA、农富A)和7个两系不育系(株1S、陆18S、C815S、Y58S、龙S、Z9S、培矮64S)为材料,对花器性状和柱头外露率进行了比较研究,并作了花器性状与柱头外露率的相关性和通径分析。主要结果如下:(1)颖花性状:14个不育系的颖花开张时间以Ⅱ-32A的为最长,达6.37h,培矮64S和Y58S较短,分别只有1.83h和1.36h。张颖角度最大的是T98A,为42.89°,其它不育系的张颖角度也都比较大,均在35°以上。(2)柱头性状:T98A和Y58S的柱头长度最长,均为1.97mm、农富A和V20A较短分别为1.58mm和1.54 mm;T98A的柱头宽度最大,为0.84mm,农富A和Z9S较窄,分别为0.64mm和0.52mm;陆18S柱头跨度最大,为3.60mm,华37A和T98A较小,分别为2.91mm和2.88 mm;柱头面积和柱头体积最大的是T98A,农富A和Z9S较小。(3)柱头外露率及逐日变化:柱头总外露率最高的是Y58S,为89.41%,其它不育系柱头外露率从高至低依次为培矮64S、T98A、农富A、Z9S、龙S、株1S、C815S、华37A、陆18S、优ⅠA、金23A、Ⅱ-32A、V20A。14个不育系的柱头外露率都有随着开花天数的增加而逐渐下降的趋势。(4)对花器性状与柱头外露率的相关性和通径分析结果表明,柱头外露率与柱头跨度、颖花长、颖花长宽比和子房长度的相关系数分别为0.7848、0.5246、0.6307、0.6165,都达到了极显著水平,其它性状与柱头外露率相关但不显著。颖花长宽比对柱头外露率的直接通径系数最大,为1.5366;柱头跨度对柱头外露率的直接通径系数为0.6204;子房长对柱头外露率的直接通径系数为0.0573;颖花长对柱头外露率的直接通径系数为-0.9847,颖花长是通过影响颖花长宽比对柱头外露率产生影响。

【Abstract】 Floral characters,exserted stigmas percentage of 7 three-line MS lines(hua37A, T98A,Ⅱ-32A,V20A,jin23A,youⅠA,longfuA) and 7 two-line MS lines(zhu1S, lu18S,C815S,Y58S,longS,Z9S,peiai64S) and the correlation and path analysis of floral characters related to exserted stigmas percentage.The main results showed:(1) Spikelet traits.Spikelet opening time ofⅡ-32A(4.18h) was longest. peiai64S(1.83h) and Y58S(1.36h) were short.Opening angle of spikelet of T98A(42.89°) was biggest,the other are all beyond 35°.(2) Floral characters.Stigma length of T98A and Y58S(1.97 mm) were longest. longfuA(1.58 mm) and V20A(1.54 mm) were short.Stigma width of T98A were widest(0.84 mm).longfuA(0.64 mm) and Z9S(0.52 mm) were narrow.Stigma span of lu18S(3.60 mm) were biggest.Hua37A(2.91 mm) and T98A(2.88 mm) were small.Stigma area and volume of T98A were biggest,longfuA and V20A were small.(3) Exserted stigma percentage and variety per day.Exserted stigma percentage of Y58S(89.41%),the order of other MS lines in the sequence of descending was peiai64S,T98A,longfuA,Z9S,longS,lu1S,C815S,hua37A,lu18S,youⅠA,jin23A,Ⅱ-32 A,V20A.The exserted stigma percentage of 14 MS lines all descend with the day by day.(4) The correlation and path analysis of floral characters related to exserted stigma percentage showed that stigma span,spikelet length,length-width ratio of spikelet and ovary length to exserted stigma percentage,their correlation coefficient was 0.7848,0.5246,0.6307 and 0.6165,respectively.The correlation of exserted stigma percentage and other traits had no significant.The direct effect of length-width ratio of spikelet to exserted stigma percentage was the biggest.The path coefficient was 1.5366.The path coefficient of stigma span to exserted stigma percentage was 0.6204.The path coefficient of ovary length to exserted stigma percentage was 0.0573. The path coefficient of spikelet length to exserted stigma percentage was -0.9847.This results showed that spikelet length mainly through the impact of length-width ratio of spikelet exposed to exserted stigma percentage impact.


