

Investigation and Analysis on the Current Situation of Plant Landscape in Lu Mountain Scenic Spots

【作者】 王丽

【导师】 吴铁明;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 观赏园艺, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 长沙市城市空间布局的重要特色“山—水—洲—城”,是长沙历史文化名城的保护重点,“山”即岳麓山,“水”即湘江,“洲”即橘子洲,“城”则是长沙古城。从植物景观的科学性、艺术性、生态性与实用性相结合的方面对麓山景区进行研究目前还是空缺,仅少数的科研人员从生态学的角度作过部分研究。本文试图通过对麓山景区植物景观现状的全面调查与分析,为其植物景观的提质改造及旅游资源的可持续发展提供理论依据。主要研究结果如下:(1)首次对麓山景区景观植物资源现状进行全面系统的调查和分析,并编制出《麓山景区景观植物名录》。麓山景区共有景观植物125科291属498种,分析不同生长类型的比例及对其景观效果进行评价,推荐景区内的优秀树种,发现存在水生植物种类太少,景观单调,藤本植物应用形式单一,地被层植物覆盖面积窄,景区内景观植物对外应用率太低,很少引进和应用优秀的外来植物等问题,提出相关的解决对策。(2)首次对麓山景区主要植物群落进行详细调查,对具有代表性的9个群落从群落组成与结构、α多样性(群落物种丰富度,simpson指数和shannon指数,均匀度指数等)及景观特性进行详细分析,提出了相关群落的改造建议,并推荐出景区内七个优秀的植物群落。(3)首次对麓山景区时序景观进行研究。分别对景区春夏秋冬四个季节的景观资源进行详细调查,并对各个季节观花、观叶、观果等观赏植物景观,尤其是秋季的红叶景观进行全面分析,针对红叶景观存在的“红叶不红”的现状,提出了红叶景观改造建议:增加“红”的多样性,除枫香和红枫秋色叶红或黄的树种外,还应该积极引进和培育新的观叶品种,还可以适当增加一些观果植物;在部分节点位置可通过矮化枫香树体使之呈灌木状,有利于观赏;适当施肥,促进叶幕层丰厚,提升叶片观赏效果,延长红叶观赏期;在适当的位置建立观赏红叶的观景平台。(4)首次对景区园路植物景观进行研究。在对景区内的一级园路、二级园路及游步道周围的植物景观进行抽样调查的基础上,从空间和时间相结合的角度对园路植物景观进行分析,并以爱晚亭周围即清枫峡地段作为重点对景点及其周边环境进行分析,提出几点建议:如注意园路两侧林缘的处理,开辟透景线,注重林缘线和林冠线处理,重视生态效益等。

【Abstract】 The important characteristic of Changsha city’ space layout "mountain-water-continent-city",is changsha history culture famous city is protective emphases,"moun-tain" is Yue Lu mountain, "water"is Xiang river, "continent"is tangerine continent, "city"is Changsha ancient city.Plant landscape study from scientific,artistry, ecological and practicality to association is blank.only few correlated scientific researcher study on Lu mountain scenic spot ecology ever.This article try to comprehensive investigate and analysis the status of Lu mountain scenic spot’s plant landscape,for its plant landscape advance character and rebuild and tour resources continuate developing offer theory thereunder The main study results as follows:(1) The first time comprehensive and systemic investigation and analysis the status of Lu mountain scenic spot of plant resources,and draw up a copy of《Main landscape plant catalog》.Lu mountain scenic spot have 125 families 291genuses 498 species in common,analyse different growth types’ratio and appraise landscape effect.Commend scenic spot inner excellent plant,find being some problems,such as hydrophytes species too less and landscape monotony, lianes application form singleness,herbages overcast area narrow,scenic spot inner landscape plants external application ratio too low,a fat lot introduce and application excellent exotic plants,etc.Put forward correlated solve countermeasure.(2) The first time detailed investigation mainly plant community of Lu mountainscenic spot, particularly analysis representative 9 samples from community compose and structure,a diversity(species diversity,simpson index and Shannon index,evenness index,etc.) and landscape characteristic, bring forward reconstruct suggestion,recom-mend scenic spot inner escellent sevenl plant communities.(3) The first time study on Lu mountain scenic spot sequence landscape.Separate investigate spring,summer,autumn and winter four seasons’ landscape,analyse to every season’s flower,leaf,fruit,ornamental plants,especially comprehensive analysis autumn red leaf landscape,contrapose status of red leaf landscape not red do emphases analyse evaluate,put forward add red diversity,not only liquidambar formosana and Acer palmatum ’Atropureum’ red leaf,also have else red and yellow autumn color leaves,still have fruit plants,all superinduce autumn charming effect;dwarf or prune make liquidambar formosana to shrubs benefit to ornamental;introduce and cultivate new breeds;set up appreciation red leaves’sight platform.(4) The first time study on Lu mountain scenic spot gardenroad plant landscape. Gardenroad plant landscape classify stair gardenroad,twain gardenroad and travel footpath’s surrounding plant landscape,to space and time correlated investigation, particularly surrounding Aiwan pavilion namely Qingfeng gorge be way of pivot analyse of spots and environment,put forward some suggestions,such as pay attention to treating with gardenroad lateral forest edge,open up perspective line,stress dispose of forest edge line and forest coronal line,recognition ecology benefits,etc.


