

Study on Processing of Flavor Cooked Food from Freshwater Fish and Application of Its Byproducts

【作者】 李罗明

【导师】 李宗军;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 食品加工与安全, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是淡水鱼生产大国,年产量在数千万吨,湖南省因境内河湖密布,更是淡水鱼生产大省,年产量达数百万吨。由于鱼类蛋白、脂肪等均优于日常食用的其他动物蛋白与脂肪,在我国人民的饮食结构中已逐渐上升,成为人们饮食中不可或缺的食品。本课题的目的就是依托湖南省丰富的淡水鱼资源,研究制造一种腌腊风味的鱼制品,满足市场需要;同时因为淡水鱼加工中产生的废弃物较多,又研究制造了一种鱼冻制品:实现了淡水鱼的综合加工,有利于企业创造更好的经济价值。本研究是以新鲜鲢鱼为主要原料,对腌腊鱼制品的生产工艺和原辅材料的配比进行了试验与研究。试验结果表明,其较优工艺参数为:在8~10℃下,加入由3.0%的食盐,2.0%的梅子和2.0%的豆腐乳组成的最佳配比的风味辅料,腌制24h,烘至五成干,再烟熏15min,熏房温度控制在60℃左右,然后投入温度170~175℃的植物油中炸3~4min,所得到的成品呈金黄带酱色,具有独特梅肉香味和烟熏及油炸制品的特殊风味,且肉质可口,咸淡适中。对从淡水鱼的头、皮、骨和鳞等副产物中蛋白质提取工艺及鱼冻的配方进行了研究,经单因子试验获得蛋白质的适宜提取条件为:加入原料2倍体积的2%食盐溶液于90℃条件下恒温提取2h,pH值为:4.2。鱼冻的最佳配方为:提取液100g、卡拉胶1.0g、KCl 1.0g、白砂糖6g和柠檬酸0.10g;香辛料的加入量为:1%姜、1%蒜和1%葱。本论文通过对鱼冻的研究,也探索出了一条解决婴幼儿食品中食品添加剂过多的果冻食品问题,以鱼冻代替市场果冻对国民健康大有益处。

【Abstract】 Our nation is a great one for freshwater fish production, and the yield per year is about ten millions ton. Because of densely covered rivers and lakes, Hunan Province produces freshwater fish is about millions ton per year. It’s well known that the protein and fat from fish is better than that from other animals, the quantity of edible fish is increasing in our life, the fish and its production is becoming an indispensable food. Our aim is to make a freshwater fish production with salted flavor for the require of market, we also noticed that byproduct in fish processing is very much, a fish gel is also studied in this thesis.The processing of salted fish and ration of main and assistant material were studied used the fresh chub fish as main materials. The experiment with result shows that the optimal condition is: added NaCl 3.0%, plum 2.0%, tofuru 2.0%, salted for 24 hours at 8-10℃, after roasted out 50% water ,the fish was beaconed at 60℃for 15 minute, then deep-fried at 170-175℃for 3-4 minute. The product has a special plum and deep fried production flavor, it is optimal at salt and meat tender.Collagen protein was extracted from freshwater fish head, bone, skin and scale. And the extraction conditions were 90℃for 2h, added with two volume of water which contains 2 percent salt at pH4.2. This protein was used as main material for fish gel. The best formulation of fish gel was as follows: carrageenin 1%, KCl 1%, sugar 6%, citric acid 0.1%, ginger 1%,shallot 1% and garlic 1%.In summary, this work represents the first systematic study for freshwater fish processing, and make a new method to resolve the question of high food additives in fruit gel, especially for children food.

【关键词】 淡水鱼腌制风味副产物鱼冻
【Key words】 freshwater fishsaltedflavorbyproductfish gel

