

Study on Recovery and Modified Countermeasure of Autumn Leaves Landscape in Lu Mountain Scenic Spot

【作者】 龚延春

【导师】 吴铁明; 黄哲;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 园艺, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 长沙市麓山景区是中国四大传统红叶观赏胜地之一,枫香是著名的红叶树种,为了保护枫香红叶这一自然景观资源,恢复和营造岳麓山的秋色叶景观,笔者对麓山景区的秋季色叶景观进行了调查和分析研究,有以下几方面:(1)分析外界环境对秋色叶树种的影响,发现秋色叶色彩形成的原因是多方面的,包括内因(遗传)与外因(低温、光照、干旱、空气湿度)等息息相关。(2)秋色叶树种的调查与分类,是本研究的基础重点,据植物学家统计,全区内共有植物174科597属977种,其中有117科403属555种为野生种子植物,几乎具有北温带乔木属的全部典型属。经调查发现,景区内秋叶树种共74种,其中红色的有29种,占秋色叶的41.9%,黄色的有43种,占秋色叶的58.1%。(3)秋色叶景观林的保护和优化整理技术研究,将野外调查与室内分析相结合,分资料收集、外业调查和内业处理3个阶段,调查几十个秋色叶植物群落,其中对具代表性的8个枫香样地进行重点统计与分析。包括:栲树+枫香—尖叶杨桐—三脉叶马兰群落(样方1),苦槠+台湾冬青—石灰花楸—贯众群落(样方2),枫香+榕叶冬青—香楠—稗荩群落(样方3),枫香+越南山龙眼—冬青—淡竹叶群落(样方4),长毛八角枫+枫香—假死柴—杜茎山群落(样方5),香樟+枫香—白花苦灯笼—稗荩群落(样方6),枫香+青冈栎—柘树—苎麻群落(样方7),枫香+飞蛾槭—冬青—杜茎山+树麻群落(样方8)。(4)古枫香林景观保护和优化整理技术研究,麓山景区现有古树307株,主要树种为枫香221株,都有详细的纪录并附有照片,针对古树的现状,对危害古树的生存因素进行详细分析,存在以下问题:①立地条件差;②病虫危害;③树干空洞;④树冠不平衡;⑤风、雷、雪害和雨淞(冰挂)等自然力破坏;⑥人为因素破坏。并提出相应的解决对策:①对景区内古树资源进行全面深入调查,在此基础上进行注册、登记、建档工作;②对古树名木的立地环境及危害生存原因进行分析;③采取科学的技术措施,养护抢救古树名木;④利用现代或相关媒体手段,对古树名木保护工作的重大意义进行宣传教育;⑤制定《岳麓山古树名木管理办法》,实行保护责任制。

【Abstract】 Lu Mountain Scenic Spot in changsha city is one of four traditional red leaves in china,Liquidambar formosana is famous red leaf tree,in order to protect Liquidambar formosana nature landscape resources,recover and construct autumn colore leaf landscape in Yue Lu Mountain,the author survey and analysis autumn colore leaf landscape in Lu Mountain scenic spot,have some aspects:(1) Analysis the influence of external environment to autumn colore leaf,found the autumn colore leaf formation include some aspects,include internal cause(Genetic) and external cause(low temperature,illumination,drought,air humidity)etc.are closely linked.Leaf’s colore change is internal and external cause comprehensive action results.(2) The investigate and classification of autumn colore leaves,basis the paper emphatically,according to botanist statistic,174 families 597 genera 977 species,which have 117 families 403 genera 555 species are wild seed plants,hardly have north temperate zone trees all typic generas.After investigating,autumn colore leaf trees are 74 species in scenic spot,which reds are 29 species,occupy 41.9%,yellows are 43 species,occupy 58.1%.(3) Study on colore leaf landscape protect and optimization technology,field investigation and indoor analysis are Combination,data collection,field investigation and indoor processing three steps,survey more than ten plant communities, representation 8 Liquidambar formosana samples emphasis statistical and analysis.Includes:Castanopsis fargesii+ Liquidambar formosana- Adinandra elegans-Aster ageratoides community(Sample 1 ),Castanopsis sclerophylla+ Ilex purpurea- Sorbus folgneri- Cyrtomium fortunei community(Sample 2),Liquidambar formosana+ Ilex ficoidea- Aidia canthioides- Sphaerocaryum malaccense community (Sample 3 ),Liquidambar formosana+ Helicia cochinchinensis—Ilex purpurea-Lophatherum gracile community(Sample 4 ),Alangium kurzii+ Liquidambar formosana- Litsea pungens—Maesa japonica community(Sample 5),Cinnamomum camphora+ Liquidambar formosana- Tarenna mollissima- Sphaerocaryum malaccense community(Sample 6),Liquidambar formosana+ Cyclobanalopsis glauca- Cudrania tricuspidata- Boehmeria nivea commtmity(Sample 7),Liquidambar formosana+ Acer oblengum- Ilex purpurea- Maesa japonica+ Boehmeria densiflora community(Sample 8 ).(4) Study on ancient Liquidambar formosana forest landscape protect and optimization finish technoloty,Existing ancient trees 307,main tree species is Liquidambar formosana 221,every tree have detail records and photo,according to the ancient trees’ present situation,detail analysis of harm ancient trees survival factor, exist some questions:①Site condition poor.②Pets and diseases damage.③Trunk cavity.④Crown unbalance.⑤Wind,thunder,snow and ice etc.natural force damage.⑥Artificial factor damage.Put forword corresponding solution countermeasure:①Deep investigation of ancient trees in scenic spot,register and establish file.②Analysis of harm ancient trees survival factor.③Take scientific technology measure,curing rescue ancient trees.④Propaganda and Education protect ancient trees.⑤Making《Yue Lu mountain ancient trees management method》,carry out ptotect responsibility system.


