

Studies on Introduction and Cultivation Techniques of Muskmelon in Xiangxi

【作者】 崔丽红

【导师】 艾辛; 陈继富;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 园艺, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文概述了目前国内外厚皮甜瓜育种的研究进展,以及我国厚皮甜瓜栽培技术研究概况。针对湘西地区厚皮甜瓜的生产发展,从引进的12个国内外优质厚皮甜瓜新品种中初选出7个品种,进行了品比试验,成功筛选出适宜湘西地区推广的“白天鹅”优质厚皮甜瓜品种,系统地研究了其主要的农艺性状和配套栽培技术,为厚皮甜瓜在湘西州的产业化发展提供科学依据。试验表明:“白天鹅”厚皮甜瓜的综合性状明显优于其他品种,适宜湘西地区春夏秋季大棚栽培,主要特点为优质丰产,植株生长势强,易坐瓜,每667 m~2产量2449.5kg,果实圆形,果肉白色多汁、肉质细软、口感好,单瓜重1.13 kg,肉厚4.1 cm,可溶性固形物含量为14.3%,春季生育期101天,从开花到成熟约需46天,较耐贮运。配套栽培技术研究表明:“白天鹅”厚皮甜瓜大棚立架栽培密度以行距1.0m、株距0.6m,双蔓整枝,每株坐2果为宜;每667 m~2施腐熟的堆肥3000 kg、三元复合肥45kg、菜籽饼150 kg的施肥水平较好,其表现为果实大小适宜、可溶性固形物含量和产量较高,经济效益好。湘西地区秋季适播期为7月16前后;新土佐南瓜作砧木嫁接白天鹅厚皮甜瓜的产量及中心可溶性固形物含量最高,风味与对照相似,是湘西地区厚皮甜瓜较理想的嫁接砧木。采后用1000mg/L特克多液浸果1min,风干后套保鲜袋,常温下保存,可保持厚皮甜瓜品质,延缓甜瓜果肉软化速度,延长贮存时间。

【Abstract】 This paper gave an overview of progress in melon breeding and cultivation techniques in domestic and foreign.For meeting the production of melon in Xiangxi,the seven species have been selected from introduction of the 12 domestic and international high-quality new varieties of melon.Through field trials,the "Baitiane" high-quality varieties of melon have been successfully selected.The systematically experiment was carded out to study its main agronomic traits and cultivation technology,and certain reference was provided for muskmelon industry development in Xiangxi.The tests showed that "Baitiane" muskmelon integrated character was superior to other varieties,suitable for protected cultivation in spring and summer.Their mainly characteristics was high yield and quality、strong growth vigour、ease to fruit set.Its yield was about 2449.5kg/667m~2;shape of fruit was round;white fresh was about 4.1cmthick with juicy and good flavor;average single fruit weight was 1.13kg;centre soluble solid content was 14.3%and whole growth period was about 101 days in spring.It was about 46 days from blossom to harvest,and its fruit was easy to storage and transport.The necessary cultural technique research indicated:cultivation density in big awning shelf culture of "Baitiane" muskmelon set the plants 60cm apart allowing 100cm between rows,two vine training with two retained setting fruits.3000kg/667m~2 of well-rotted compost、45kg/667m~2 of ternary compound fertilizer and 150kg/667m~2 of rapeseed cake, was better than other fertilizing methods.The fruit size was appropriate;the centre soluble solid content and yield was high,and the economic efficiency was good.The most opportune sowing date was about July 16th.Xintuzuo cucurbita was preferable varieties of rootstock as grafted "Baitiane" muskmelon.After sank fruit 1min with density of 1000mg/L Turk,aired drying,wrapped it with Fresh protecting bag,and then stored under normal atmospheric temperature.The preserving result showed that could effectively maintain muskmelon’s quality,delay the softening rate of fruit and extend storage time.

【关键词】 厚皮甜瓜引种白天鹅栽培技术
【Key words】 MuskmelonIntroduction"Baitiane"Cultivation technique

