

Study on the Ability of Competition of Rural Credit Cooperative in Hunan Province

【作者】 刘军

【导师】 章喜为;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 自2006年12月11日起,我国金融业全面对外开放。在当前和未来一个时期,我国将继续按照中央关于加快推进农村金融改革的总体要求,结合“三农”发展新形势和农村金融需求新变化,着力打造多层次、广覆盖、可持续的农村金融体系,推动完善农村金融运行机制,持续增强农村金融服务功能,不断提高农村金融服务水平,更好地发挥农村金融在社会主义新农村建设与和谐社会构建中的重要作用。在金融业全面开放、农村金融市场竞争日趋激烈的情况下,湖南省农村信用社作为地方性中小金融机构,要想在优胜劣汰的市场经济中得以生存和发展,必须对其竞争力做出客观公正的评价,以清楚地认识到自身在同行业中所处的位置,并依此制定出行之有效的发展战略,在激烈的市场竞争中处于不败之地,更好地为地方经济发展服务。论文首先简要介绍了选题的背景和意义,并结合研究课题,展开了相关理论综述;在对竞争力的含义及其基础理论进行了简要的回顾后,对竞争力的理论分析模型进行了总结;通过对农村信用社竞争力内涵的总结和农村信用社竞争力研究的评述,论文对湖南省农村信用社竞争力进行了实证分析,并运用SWOT分析方法,对湖南省农村信用社的内部优劣势和外部机会威胁进行分析,得出湖南农村信用社的竞争优势和劣势;最后提出了提升湖南省农村信用社竞争力的对策与建议,即:明确改革方向,继续深化湖南省农村信用社改革;完善湖南省农村信用社的法人治理结构;加快湖南省农村信用社金融创新步伐;实施全面风险管理;加快湖南农村信用社竞争力的支持保障体系建设等等。

【Abstract】 Since December 11, 2006, the full opening of China’s financial industry. In the present and future for a period of time, our country will continue to be central to speed up rural financial reform and innovation to promote the general requirements, combined with the "three rural" development of the new situation and new changes in the demand for rural finance, efforts to create multi-level, wide coverage, and sustainable rural Financial system, Improve the promotion of rural financial mechanism, continuing to strengthen the rural financial services, and constantly improve the level of rural financial services, better rural finance in the new socialist countryside construction and building a harmonious society in an important role.In the full liberalization of the financial sector, the rural financial market is becoming increasingly fierce, Hunan Province, local rural credit cooperatives as small and medium-sized financial institutions, in order to the survival of the fittest to survive in a market economy and development, must be competitive to make an objective and fair The evaluation in order to clearly recognize that their own industries at the same position, which has the advantage of less than what exists. Only in this way, Hunan Province, the rural credit cooperatives and so in order to work out effective development strategies, in their fierce market competition in a position to better service for local economic development. First of all, paper outlined the background and significance of the topic, combined with research, carried out the relevant theoretical synthesis; then the meaning of competitiveness and its theoretical basis for a brief review and analysis of the competitive model Sum; again on the competitiveness of the rural credit cooperatives had a connotation of the sum, the competitiveness of rural credit cooperatives and research related to the comments. Papers in Hunan Province on the competitiveness of the rural credit cooperatives carried out on the basis of empirical analysis, the use of SWOT analysis, credit cooperatives in rural Hunan Province on the advantages and disadvantages of internal and external threats to an analysis of the opportunity to come in Hunan’s rural credit cooperatives and competitive advantage Inferior; Finally, to enhance the competitiveness of the rural credit cooperatives in Hunan Province of countermeasures and suggestions, namely: A clear direction for reform, Hunan Province, to continue to deepen reform of rural credit cooperatives; Hunan Province to improve rural credit cooperatives corporate governance structure; rural credit cooperatives in Hunan Province to speed up the pace of financial innovation; the implementation of a comprehensive risk management; Hunan Province to speed up rural credit cooperatives to support the competitiveness of the security system Construction, and so on. Hope that through the above measures in Hunan Province for rural credit cooperatives to enhance the competitiveness of the recommendations and provide useful reference.


