

Analysis on Relafivity between Climate Factors and Chemical Components of Tobacco Leaves in Zhaotong of Yunnan

【作者】 朱振乾

【导师】 杨虹琦; 晋艳;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 作物学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 研究了昭通不同海拔高度的15个调查点气候特点、烟叶质量特点、烟叶主要内在化学成分与气候因子的相关性,得出主要研究结论如下:1.对照云南省烤烟生产区划指标,昭通15个典型区除黄华烤烟生育期平均温度处于次适宜区外,其它14个点各项指标均属最适宜区和适宜区。2.对比15个点的4个气候指标,昭通烟区的生态气候主要受海拔高度和降雨量的影响。最主要的决定依据是海拔,在相同海拔高度出现气候异常主要受降雨量的影响。15个典型区中三桃、大寨和乌峰三个点受降雨量的影响而表现特殊,其余12个点的烤烟生育期月平均温度大于10℃活动积温与海拔高度均达到极显著负相关;生育期日照时数则与海拔高度呈极显著正相关。3.15个调查点烟叶内在化学成分分析结果表明,昭通烟叶大部分表现为糖含量高,烟碱含量也高。由于糖含量受气候影响较大,15个点之间总糖和还原糖含量的差异相对较大,而烟碱含量差异相对较小。4.三个部位烟叶主要内在化学成分与气候因子相关分析表明,中部叶主要内在化学成分与气候因子相关性显著性较高,糖含量和含氮化合物含量都表现出不同呈度的相关性,其次为下部叶,与上部叶内在化学成分相关性最差。5.中部叶与下部叶都表现出总糖、还原糖含量与海拔高度显著或极显著的正相关,中部叶烟碱含量表现出与海拔高度显著的负相关。中部叶与上部叶表现出总糖及还原糖含量与烤烟生育期平均气温显著或极显著的负相关,与日照时数达到显著或极显著的正相关。形成了昭通烤烟生产所在海拔越高,烤烟生育期平均温度越低,日照时数高,烟叶糖含量就高。6.以中部叶质量进行烟叶质量特征划分的主要依据,所调查的15个点基本可以依据海拔高度进行质量特征划分,可分为四个类型。第一类是海拔高度1000m以下的烟区,黄华和乌峰,属低总糖,低烟碱类;第二类是海拔高度在1100-1599m的烟区,大寨、木杆、桃源、大湾、龙头山和三桃,属中偏低总糖,中偏高烟碱含量;第三类是海拔高主在1600-1960m的烟区,文屏、荞山、永丰、花朗、龙街和布嘎,属中偏高总糖,中高烟碱含量;第四类是海拔高度在1960m以上的烟区,北闸点,高总糖,中烟碱。7.在烟叶质量特征划分中,比较特殊的点是乌峰、桃源和花朗三个点,划分区与海拔高度无关,主要受到降雨量和土壤养分含量的影响。

【Abstract】 In order to understand tobacco leaf specialty, an integrated investigation, which including the climate characters, tobacco leaf quality characters, main chemical components of tobacco leaf and climate factors was conducted in 15 points at different altitudes in Zhaotong city, and the correlation analysis was also carried out among two of them. The results are described as followings:1. Compared the results of the 15 typical regions with the indexes of tobacco production divisions in Yunnan, only the Huanghua region is located in the less favorable area because of the average temperature during tobacco growing period, the other 14 points are all located in the most favorable area or favorable area.2. By analyzing the 4 climate indexed of 15 regions, we found that the ecological climate in Zhaotong city is mainly influenced by altitude and rainfall. The most important factor is altitude. The climate abnormality at the same altitude is mainly affected by rainfall. Among the 15 typical regions, the climate impacted by rainfall in the three regions, such as Santao, Dazhai and Wufeng show abnormality. In the other 12 points, the average month temperature and accumulated temperature above 10℃are related to the extremely obvious altitude during growing period of tobacco the sunshine time is related to the extremely obvious altitude.3. The result of analyzing the chemical components of tobacco leaf in the 15 points shows that most of the tobacco leaves in Zhaotong city contain high sugar and nicotine. As the content of sugar is mainly influenced by climate, the difference of total sugar and reducing sugar content among the 15 regions is relatively large, while the difference of nicotine content is relatively small.4. By analyzing correlation between the main chemical components at the three parts of tobacco leaf and climate factors, we found that the main chemical components at the cutters have highly obvious relationship with climate factors, the sugar content and nitrogen chemical compound are related to the climate factors to certain degree. The content of the lower leaf has less obvious relationship with the climate factors and that of the upper leaf has the least.5. The total sugar and reducing sugar in cutters and lower leaf are directly related obvious and extremely obvious to altitude and the nicotine content in cutters is negatively related to it. The sugar contents of cutters and upper leaves are negatively related the obvious and extremely obvious to average temperature during growing period of tobacco, but directly related to the obvious and extremely obvious sunshine time. When the altitude becomes higher, the average temperature during growing period of tobacco decreased gradually, the sunshine time becomes longer. In higher altitude region, the sugar content in tobacco leaf is higher.6. In order to differentiate the tobacco quality characters, based on the cutters quality, the 15 typical areas can be divided into 4 types according to the altitudes. The first type is the areas whose altitude is below 1000m, such as Huanghua and Wufeng, belonging to low total sugar and low nicotine; the second type is the areas whose altitude is between 1100m-1599m, such as Dazhai, Mugan, Taoyuan, Dawan, Longtoushan and Santao, belonging to relatively low total sugar, middle-high nicotine; the third type is the areas whose altitude is between 1600-1960m, such as Wenpin, Qiaoshan, Yongfeng, Hualang, Longjie and Buga, belonging to relatively higher total sugar, middle-high nicotine content; the fourth type is the areas whose altitude is above 1960m, such as Beizhadian, belonging to high total sugar and middle nicotine.7. In the division of tobacco quality characters, there are three relatively special regions, such as Wufeng, Taoyuan and Hualang, because their differentiation has no relationship with altitude but mainly influenced by rainfall and nutrition in soil.

【关键词】 气候烟叶化学成分相关性
【Key words】 climatetobacco leafchemical componentrelationship
  • 【分类号】S572
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】117

