

Assessment of Resistance of Tobacco Black Shank to Metalaxyl in Yunnan Areas and Technique Studies on Related Control

【作者】 杨树军

【导师】 龚道新; 邓云龙;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 作物学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对云南烟区烟草黑胫病菌对“甲霜灵”抗性水平进行了调查,了解抗性发生状况,对烟草黑胫病菌对“甲霜灵”抗药性发生的原因及形成机理进行了探索,研究和制定抗性治理的技术措施,防止或延缓烟草黑胫病对“甲霜灵”抗药性的产生,达到合理有效使用农药,减少用药量,降低生产成本,减少烟叶农药残留及提高烟叶安全性,延长农药使用寿命。其研究结果如下:1、在云南省烟区分离鉴定出57个烟草黑胫病菌菌株,黑胫病菌分离率为42.22%;2、测定了57株分离纯化的烟草黑胫病菌对甲霜灵的抗性水平。不同菌株对甲霜灵的EC50值在0.0129~1.6307μg/mL之间,不同地方烟草黑胫病菌对甲霜灵抗性水平存在较大差异;3、从各处理后分离菌株的抗药测定结果看,黑胫病菌的抗药性与施药次数和施药浓度与呈正相关。4、分离和筛选出280个对烟草疫霉有拮抗作用的菌株。经过温室盆栽拮抗菌防治烟草黑胫病实验表明,有12株拮抗细菌对黑胫病的抑制效果。在江川、蒙自县选择了以往发黑胫病比较重的地块,用对烟草黑胫病有抑制作用的拮抗细菌进行了田间小区试验,其中GP13、HK282、HJ01912、B254等4个生防菌的防治效果分别为71.84%、58.82%、73.80%和49.96%。5、上述生防菌在4000亩大田生产防治示范表明,其防治效果达63.2%~65.2%,抗性治理效果明显。

【Abstract】 To prevent or delay the Tobacco Tibia in the formation of metalaxyl resistance, and to achieve rational and effective use of pesticides, reduce the dosage, lower production costs, reducing pesticide residue of tobacco leaf and improve the safety of pesticides to extend the service life of purpose. This article was about metalaxyl resistance level survey in Yunnan Province, a situation of resistance was understood, tobacco black shank resistant bacteria to metalaxyl and the causes and formation mechanism of resistance management techniques were explored, and formulate measures was studied .The results are as follows:1, 57 strains of phytophthora nicotianae were isolated in Yunnan Province , and the isolation rate was 42.22 %.2, The metalaxyl resistance level was detected for the 57 strains. The EC50 values different strains Metalaxyl were among 0.0129~1.6307μg/ml, there is great difference of the level of metalaxyl resistance between different Phytophthora nicotianae strains;3, The strains was isolated from the treatment plant with metalaxyl. The metalaxyl resistance of these strains were determend , the results showed that strains resistant was positively correlated with the frequency of application, concentration and application of metalaxyl.4, 280 strains were isolated that had antagonistic activity to phytophthora nicotianae. 12 antagonistic bacteria showed inhibit the effectiveness to tobacco black shank with the greenhouse test. The antagonism inhibit bacteria were test to contrl tobacco black shank with field plot trial in Jiangchuan County.and Mengzi County. The control effects of GP13, HK282, HJ01912, B254 were 71.84%, 58.82%, 73.80%, 49.96% respectively.5, resistance management showed evident result with control effect of 63.2%~65.2% by 266.7htm~2 production apllication.


