

Empirical Analysis of the Farmers’ Willingness to Participate in the Program of Plus and Minus Hook between Urban and Rural Construction Land

【作者】 吕月珍

【导师】 张蔚文; 吴宇哲;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 土地资源管理, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 随着我国城市化、工业化进程的加快,城市人口不断增长,促使城市建设用地规模不断扩大。然而,由于城乡二元结构(户籍、土地产权等)的客观限制,一些农村人口(或称为“两栖人口”)虽已定居在城市,但仍在农村留有宅基地,导致农村宅基地闲置,土地浪费严重。农村宅基地整理具有很大潜力。加之,我国城乡建设用地结构不合理,更凸显了人地矛盾和土地资源稀缺问题。2004年,中央政府提出城乡建设用地增减挂钩政策,积极盘活农村存量建设用地,缓解建设用地扩张对农用地的压力。农户是参与城乡建设用地增减挂钩工作最广泛的群体。只有在充分尊重农户意愿、保障农户合法权益的基础上,才能顺利开展农村居民点整理,推动城乡建设用地增减挂钩政策的实施。目前,我国城乡建设用地增减挂钩正处于试点阶段,探讨如何有效推进城乡建设用地增减挂钩政策,推动农村建设用地整理,对于促进我国城市化发展和新农村建设,实现“耕地总量动态平衡”的政策目标具有重大的现实意义。因此,本研究以农户意愿为出发点,通过农户调查,对农户参与城乡建设用地增减挂钩意愿进行实证分析,探索城乡建设用地增减挂钩的实施机制,从而推动城乡统筹发展,实现土地资源的节约集约利用。首先,本文通过设计农户调查问卷,选取浙江省嘉善县和缙云县两地作为经济发达和经济欠发达地区的代表进行农户调查,了解农户参与城乡建设用地增减挂钩的意愿。在问卷设计过程中,本文设定农户的参与意愿主要包括搬迁意愿和补偿意愿两方面,其中农户搬迁意愿是在设定的以下两种政策情景下的搬迁意愿:①给予一定的拆迁补贴;②解决部分建房资金和生活保障问题;农户补偿意愿则主要包括住房补偿意愿和货币补偿意愿两方面,其中住房补偿意愿在问卷中体现为农户期望的住房面积大小,货币补偿意愿在问卷中体现为农户期望的拆迁补贴金额。其次,本文在分析调查数据的基础上,采用计量模型对影响农户意愿的因素进行分析,揭示其内在影响机理。模型分析主要有三部分:第一是采用多项Logit模型对农户在设定的两种政策下的搬迁意愿的影响因素分析,分析结果显示:影响农户搬迁的动力因素有农户建房计划、家庭年收入、职业和土地经营方式;阻力因素有农户现有住房面积和住房建造成本;并且,以缙云为代表的经济欠发达地区农户比以嘉善为代表的经济发达地区农户更愿意搬迁。第二是采用多元回归分析对农户期望的住房面积的影响因素的分析,分析发现,对嘉善农户期望住房面积产生显著影响的因素有农户现有住房建造年份、建造成本、住房总面积;对缙云农户期望住房面积产生显著影响的因素有被调查者性别、家庭年收入和农户的建房计划。第三是采用有序Logit模型对农户期望的拆迁补贴金额的影响因素的分析,分析结果为:嘉善农户期望政府补贴金额受变量影响很小,只有农户住房建造成本在1%的显著性水平下对补贴金额产生影响;缙云地区农户期望政府补贴金额高低受家庭人口数、家庭年收入和家庭承包田面积影响较显著。结合模型影响因素分析结果,本文就安置补偿方面如何制定激励农户参与的政策措施进行了一些思考。最后,得出本文最终研究结论:经济发达地区农户城市化意愿更高;货币补偿政策比其他政策激励作用要大;影响农户搬迁的动力因素主要是农户家庭收入水平和未来建房计划,阻力因素主要是现有住房条件;不同地区农户的住房补偿意愿和货币补偿意愿的影响因素是不同的。

【Abstract】 With urbanization and industrialization speeding up, the city population increased resulting in urban construction land expanding. However, as a result of the restriction of rurban-rural dual structure (household registration, land ownership, etc.), some rural population (or known as the "amphibious population") have settled in the city, but they still keep rural residencies, which led idle rural residencies and seriously waste land resource. The potential of rural residencies consolidation is great. What’s more, the unreasonable structure of urban and rural construction land aggravated the human land conflict and land resource scarcity. So the country puts forward the policy of plus and minus hook between urban and rural construction land in 2004. The policy means to activate the stock rural construction land, mitigate the pressure of construction land expanding to agricultural land and expand the urban construction land. Farmers are the critical stakeholders in the program of plus and minus hook between urban and rural construction land. The policy can be implemented only when the rural construction land reclamation is carried out smoothly based on the respecting farmers’ willingness and guaranteeing the legal rights.At present, the policy is still in pilot stage, so it’s very significant to research how to promote the policy and advance the rural construction land reclamation for pushing forward the urbanization and new countryside construction and realizing the object of total farmland dynamic balance in practice. So the paper took farmer survey to analyze the farmers’ willingness to participate in the program of plus and minus hook between urban and rural construction land, explored the implementation mechanism of the policy to promote the urban and rural balancing development and realize the intensive and economic use of land resource.At first, the paper designed the fanner survey, taking the Jiashan and Jinyun County as the representative of developed and undeveloped economy regions to investigate the farmers’ willingness. The paper assumes the farmers’ willingness include relocation and compensation. And the relocation willingness is analyzed under two policy scenarios:①some relocation subsidy;②some reconstruction capital and life assurance. The compensation willingness is analyzed under housing compensation and monetary compensation, which are denoted as expectation of housing area and relocation subsidy amount.Then the paper used the econometric model to analyze the relative factors of the farmers’ willingness in order to reveal the internal mechanism based on the survey results. The analysis includes three parts. First, the relocation willingness is analyzed under two scenarios with Multinomial Logit Model. As the results showed, the motive factors include house construction plan. family annual income, occupation and land management modes. The resistance factors are present housing area and house construction cost. What’ more, the fanners in economy undeveloped areas represented by Jinyun are more active in relocation than those in developed areas represented by Jiashan. Second, the influencing factors of the housing area expectation are analyzed with Multiple Regression Model. The results show that the significant factors include the time of the present housing, the housing cost and housing area amount in Jiashan, while the factors are the gender of the respondents, the family annual income and house construction plan. Third, the influencing factors of the relocation subsidy amount expectation are analyzed with Ordinal Logit Model. The results are that the expectation varies little, only the housing construction cost is influencing under 1% significance level in Jiashan. While the expectation is influenced by family size, annual income and contracted field area significantly in Jinyun.At last, the conclusions are that the urbanization willingness is higher in economy developed region, and monetary subsidy is more effective than other policies. The motive factors of relocation are family annual income and house construction plan, and the resistance factors are present housing condition. Most importantly, the willingness of housing subsidy and monetary compensation is different in different regions. And the measures to activate the farmers’ participation willingness are put forward accordingly.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

