

【作者】 汪家柔

【导师】 解秸萍;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 针灸推拿学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:通过艾灸肺俞、肝俞穴,观察穴位施灸后钙离子在相关脏腑之间的分布调配及相关穴位电流变化规律,研究“穴脏相关”的非线性规律,探讨“一穴多脏”的内涵,为临床科学选穴、配穴提供实验依据。方法:实验一及实验三将40只SD大鼠随机分为5组:空白10天组、肺俞10天组、LPS组、肺俞LPS组及肝俞LPS组;实验二除上述组别外,增加空白45天组、肺俞45天组两组,以上每组均为8只大鼠。肺俞10天组、肺俞45天组、肺俞LPS组及肝俞LPS组分别连续灸两侧肺俞、肝俞穴各十天。空白10天组、空白45天组、LPS组同样抓取但不施灸。空白10天组、肺俞10天组、LPS组、肺俞LPS组及肝俞LPS组于第11天取材;空白45天组于空养45天后、肺俞45天组于艾灸肺俞10天继续空养35天后取材。取材前6小时LPS组、肺俞LPS组及肝俞LPS组均于腹腔注射LPS造成大鼠急性炎症反应,其后每小时测量一次穴位电流及体温。注射LPS后6小时腹主动脉取血,并取肺、肝、脾、肾、心组织进行钙离子含量测定。观察艾灸肺俞、肝俞穴后七组五脏、血清钙离子含量及体表相关穴位的电流变化情况。结果:(1)大鼠一般情况:实验期间大鼠未有死亡。肺俞45天组、肺俞10天组、肺俞LPS组及肝俞LPS组之艾灸穴位在灸后出现皮肤潮红及灸疤并逐日加重,且四组之精神、活动度、毛色均较空白45天组、空白10天组及LPS组为佳。肺俞LPS组、肝俞LPS组及LPS组三组于腹腔注射LPS后逐渐出现活动减少、蜷缩无力、毛竖少泽、口唇青紫、皮肤及尾部发硬、腹式呼吸及腹泻的现象并随时间延长逐渐加重。其中LPS组注射LPS后反应均较肺俞LPS组、肝俞LPS组严重。LPS组、肝俞LPS组在腹腔注射LPS后2 h肛温<36℃,肺俞LPS组在腹腔注射LPS后3h肛温<36℃。提示大鼠已产生急性炎症反应。此时其他组一般情况较注射LPS之三组为佳;肺俞LPS组、肝俞LPS组又较LPS组为佳。(2)左肺俞穴电流变化情况:左肺俞同一组内不同时点比较:LPS组注后5h与注后1h相比左肺俞电流下降,有显着性差异。肺俞LPS组注后1h、3h、4h、5h与注前相比电流均下降,其中注后1h有显着性差异,其余有非常显着性差异。注后4h、注后5h与注后2h相比电流下降,有显着性差异。左肺俞同时点不同组间比较:注射LPS前:肺俞组与肺俞LPS组两者之注射前电流均值都显着高于其他组。肺俞组、肺俞LPS组与空白组、肝俞LPS组、LPS组相比电流较高,有显着性差异。注射LPS后2h:肺俞组与空白组、肝俞LPS组、LPS组相比电流较高,有显着性差异。注射LPS后3h:肺俞组与肝俞LPS组相比电流较高,有显着性差异。注射LPS后5h:肺俞组与LPS组相比电流较高,有显着性差异。左肺俞注射LPS后各时点减注射LPS前之电流差值同一组不同时点比较:肺俞LPS组注后5h-注前与注后2h-注前相比负差值更大,有显着性差异。左肺俞注射LPS后各时点减注射LPS前之电流差值同时点不同组间比较:注射LPS后4h-注射LPS前:肺俞LPS组注后4h-注前之电流差值与空白组、LPS组相比下降幅度更大,其中空白组有非常显着性意义,LPS组有显着性意义。注射LPS后5h-注射LPS前:肺俞LPS组注后5h-注前之电流差值与空白组、肺俞组、肝俞LPS组相比下降幅度更大,其中空白组有非常显着性意义,其余有显着性意义。LPS组注后5h-注前之电流差值与空白组相比下降幅度更大,有显着性意义。(3)右肺俞穴电流变化情况:右肺俞电流同一组内不同时点比较:LPS组:注后5h与注前、注后1h相比右肺俞电流均下降,有显着性差异。肺俞LPS组:注后1h、2h、3h、4h、5h与注前相比右肺俞电流均下降,其中注后2h有非常显着性差异,其余有显着性差异。右肺俞同时点不同组间比较:注射LPS前:肺俞组、肺俞LPS组与空白组、LPS组、肝俞LPS组相比右肺俞电流较高,有显着性差异。(与左肺俞相同)注射LPS后1h:肺俞组与空白组相比电流较高,有显着性差异。注射LPS后2h:肺俞组与空白组、LPS组、肺俞LPS组、肝俞LPS组相比电流均较高,有非常显着性差异。注射LPS后3h:肺俞组与LPS组、肺俞LPS组、肝俞LPS组相比右肺俞电流均较高,其中肝俞LPS组有非常显着性差异,其余有显着性差异。注射LPS后4h:肺俞组与LPS组、肺俞LPS组、肝俞LPS组相比电流均较高,其中LPS组有显着性差异,其余有非常显着性差异。注射LPS后5h:LPS组与空白组相比右肺俞电流较低,有显着性差异。肺俞组与LPS组、肺俞LPS组、肝俞LPS组相比右肺俞电流均较高,其中LPS组有非常显着性差异,其余有显着性差异。右肺俞注射LPS后各时点减注射LPS前之电流差值同一组不同时点比较:LPS组:注后5h-注前与注后1h-注前相比负差值更大,有显着性差异。肺俞LPS组:注后5h-注前、注后4h-注前与注后2h-注前相比负差值更大,有显着性差异。右肺俞注射LPS后各时点减注射LPS前之电流差值同时点不同组间比较:注射LPS后1h-注射LPS前:肺俞LPS组注后1h-注前之右肺俞电流差值与LPS组、肺俞组、肝俞LPS组相比下降幅度更大,其中LPS组有非常显着性意义,其余有显着性意义。注射LPS后2h-注射LPS前:肺俞LPS组注后2h-注前之右肺俞电流差值与空白组、肺俞组、LPS组相比下降幅度更大,其中LPS组有显着性意义,其余有非常显着性意义。肝俞LPS组注后2h-注前之右肺俞电流差值与肺俞组相比下降幅度更大,有显着性意义。注射LPS后3h-注射LPS前:肺俞LPS组注后3h-注前之右肺俞电流差值与空白组、LPS组、肺俞组相比下降幅度更大,其中肺俞组有显着性意义,其余有非常显着性意义。注射LPS后4h-注射LPS前:肺俞LPS组注后4h-注前之右肺俞电流差值与空白组、肺俞组、LPS组、肝俞LPS组相比下降幅度更大,其中肝俞LPS组有显着性意义,其余有非常显着性意义。注射LPS后5h-注射LPS前:肺俞LPS组注后5h-注前之右肺俞电流差值与空白组、肺俞组、肝俞LPS组、LPS组相比下降幅度更大,其中LPS组有显着性意义,其余有非常显着性意义。LPS组注后5h-注前之右肺俞电流差值与空白组相比下降幅度更大,有显着性意义。(4)左肝俞穴电流变化情况:左肝俞同一组内不同时点比较:LPS组:注后2h、3h、4h、5h与注前相比电流均下降,有非常显着性差异。注后2h、3h、4h、5h与注后1h相比电流均下降,其中2h、5h有非常显着性差异,3h、4h有显着性差异。肺俞LPS组:注后1h、2h、3h、4h、5h与注前相比电流均下降,其中注后2h有显着性差异,其余有非常显着性差异。肝俞LPS组:注后2h、3h、4h、5h与注前相比电流均下降,其中2h、4h有非常显着性差异,3h、5h有显着性差异。左肝俞同时点不同组间比较:注前:肺俞LPS组与空白组相比电流较高,有显着性差异。肝俞LPS组与空白组、肺俞组、LPS组相比电流均较高,有非常显着性差异。注后1h:肝俞LPS组、LPS组与肺俞LPS组相比电流均较高,有显着性差异。注后2h:LPS组、肺俞LPS组、肝俞LPS组与空白组、肺俞组相比电流较低,其中LPS组有非常显着性差异,其余有显着性差异。注后5h:LPS组、肺俞LPS组与空白组相比电流较低,有显着性差异。左肝俞注射LPS后各时点减注射LPS前之电流差值同一组不同时点比较:LPS组:注后2h-注前、注后3h-注前、注后5h-注前与注后1h-注前电流差值相比负差值更大,其中注后2h-注前有非常显着性差异,其余有显着性差异。左肝俞注射LPS后各时点减注射LPS前之电流差值同时点不同组间比较:注后1h-注前:肺俞LPS组之电流差值与空白组、肺俞组、LPS组相比下降幅度更大,其中空白组有非常显着性意义,其余有显着性意义。肝俞LPS组之电流差值与空白组相比下降幅度更大,有显着性意义。注后2h-注前:肺俞LPS组、肝俞LPS组、LPS组注之电流差值与空白组、肺俞组相比下降幅度更大,有非常显着性意义。注后3h-注前:肺俞LPS组、LPS组、肝俞LPS组之电流差值与空白组相比下降幅度更大,其中肝俞LPS组有非常显着性意义,其余有显着性意义。注后4h-注前:肺俞LPS组、肝俞LPS组之电流差值与空白组相比下降幅度更大,有非常显着性意义。肺俞LPS组、肝俞LPS组之电流差值与肺俞组相比下降幅度更大,有显着性意义。注后5h-注前:肺俞LPS组之电流差值与空白组、肺俞组相比下降幅度更大,有非常显着性意义。肝俞LPS组、LPS组之电流差值与空白组相比下降幅度更大,有非常显着性意义。肝俞LPS组、LPS组之电流差值与肺俞组相比下降幅度更大,有显着性意义。(5)右肝俞穴电流变化情况:右肝俞同一组内不同时点比较:LPS组:注后2h、注后3h、注后4h、注后5h与注前相比电流均下降,有显着性差异。肺俞LPS组:注后1h、2h、3h、4h、5h与注前相比电流均下降,有非常显着性差异。注后4h与注后2h、注后3h相比电流均下降,有显着性差异。右肝俞同时点不同组间比较:注后1h:肝俞LPS组与空白组、肺俞LPS组、LPS组相比电流均较高,其中LPS组有显着性差异,其余有非常显着性差异。肺俞组与肺俞LPS组相比电流较高,有显着性差异。注后2h:肺俞组与LPS组相比电流较高,有显着性差异。右肝俞注射LPS后各时点减注射LPS前之电流差值同一组不同时点比较:肺俞LPS组:注后4h-注前与注后1h-注前、注后2h-注前、注后3h-注前相比电流负差值更大,有显着性差异。注后5h-注前与注后2h-注前相比电流负差值更大,有显着性差异。肝俞LPS组:注后4h-注前与注后1h-注前相比电流负差值更大,有显着性差异。右肝俞注射LPS后各时点减注射LPS前之电流差值同时点不同组间比较:注后1h-注前:肺俞LPS组之电流差值与空白组、肺俞组、LPS组、肝俞LPS组相比下降幅度更大,其中空白组有显着性意义,其余有非常显着性意义。注后2h-注前:肺俞LPS组之电流差值与空白组、肺俞组相比下降幅度更大,其中空白组有显着性意义,肺俞组有非常显着性意义。肝俞LPS组、LPS组之电流差值与肺俞组相比下降幅度更大,有显着性意义。注后4h-注前:肺俞LPS组之电流差值与空白组、肺俞组、LPS组相比下降幅度更大,其中LPS组有显着性意义,其余有非常显着性意义。注后5h-注前:肺俞LPS组之电流差值与空白组、肺俞组、LPS组相比下降幅度更大,其中LPS组有显着性意义,其余有非常显着性意义。(6)各脏器及血清钙离子含量变化:各组同组中之血清Ca2+与肺、肝、心、脾、肾相比均较高,有极显着性差异(P<0.001),而肺、肝、心、脾、肾相比均无显着性差异(P>0.05)。肺:肺俞10天组与肺俞45天组、空白10天组、肝俞LPS组相比肺中Ca2+均较高,有显着性差异(P<0.05);肺俞10天组与LPS组相比肺中Ca2+较高,有非常显着性差异(P<0.01)。肝:肺俞10天组、肝俞LPS组与空白10天组相比肝中Ca2+较高,均有显着性差异(P<0.05)。肾:LPS组、肝俞LPS组与空白45天组相比肾中Ca2+较高,均有显着性差异(P<0.05)。血清:肺俞10天组、LPS组、肺俞LPS组、肝俞LPS组与空白45天组相比血清Ca2+均较高,有显着性差异(P<0.05)。(7)艾灸肺俞、肝俞穴对大鼠体温的影响:大鼠腹腔注射LPS前后,不同时间段的体温变化如下:LPS组:注后6h与注前、注后5h相比温度较高,有显着性差异。注后6h与注后2h、注后3h相比温度较高,有非常显着性差异。肺俞LPS组:注后5h、6h与注前相比温度较高,有显着性差异及非常显着性差异。注后6h与注后1h、注后2h、注后3h、注后4h相比温度较高,有显着性差异。肝俞LPS组:注后5h、6h与注后2h相比温度较高,有显着性差异及非常显着性差异。注射LPS后2h:肝俞LPS组与空白组相比温度较低,有显着性差异。注射LPS后6h:LPS组与空白组相比温度较高,有显着性差异。温度差:LPS组:注后6h-注前与注后2h-注前相比正差值较大,有非常显着性差异。注后6h-注前与注后3h-注前相比正差值较大,有显着性差异。肝俞LPS组注后6h-注前与注后2h-注前相比正差值较大,有显着性差异。结论:1.艾灸肺俞、肝俞穴对穴位电流变化的影响:1.1艾灸肺俞、肝俞穴对大鼠的整体状态有积极的影响。腹腔注射2mg/kg LPS可对大鼠造成急性炎症反应,影响大鼠的整体状态,而预先艾灸处理可以起到保护或加强大鼠抵抗内毒素的作用。1.2空白组体表穴位电流呈平缓的非线性规律性动态变化。1.3.艾灸肺俞穴可显着提高肺俞穴电流,艾灸肝俞穴可显着提高肝俞穴电流,且分别艾灸肺俞、肝俞穴可影响其他五脏背俞穴的电流。提示艾灸背俞穴后穴位生物电流增加除了存在穴位特异性相关外,还对其他背俞穴的电流存在非线性的不同程度的影响作用。提示刺激穴位存在“穴脏相关”、“一穴多脏”之非线性作用。而此非线性特性存在一定的规律,部份符合五行理论中的生克关系。1.4腹腔注射LPS后五脏背俞穴电流表现出不同程度的下降,提示LPS对于肺、肝、脾、肾、心的经气都造成了不同程度的损伤,表现出LPS对机体各脏器的影响亦为非线性作用。由于经络穴位内连腑脏,因此所致的损伤程度可以藉由测量背俞穴上的电流值得知,体现中医学说中“由表知里"、“以象测证”、“知外而揣内”的精神,也提示背俞穴可以较敏锐地反应机体内在的生理病理变化情况。1.5艾灸穴位及LPS致炎作用下,五脏背俞穴都表现出不同程度的变化,提示同时给予穴位一个艾灸的(调整)刺激并给予一个病理的(LPS)刺激时,机体各脏器在两种非线性因素的作用下,呈现出不同程度的非线性的影响作用。1.6五脏背俞穴与原穴相比,其对于艾灸及LPS刺激下穴位电流的变化幅度较大,提示五脏背俞穴与原穴相比,更能敏感地反应艾灸作用及LPS的急性损伤刺激对机体的影响。2.艾灸肺俞、肝俞穴对血清及五脏钙离子含量变化的影响:2.1空白组钙离子游离在血清中的含量最多,五脏中均有钙离子但含量不同,一般为脾最多,心最少。而艾灸效应和LPS作用都能影响血清及脏器中钙离子的含量变化。随着大鼠年龄增加,肾中钙离子有降低的趋势。2.2艾灸正常大鼠肺俞对肺中钙离子含量影响最为显着,艾灸肺俞能使肺脏吸引钙离子造成钙离子的富集,而对其五行我生之肾及我克之肝亦存在较明显的Ca2+富集影响。艾灸正常大鼠肺俞穴对肺中钙离子聚集的近期效应明显,但后效应不明显。2.3在LPS所致急性炎症作用下,肝中钙离子升高,肾中钙离子降低,分别艾灸肺俞、肝俞穴对肾中钙离子的降低都有一定的抑制作用,而艾灸肺俞的作用大于灸肝俞穴。2.4在LPS所致急性炎症作用下,艾灸肺俞、肝俞穴都能起到使肺中钙离子聚集的作用,而灸肺俞的作用大于灸肝俞穴。2.5艾灸肺俞对肺、肝、肾的钙离子聚集作用较显着;艾灸肝俞则对肝、脾、肺的钙离子聚集作用较显着。3.艾灸肺俞、肝俞穴对大鼠体温的影响:3.1空白组生理体温呈动态平稳的规律变化。3.2 LPS所致急性炎症反应在体温表现为升高,而艾灸肺俞、肝俞穴都能抑制LPS所致体温升高的表现。在注射LPS后1h~3h艾灸肺俞穴的作用较肝俞大,而在注射LPS后4~6h,艾灸肝俞穴则表现出更好的防御效应。3.3各组体温的在各时点变化特点与电流变化相似,其相关规律仍需近一步研究。

【Abstract】 Purpose:By moxibustion of Feishu,Ganshu acupuncture points,this paper aims to observe the distribution and allotment of calcium ion in relevant viscera after moxibustion and the rule of electric current change of relevant acupuncture points,and to study the non-linearity rule between the acupuncture points and viscera,to discuss the connotation of "one acupuncture point for multi-viscera" and provide experiment reference tbr acupuncture point selection and adjunction of clinic science.Method:Divide 40 SD white rats into 5 groups randomly in experiment 1 and experiment 3.untreated group for 10 days,Feishu group for 10 days,LPS group,Feishu LPS group and Ganshu LPS group;In addition to the aforementioned group,add untreated group for 45 days,Feishu groups for 45 days to experiment 2 with all 8 white rats in each groups. Do the moxibustion of both sides of Feishu、Ganshu acupuncture point in a row for ten days on the Feishu group for 10 days,Feishu group for 45 days,Feishu LPS group and Ganshu LPS group respectively.Pick up untreated group for 10 days,untreated group for 45 days, LPS group in similar manner without moxibustion.Materials are taken in the eleventh day from the untreated group for 10 days,Feishu group for 10 days,LPS group,Feishu LPS group and Ganshu LPS group;Materials are taken from untreated group for 45 days after 45 days of cultivation and from Feishu group for 45 days after 10 days of cultivation after Feishu moxibustion.6 hours acute inflammation prior to taking materials,inject LPS the white rat’s abdominal cavity of LPS group,Feishu LPS group and Ganshu LPS group which brings about the acute inflammatory reaction of white rats,measure acupuncture point electricity and temperature once per hour since then.Blood has been taken from abdominal aorta after LPS injection for 6 hours,and lung,liver,spleen,kidney,heart organism has been taken for the calcium ion assaying.Observe the five internal organs,serum calcium ion concentration and electricity change in periphery relevant acupuncture points of the 7 post-groups after moxibustion of Feishu and Ganshu acupuncture points.Result:(1) General Situation of White Rats:There are no death of white rats during the experiment period.After moxibustion,skin moist and scar aggravates day by day in the acupuncture points of rats from Feishu group for 45 days,Feishu group for 10 days,Feishu LPS group and Ganshu LPS group,and their spirit, mobility,hair color are better than that of untreated group for 45 days,untreated group for 10 days and LPS group.After LPS injection in abdominal cavity on the rats in Feishu LPS group,Ganshu LPS group and LPS group,the rats show phenomena of activity reduction, scrunch inertia,erecting hair,color reduction,lips cyanosis,skin and tail becoming hard, abdominal respiration and lax which aggravates gradually.Therein rats in LPS group after LPS injection react more severe than that of Feishu LPS group and Ganshu LPS group.The anus temperature of the rats in LPS group and Ganshu LPS group after LPS injection on abdominal cavity is<36℃,the anus temperature of the rats in Feishu LPS group after LPS injection on abdominal cavity after 3h is<36℃Which implies that the white rats have already had the reaction of acute inflammatory reaction.On the present occasion,generally speaking,the other groups are better than the three groups injected LPS;and Feishu LPS group,Ganshu LPS group are better than the LPS group. (2) Electricity Change of Left Feishu Acupuncture Point:Comparison of Left Feishu Situation in the Same Group at Different Time:As compared with injection after 1h for the LPS group,the fall of current in left Feishu is more significant in 5h after injection.Current decline in Feishu LPS group after injected LPS 1h,3h,4h,and 5h.All of them,after 1h for the LPS,the fall of current in Feishu LPS group is more significant than before injection;others are the most significanted than before injection.As compared with injection after 2h for the LPS,the fall of current in Feishu LPS group is more significant in 4h and 5h after injection.Comparison of Left Feishu among Different Groups at The Same Time:Prior to LPS Injection:The electricity average values of both Feishu group and Feishu LPS group before injection is higher than other groups remarkably.The electricity of Feishu group and Feishu LPS group is higher with significant difference as compared with untreated group,Ganshu LPS group,and LPS group.2h after LPS injection:The electricity of Feishu group is higher with significant difference as compared with untreated group,Ganshu LPS group,and LPS group.3h after LPS injection:The electricity of Feishu group is higher with significant difference as compared with Ganshu LPS group.5h after LPS injection:The electricity of Feishu group is higher with significant difference as compared with LPS group.Comparison of electricity D-value of left Feishu in each time points after LPS injection minus the value before LPS injection in the same group in different time:Feishu LPS group: the negative D-value of 2h after injection and 5h after injection is higher than that of before injection with significant difference respectively.Comparison of electricity D-value of left Feishu in each comparison among groups after LPS injection minus the value before LPS injection in the different group at the same time: 4h after LPS injection-before LPS injection:Electricity D-value of Feishu LPS group 4h after injection and before injection fell dramatically as compared with untreated group and LPS group,therein the untreated group has highly significance,LPS group has significance. 5h after LPS injection-before LPS injection:Electricity D-value of Feishu LPS group 5h after injection and before injection fell dramatically as compared with untreated group, Feishu group and Ganshu LPS group,therein the untreated group has highly significant difference,others have significant difference.Electricity D-value of LPS group 5h after injection and before injection fell dramatically as compared with untreated group,which has significant difference.(3) Electricity Change of Right Feishu Acupuncture Point:Comparison of Right Feishu Situation in the Same Group at Different Time: Comparison of Right Feishu Situation in the Same Group at Different Time:As compared with injection after 1h for the LPS group and before injection,the fall of current in Right Feishu is more significant in 5h after injection.Current decline in Feishu LPS group after injected LPS 1h,2h,3h,4h,and 5h.All of them,after 2h for the LPS,the fall of current in Feishu LPS group is the most significant than before injection;others are more significant than before injection.Comparison of Right Feishu among Different Groups at The Same Time:Prior to LPS Injection:The electricity of Feishu group and Feishu LPS group is higher with significant difference as compared with untreated group,Ganshu LPS group,and LPS group,lh after LPS injection:The electricity of Feishu group is higher with significant difference as compared with untreated group.2h after LPS injection:The electricity of Feishu group is higher with more significant difference as compared with untreated group,LPS group,Feishu LPS group,and Ganshu LPS group.3h after LPS injection:The electricity of Feishu group is higher with significant difference as compared with LPS group,Feishu LPS group,and Ganshu LPS group;therein Ganshu LPS group is the most significant of them.4h after LPS injection:The electricity of Feishu group is higher with significant difference as compared with LPS group,Feishu LPS group,and Ganshu LPS group.All of them,the fall of current in LPS group has more significant difference;others have the most significanted difference.5h after LPS injection:The electricity of LPS group is lower with significant difference as compared with untreated group.This electricity of Feishu group is higher with significant difference as compared with LPS group,Feishu LPS group,and Ganshu LPS group.All of them,LPS group has more significant difference;others have the most significant difference.Comparison of electricity D-value of Right Feishu in each time points after LPS injection minus the value before LPS injection in the same group in different time:LPS group:the negative D-value of 1h after injection and 5h after injection is higher than that of before injection with significant difference respectively.Feishu LPS group:the negative D-value of 2h after injection,4h after injection,and 5h after injection is higher than that of before injection with significant difference respectively.Comparison of electricity D-value of Right Feishu in each comparison among groups after LPS injection minus the value before LPS injection in the different group at the same time: 1h after LPS injection-before LPS injection:Electricity D-value of Feishu LPS group 1h after injection and before injection fell dramatically as compared with LPS group,Feishu group and Ganshu LPS group,therein the LPS group has highly significant difference,other groups have significant difference.2h after LPS injection-before LPS injection:Electricity D-value of Feishu LPS group 2h after injection and before injection fell dramatically as compared with untreated group,Feishu group and LPS group,therein the LPS group has significant difference,other groups have highly significant difference.3h after LPS injection-before LPS injection:Electricity D-value of Feishu LPS group 3h after injection and before injection fell dramatically as compared with untreated group,LPS group and Feishu group,therein the Feishu group has significant difference,other groups have highly significant difference.4h after LPS injection-before LPS injection:Electricity D-value of Feishu LPS group 4h after injection and before injection fell dramatically as compared with untreated group,LPS group,Ganshu LPS group,and Feishu group,therein the Ganshu LPS group has significant difference,other groups have highly significant difference.5h after LPS injection-before LPS injection:Electricity D-value of Feishu LPS group 5h after injection and before injection fell dramatically as compared with untreated group,LPS group,Ganshu LPS group,and Feishu group,therein the LPS group has significant difference,other groups have highly significant difference.Electricity D-value of LPS group 5h after injection and before injection fell dramatically as compared with untreated group,which has significant difference.(4) Electricity Change of Left Ganshu Acupuncture Point:Comparison of Left Ganshu Situation in the Same Group at Different Time:LPS group: As compared with before injection,the fall of current in Left Ganshu is the most significant in 2h,3h,4h,and 5h after injection.As compared with injection after 1h for the LPS,the fall of current in Left Ganshu is more significant in 2h,3h,4h,and 5h after injection.Therein,after 2h,5h for the LPS have the most significant difference,others have more significant difference.Current decline in Feishu LPS group after injected LPS 1h,2h,3h,4h,and 5h.All of them,after 2h for the LPS,the fall of current in Feishu LPS group is more significant than before injection;others are the most significanted than before injection.Current decline in Ganshu LPS group after injected LPS 2h,3h,4h,and 5h.Therein,after 3h and 5h for the LPS, the fall of current in Ganshu LPS group is more significant than before injection;others are the most significant than before injection. Comparison of Left Ganshu among Different Groups at The Same Time:Prior to LPS Injection:The electricity of Feishu LPS group is higher with significant difference as compared with untreated group.The electricity of Ganshu LPS group is higher with more significant difference as compared with untreated group,LPS group,Feishu group,1h after LPS injection:The electricity of Ganshu LPS group and LPS group is higher with significant difference as compared with Feishu LPS group.2h after LPS injection:The electricity of LPS group,Feishu LPS group and Ganshu LPS group is lower with significant difference as compared with untreated group and Feishu LPS group,therein LPS group has the most significant difference;others have more significant t difference.5h after LPS injection:The electricity of LPS group and Feishu LPS group is lower with significant difference as compared with untreated group.Comparison of electricity D-value of Left Ganshu in each time points after LPS injection minus the value before LPS injection in the same group in different time:LPS group:the negative D-value of 2h after injection,3h after injection,and 5h after injection is higher than that of 1h after injection with significant difference respectively.Comparison of electricity D-value of Left Ganshu in each comparison among groups after LPS injection minus the value before LPS injection in the different group at the same time: 1h after LPS injection-before LPS injection:Electricity D-value of Feishu LPS group 1h after injection and before injection fell dramatically as compared with untreated group,Feishu group and LPS group,therein the untreated group has highly significance,other groups have significance.Electricity D-value of Ganshu LPS group 1h after injection and before injection fell dramatically as compared with untreated group,which has significant difference.2h after LPS injection-before LPS injection:Electricity D-value of Feishu LPS group,Ganshu LPS group,LPS group,2h after injection and before injection fell dramatically as compared with untreated group and Feishu group,them all have highly significant difference.3h after LPS injection-before LPS injection:Electricity D-value of Feishu LPS group,LPS group and Ganshu LPS group,3h after injection and before injection fell dramatically as compared with untreated group,therein the Ganshu LPS group has highly significance,other groups have significance.4h after LPS injection-before LPS injection:Electricity D-value of Feishu LPS group and Ganshu LPS group,4h after injection and before injection fell dramatically as compared with untreated group,which has highly significant difference.Electricity D-value of Feishu LPS group and Ganshu LPS group,4h after injection and before injection fell dramatically as compared with Feishu group,which has significant difference.5h after LPS injection-before LPS injection:Electricity D-value of Feishu LPS group,5h after injection and before injection fell dramatically as compared with untreated group and Feishu group, both of them have highly significant difference.Electricity D-value of Ganshu LPS group and LPS group,5h after injection and before injection fell dramatically as compared with untreated group,both of them have highly significant difference.Electricity D-value of Ganshu LPS group and LPS group,5h after injection and before injection fell dramatically as compared with Feishu group,both of them have significant difference.(5) Electricity Change of Right Ganshu Acupuncture Point:Comparison of Right Ganshu Situation in the Same Group at Different Time:As compared with injection after 2h,3h,4h and 5h,for the LPS group,the fall of current in Right Ganshu is more significant before injection.As compared with injection after 1h,2h,3h,4h and 5h,for the Feishu LPS group,the fall of current in Right Ganshu is more significant before injection.As compared with injection after 4h,for the Feishu LPS group,the fall of current in Right Ganshu is more significant after injected 2h and 3h.Comparison of Right Ganshu among Different Groups at The Same Time:1h after LPS injection:The electricity of Ganshu LPS group is higher with significant difference as compared with untreated group,Feishu LPS group and LPS group,therein LPS group has significant difference,others have highly significant difference.The electricity of Feishu group is higher with significant difference as compared with Feishu LPS group.2h after LPS injection:The electricity of Feishu group is higher with significant difference as compared with LPS group.Comparison of electricity D-value of Right Ganshu in each time points after LPS injection minus the value before LPS injection in the same group in different time:Feishu LPS group:the negative D-value of 1h after injection,2h after injection,and 3h after injection is higher than that of 4h after injection with significant difference respectively.The negative D-value of 2h after injection and 5h after injection is higher than that of before injection with significant difference respectively.Ganshu LPS group:The negative D-value of 1h after injection and 4h after injection is higher than that of before injection with significant difference respectively.Comparison of electricity D-value of Right Ganshu in each comparison among groups after LPS injection minus the value before LPS injection in the different group at the same time: 1h after LPS injection-before LPS injection:Electricity D-value of Feishu LPS group 1h after injection and before injection fell dramatically as compared with untreated group,Feishu group,LPS group and Ganshu LPS group,therein the untreated group has highly significant difference,other groups have significant difference.2h after LPS injection-before LPS injection:Electricity D-value of Feishu LPS group,2h after injection and before injection fell dramatically as compared with untreated group and Feishu group,therein the Feishu group has highly significant difference,untreated group has significant difference.Electricity D-value of Ganshu LPS group and LPS group,3h after injection and before injection fell dramatically as compared with Feishu group,both of them have significant difference.4h after LPS injection-before LPS injection:Electricity D-value of Feishu LPS group and before injection fell dramatically as compared with untreated group,Feishu group and LPS group, therein LPS group has significant difference,others have highly significant difference.5h after LPS injection-before LPS injection:Electricity D-value of,5h after injection and before injection fell dramatically as compared with untreated group,Feishu group and LPS group, therein LPS group has significant difference,others have highly significant difference.(6) Changes in each viscera and blood serum calcium ion concentration:Compared with lung,liver,heart,spleen,kidney,the blood serum Ca2+ in each same groups is higher with highly significant difference(P<0.001),Whereas lung,liver,heart,spleen,kidney has no significant difference(P>0.05)。Lung:the Ca2+ in lung from Feishu group for 10 days is higher with significant difference as compared with Feishu group for 45 days,untreated group for 10 days and Ganshu LPS group(P<0.05);the Ca2+ in lung from Feishu group for 10 days is higher with highly significant difference as compared with LPS group(P<0.01).Kidney. the Ca2+ in kidney from LPS group,Ganshu LPS group is higher with significant difference as compared with untreated group for 45 days(P<0.05).Blood serum:the Ca2+ in serum from Feishu group for 10 days,LPS group,Feishu LPS group and Ganshu LPS group is higher with significant difference as compared with untreated group for 45 days(P<0.05).(7) The Impact of Moxibustion of Feishu,Ganshu Acupuncture Point on White Rats’ Temperature:After LPS injection on abdominal cavity of white rat,the temperature change in different time slice are shown as follow:LPS group:the temperature after injection 6h is higher than that of before injection and 5h after injection with significant difference. Compared with 2h after injection and 3h after injection,the temperature of 6h after injection is higher with highly significant difference.Feishu LPS group:compared with the temperature before injection,the temperature after 5h,6h after injection is higher with significant difference and highly significant difference respectively.Compared with the temperature after 1h,2h,3h,4h after injection,the temperature 6h after injection is higher with significant difference.Ganshu LPS group:compared with the temperature 2h after injection,the temperature after 5h,6h after injection is higher with significant difference and highly significant difference respectively.2h after LPS injection:compared with untreated group,the temperature of Ganshu LPS group is lower with significant difference.6h after LPS injection: compared with untreated group,the temperature of LPS group is higher with significant difference.Temperature difference:LPS group:the positive D-value of 6h after injection and 2h after injection is higher than that of before injection with highly significant difference respectively.The positive D-value of 3h after injection and 6h after injection is higher than that of before injection with significant difference respectively.Ganshu LPS group:the positive D-value of 2h after injection and 6h after injection is higher than that of before injection with significant difference respectively.Conclusion:1.The periphery acupuncture point electricity has itself a non-linearity dynamic variation of physiologic regularity.2.After the moxibustion of dorsovisceral points,the increase of acupuncture point bio current shows relevant acupuncture point specificity,also it has nonlinear effects of varying degrees to current in other dorsovisceral points.It implies there exists a non-linearity effect of "1 acupuncture point for multi- viscera" by stimulating acupuncture point and this nonlinear characteristic has certain rules that parts of them conform with the Allelopathy relationship of five elements theory and the rule of nearest treatment in acupuncture therapy.3.The LPS injection to abdominal cavity has caused traumata of varying degrees to channel qi of lung,liver,spleen,kidney and heart,which indicates that LPS has a non-linearity effect on each viscera.Owing to the meridian acupuncture points interconnect viscus,consequently the extent of damage caused could be known by measuring the current value of dorsovisceral points.It embodies the spirit of traditional Chinese medicine on theory of "knowing the inner from the surface","measuring and proving by the image",and "trying to figure out the inside from the outside",it also implicates that dorsovisceral points can exquisitely react the physiologic and pathological change of inner body.4.When an acupuncture point has been given a moxibustion stimulation(adjustment) and a pathologic stimulation(LPS),each viscera in body presents nonlinear effect of varying degrees under the effect of two non-linearity factors.5.The five internal organs dorsovisceral points can reflect the effect of the LPS acute injury stimulation to body more sensibly as compared with source points.6.Acupuncture point moxibustion has a positive affect on the whole condition of white rat. 2mg/kg LPS injection to abdominal cavity may bring about acute inflammation of white rat and affect the whole condition,but beforehand moxibustion can has a function of safeguarding or enhancing the white rat’s resistibility to endotoxin.7.Blood serum has the most dissociating calcium ion content,there are calcium ion in the five internal organs with different content.Generally spleen has the most while the heart has the least.Whereas moxibustion effect and LPS effect can affect change of calcium ion content in blood serum and viscera.8.Feishu moxibustion has the most remarkable affect on calcium ion in lung,it can enable lung to attract calcium ion thus brings about concentration of calcium ion.And it has also a apparent effect of Ca2+ concentration to kidney and liver allelopathy in five elements theory.9.Moxibustion of Feishu acupuncture point has an apparent short-term effect on calcium ion collection but not last until 45 days.10.The calcium ion in kidney has a decreasing trend with the age increase of white rat.11.Under the effect of acute inflammation caused by LPS,moxibustion of Feishu,Ganshu can both has an effect on the collection of calcium ion in lung,whereas Feishu moxibustion has a larger effect than moxibustion of Ganshu acupuncture point.12.Moxibustion of Feishu,Ganshu acupuncture point has inhibiting effect on the reduction of calcium ion in kidney to some degree,whereas the effect of Feishu moxibustion is higher than that of Ganshu acupuncture point.13.The Feishu moxibustion has a remarkable effect on the calcium ion aggregation of lung, liver,and kidney;whereas Ganshu moxibustion has a remarkable effect on the calcium ion aggregation of liver,spleen,and lung.14.Physiologic temperature presents a regular change of dynamic equilibrium.15.LPS brings about certain traumata to body,whereas moxibustion of Feishu,Ganshu can both antagonize this affect.The effect of moxibustion on Feishu acupuncture point 1h~3h after injection is higher than that of Ganshu,whereas moxibustion on Ganshu acupuncture point reflects preferable defense effect 4~6h after injection.16.The benign effect of Ganshu acupuncture point moxibustion on liver can enable it to have a positive affect as an important organ for disinterring LPS.17.The characteristic of temperature change in each groups in each time point is similar to electricity change,its relevant rule requires further study.


