

How to Analyze and Promote the Core Competence of the Shaanxi Branch of China Construction Bank

【作者】 宋征

【导师】 吕鹏;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 工商管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 进入21世纪以来,国内银行间的市场竞争日益加剧,国有银行的市场占比逐年下降。按照我国的“入世”协议,2006年12月11日,中国银行业全面对外开放,建设银行等国内商业银行不仅要面对国内银行同业之间的竞争,还要应对来自外资银行的严峻挑战,这从本质上讲就是银行竞争力的争夺。银行竞争力的中心是核心竞争力,因此,加快培育符合自身发展状况的核心竞争力是建行陕西省分行当前最紧迫的任务。本文简单介绍了核心竞争力的概念和特征,对核心竞争力相关理论进行了阐述,并结合国内外对银行核心竞争力的不同理解,在此基础上进一步分析,提出了商业银行核心竞争力的概念、特征及主要构成要素。本文主要运用银行竞争力理论,采取对比、举例等分析方法,结合建行陕西省分行的实际情况,分析了建行陕西省分行在核心竞争力上存在的问题以及造成问题的原因,并探讨了提升其核心竞争力的途径。本文认为建行陕西省分行在组织结构、创新研发、运行机制、内部控制和人力资源管理五方面存在不足。本文根据建行陕西省分行的实际情况,在以上理论和实践分析基础上对提升建行陕西省分行核心竞争力针对性地提出了一系列对策,即从治理结构、战略规划、营销能力、风险控制、组织结构、人力资源、创新管理和企业文化等八个方面给出了对策建议。

【Abstract】 Entering the 21st century, we have seen an increasing market competition ferocity among domestic banks, and a declining market share of state-owned banks. Ever since 11 Dec, 2006 , banking in China is opened up in an all-around way in accordance with the commitment China made when joining the WTO. China Construction Bank and other commercial banks not only have to face the competition among domestic banks, but also deal with the serious challenge from the foreign banks. In essence, this is a scramble for competitiveness of bank. The Center of the competitiveness of bank is the core competence.In view of this, how to improve the core competence in line with its development is a pressing task facing the Shaanxi Branch of China Construction Bank.This article briefly introduce the concept and characteristics of the core competence, expound the related theory of the core competence.Based on the analysis of the different understanding for the core competence of bank, This article put forward the concept, characteristics and key elements of the core competence of commercial banks.This article use the theory of banking competitiveness to analyse the problems and the causes of the problems of the Shaanxi Branch of the China Construction Bank on the core competitiveness,and explore to enhance its core competitiveness by means of comparing and citing examples and taking the reality of the Shaanxi Branch of China Construction Bank into consideration.This article proposed five aspects of the problem existed of the Shaanxi Branch of China Construction Bank in organization structure, innovation, operation mechanism, risk control and human capital management Combined with the Shaanxi Branch of China Construction Bank of the actual situation, and analyzed the causes of the problem.Based on the analysis of the foregoing theory and practice, this article conducts on the coping means with the competition and the policy on the quickening the establishment of the core competence of the Shaanxi Branch of China Construction Bank in eight aspects as corporation management、strategy layout、promotion ability、risk control、organization structure、human resources、innovation program and corporation culture.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】F832.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】431

