

A Study of Cultural Identity in China English and Chinese Culture Input in College English Teaching

【作者】 赵杨

【导师】 任海棠;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球化进程不断地深入和加快,英语已经成为名符其实的世界语或国际通用语,在国际交流中扮演着日益重要的角色。中国更是掀起了英语学习的热潮。一些学者认为“英语热”造成了中国英语学习者的民族身份焦虑,使他们对中国文化的认同度逐渐减弱。根据“认同”的相关理论,二者有一定的关系,但并不是绝对的因果关系,英语亦可成为人们表达中国身份的工具。身份认同即对某一群体的归属感,存在于任何交际活动中。语言与身份认同不可分割,相互作用。在使用另一种语言作为交际手段时,对本族语言与文化的认同会被移植到其中。从社会语言学的角度来看,语言之间不断的接触会导致语言的变异。世界英语研究者认为英语在世界范围内的广泛应用造就了英语的多元化,使之拥有了多元的语言文化身份,不同的语言约定和文化传统就有可能被移植到世界各类英语变体之中。中国英语变体,作为世界英语变体大家庭中的一员,是英语在中国本土化的产物,不可避免的带有汉语语言和文化特征,是对中国语言与文化认同的具体表现。同时,在跨文化交际过程中,中国英语是实现平等、有效的跨文化交际的重要条件。本论文试从社会语言学和跨文化交际学的角度,论证在英语学习中中国文化认同的存在是不可避免的,以及在跨文化交际活动中保持这种认同的重要性;接着对大学生使用英语表达中国文化的能力以及对中国文化的认同度进行问卷调查,结果显示大学生对中国文化的认同度较高,但是缺乏表达能力,这极有可能导致跨文化交际的失败;本论文的作者亦对《新视野大学英语》和《大学体验英语》两套英语教材中的文化内容进行了调查研究,结果显示两套教材都以介绍英美文化为主要内容,而有关中国文化的内容却含量极低,这是导致大学生缺乏用英语表达中国文化能力的主要原因之一。基于以上研究,本论文的作者对大学英语教学提出以下建议:教师和学生应该正确对待中国英语变体,中国英语带有中国语言和文化特点是不可避免的,与其它英语变体处于同等地位,同时也是成功地进行跨文化交际的必要条件;应将中国文化教学引入大学英语教学中,对英语教材做一系列调整,教材中应适当添加有关中国文化的内容,教师也应该不断提高自身素质,具有足够的中西文化知识储备;教师可以采用中西文化对比的方式,通过小组讨论、辩论等课堂活动培养学生的跨文化意识,从而提高学生的跨文化交际能力。

【Abstract】 With the rapid pace of globalization, English has become the global language or international language which is playing an increasingly important role in international communication. Inevitably involved in this process, China has experienced an upsurge of English learning. Some scholars think that the crazy zest of English learning makes many Chinese English learners question their national identity and that it causes the decline of Chinese cultural identity. However, when referring to identity theories, there is no natural causal relationship between them, though they are related to some extent. English can also be used as a tool to express Chinese identity.Identity is a sense of belonging which exists in every communicative activity. Language and identity are inseparable and interactive. The native linguistic and cultural characteristics may be transplanted in the non-native language used for communication. It is believed in sociolinguistics that language contact results in language change. Researchers of World Englishes believe that the wide use of English around the world inevitably brings the plural or multiple linguistic and cultural identities into English and different linguistic conventions and cultural traditions might be transplanted into different World Englishes. China English, a member of the World Englishes, is the localized variety of English in China, therefore, Chinese linguistic identity and cultural identity are inevitably transferred into it. It can be used to express Chinese cultural identity. Besides, in order to conduct an equal and effective intercultural communication, China English is a must.Drawing support from the theories in sociolinguistics and intercultural communication, the author of this thesis argue that China English inevitably carries Chinese linguistic identity and cultural identity and that it is important to maintain Chinese cultural identity in intercultural communication. A survey was conducted which investigated Chinese college students’ Chinese cultural identity and their competence in expressing Chinese culture in English. The results revealed the students’ incompetence in expressing Chinese culture in English though they have strong Chinese cultural identity, which would most probably cause failure in intercultural communication. The author of this thesis also investigated the cultural content in New Horizon College English and Experiencing English, two sets of teaching materials used in college English class. The results revealed that both of them focused on the input of western culture while Chinese culture was in a rather small proportion in the textbooks. The unbalanced proportion of Chinese culture input to western culture input in textbooks is one of the main reasons why Chinese college students are incompetent in expressing Chinese culture in English. In order to improve college students’ expressiveness of Chinese culture in English, the author of this thesis proposes some suggestions on college English teaching. First, both students and teachers should take correct attitudes toward China English. It is inevitable that China English carries Chinese linguistic and cultural characteristics. It is equal to other English varieties and it is a must for successful intercultural communication. Second, Chinese culture should be encompassed in English teaching and learning, which requires readjustment of textbooks that Chinese culture should be included in proportion in English textbooks and English teachers’ self-improvement that teachers should have enough knowledge of both Chinese and western culture. Last, teachers may compare Chinese culture with western culture and assign tasks such as group discussion and debate to cultivate students’ cultural awareness and improve their intercultural communicative competence.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

