

【作者】 甘小华

【导师】 田旭东;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 中国古代史, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 战国时期,诸侯国之间相互兼并,国家统一的趋势愈来愈明显。诸侯国们为了在兼并战争中立于不败之地纷纷变法图强,使生产力发展有了一个质的飞跃,封建的生产力和生产关系逐渐确立,经济基础的作用凸现,各国的经济发展状况成为决定战争胜负的决定因素。此时各国的实力出现了一个此消彼长的状况,秦的实力逐渐强盛,而魏、赵两国虽在变法和军事改革中一度强盛,却如昙花一现,在大国战争的夹缝中被逐渐削弱。齐、楚是当时实力比较强大的诸侯国,尤其是楚国,与秦接壤,占地广阔,人口众多,是当时秦进行兼并战争的劲敌,所以控制巴蜀,在地域上钳制和削弱楚国,是秦在兼并过程中作出的最明智的决策。相比之下,秦在经济上的变革比较彻底,在地域上除过旧有的甘肃一带还继承和发展了周人的关中农区,除此之外,攻占巴蜀、开发巴蜀地区农业,使得秦拥有了发展农业经济的最佳环境。秦通过向巴蜀地区移民、修筑著名的都江堰,改善了成都平原自从农业开发伊始以来长期存在的水患,使成都平原成为沃野千里的天府之国,巴蜀地区农业获得飞速发展。有了这些保证,到战国后期时,秦的经济发展远远超过了其他六国,这为秦的统一打下了坚实的经济基础。此外,自古以来巴蜀人民就以骁勇善战而闻名,巴蜀地区为秦的兼并战争也提供了一定的兵源。攻取巴蜀,以巴蜀为根据地统一全国,是秦的创举,同时也被封建社会中后期的很多统治者所采用,所以秦灭巴蜀而统一全国,无疑是具有开创意义的明智之举。

【Abstract】 During the warring period, the vassal states were merger and this trend of reunification of the states become apparently. Every state wanted to became the leader so take a series of actions. such as reformed their policy, developed labor forces. These actions make the productivity has a large leap. The feudatorial society productivity and production relations gradually established, the role of economic fundamentals highlighted and the economic development of countries decide the result of the war.At this point, the strength of the countries were up and down, Qin was stronger; Wei, Zhao also reform and military reform was stronger, but like a flash in the pan, the powers have been gradually weaken in the last war. Qi, Chu were more powerful in feudal states, especially the state of Chu .Due to Chu had a large territory and population also border upon Qin .Chu is a strong rival to Qin. So control Bashu, weaken the state of Chu is a wise decision.In contrast, Qin reform the economy thoroughly. Seizing Bashu and developing it agriculture. Promote it agricultural economy. Qiner immigrate to Bashu, builded famous Dujiangyan, Chengdu Plain’s flooding has improved in order to the Chengdu Plain has become the fertilizer land. Bashu agriculture developed rapidly. With these assurances, Qin’s economic is far more than the other six states.In addition, the people of Bashu areas were good at battle since ancient time and provided amount of soldiers in the war.Captured Bashu and established Bashu-based nationa unity was the first win step to Qin. This action adopted by many states at last warring period. In conclusion, there was no doubt that Qin captured Bashu was a wise and creativity decision.

【关键词】 巴蜀农业经济开发
【Key words】 QinBashuagriculturaleconomy develops
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

