
基于Web Service的WebGIS设计与实现

The Design and Implementation of WebGIS Based on Web Service

【作者】 张丹华

【导师】 陈正江;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着Internet技术的飞速发展,GIS的平台已经逐步转向了网络,WebGIS是Internet和WWW技术应用于GIS开发的产物,从Internet的任意节点,用户都可以浏览WebGIS站点中的空间数据,制作专题图、进行各种空间信息检索和空间分析。但是由于空间数据具有多源性、多语义性、多时空性、多尺度和获取数据手段的复杂性等特点,决定了空间数据表达的复杂性。网络环境下如何对空间数据实现规范化的编码和打破GIS系统的封闭性还存在着很多的技术问题,本文综合利用GML、SVG和Web Service等技术,实现了分布式多源空间数据的集成和共享,解决了传统WebGIS在实现多源异构空间数据集成和互操作困难,以及异构系统兼容差的问题。本论文的主要的研究工作有:(1)充分研究了GML技术组织、管理和表达地理信息的能力,依据GML3.0核心模式,设计点、线、面不同类型图层的GML应用模型,并通过分析GML和不同数据格式在表达地理实体上的对应关系,设计并实现不同数据格式到GML的转换模式。(2)研究了SVG在实现地理信息可视化方面的能力,分析GML和SVG在表达矢量实体上的对应关系,设计实现GML到SVG转换的通用XSLT转换模板。(3)分析Web Service技术在实现异构系统兼容方面的优势,研究WebService技术在WebGIS系统中的使用机制,设计用于实现多源数据集成和共享的Web服务,包括集成分布式数据源的GML生成服务、便于用户定位查询数据的元数据服务、GML文档查询与集成服务,以及地理信息的可视化服务等。(4)基于Web Service技术,设计并实现了WebGIS原型系统,系统包括客户端、Web服务器、集成服务器和分布式数据源四层结构,在系统服务器端通过集成多个Web服务实现客户端不同的数据请求,在客户端通过编写JavaScript脚本控制SVG地图和用户的交互,原型系统的实现验证了使用GML、SVG和WebService等技术实现分布式数据源的集成共享的可行性,为在数字城市建设中实现城市空间数据的统一管理和分配提供了一个新的思路。

【Abstract】 With the speedy development of Internet,GIS plateform has been based on Web gradually.WebGIS is the result that Internet and World Wide Web technology apply to GIS development.In Geographical Information system,The user,through each note of the Internet,can accomplish lots of operations to get much spatial information,including getting needed spatial data,Creating thematic maps,doing some spatial information retrieval and spatial analysis,The spatial data has a character of variable resource,semantic,spatio-temporal,scale and complicacy of obtaining spatial data,which decides its description complexity.It is a technology difficulty that how to realize standard coding for geographical data and break the enclosing between variable Geographical Information Systems.Using the technology of GML,SVG and Web Service,The paper realize the integration and share of distributed multisource spatial data that is a difficulty in trational WebGIS.The primary research work in this paper is following:(1) Study sufficiently the capability of GML in recognizing,managing and expressing geographical information,Based on GML3.0 cored model,design GML Application Model of point,polylin and polygon.then according as the corresponding relation of variable GIS format and GML,design and realize transformation from common GIS format,such as ShapeFile,to GML format.(2) Study the capability of SVG in visualization of geographical information,Through analyzing the relationship of GML and SVG in expressing vactor feature,Design and realize XSLT template to transform GML to SVG.(3) Analyze the superiority of Web Service in realizing compability of heterogeneous system,then study its application mechanism in WebGIS and design some Web Services for integration of multi-resource,including the service for getting GML document,metadata service for convenient for query,the service for querying and unit GML document and visualization service of geographical information.(4) Based on Web Service technology,realize a Web geograghical information system.which is a four-hiberarchy including client,Web server,integration server and distributed spatial data supporter,and servers are responsable for refering and integrating needed web services to meet the client demands,Additionally,The JavaScript in client help users to complete operations towards the map,such as zoom in,zoom out,pan and so on,The realization of WebGIS based on Web Service validated the feasibility to share distributed spatial data with GML,SVG and Web Service,and it is also supports a fresh idea to manage and allocate city spatial data in "Digital City" by an active,rational and effective way.

【关键词】 分布式数据源GMLSVGWeb Service
【Key words】 Distributed spatial dataGMLSVGWeb Service
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】P208
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】431

