

【作者】 雷振宁

【导师】 刘丹冰;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 经济法, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 我国即将建立存款保险法律制度,存款保险法律制度的功能如何界定,直接影响到存款保险法律制度的设计,以及我国银行监管体制和市场退出体制的完善。本文以《试论存款保险法律制度的基本功能》为题,立足我国国情,借鉴发达国家的经验,运用比较法、归纳法对各国和地区存款保险法律制度的功能考察分析,旨在对存款保险法律制度风险防范与风险处置两大基本功能进行研究,为我国存款保险法律制度的功能选择提出建议,并对我国建立具有风险防范与风险处置功能的存款保险法律制度的立法层次、步骤、相应的做法以及与金融安全网其他成员的协作关系提出了初步设想。本文除引言和结论外,主体部分共为三章。第一章通过对美国、德国、日本和我国台湾地区的存款保险法律制度功能的考察与分析,概括出存款保险法律制度的两大基本功能,即风险防范功能和风险处置功能。同时在对影响各国存款保险法律制度功能选择的因素及存款保险法律制度不同功能选择的利弊进行分析评价的基础上,建议我国在构建金融安全网时,为真正提高金融安全网的有效性,要把加强和完善存款保险法律制度作为核心,强化存款保险法律制度的风险防范和风险处置功能。第二章详细论述了存款保险法律制度的两大基本功能,分析了存款保险法律制度两大基本功能的经济学和法学理论基础,并将存款保险法律制度与金融安全网中的审慎监管制度和最后贷款人制度进行比较,通过比较得出,存款保险法律制度是对金融安全网的完善,是审慎监管与最后贷款人制度之间的桥梁,三者相互补充,共同促进金融安全网作用的发挥。第三章对我国存款保险法律制度风险防范与风险处置两大功能的选择进行分析。结合我国的具体国情,对我国选择具有风险防范与风险处置功能的存款保险法律制度的必要性和可行性进行了分析,并在此基础上,对我国存款保险法律制度体现风险防范和风险处置功能的具体措施和办法提出建议:对投保银行保险资格的审查,为风险防范提供了第一道屏障;为避免银行的道德风险,采用以风险为基础的费率制度;为预先防范风险,存款保险机构采取现场和非现场检查并重的手段,对投保银行的营运状况进行监督检查;必要的法律制裁措施是风险防范功能行使的有效保障,通过拒绝承保、发出禁令等措施,保障存款保险法律制度功效的充分发挥;明确问题银行的判断标准,在保护存款人利益、保持市场稳定的前提下,坚持成本最低原则,争取在最短的时间内完成处置工作,防止风险进一步传导和扩散。接着论述存款保险法律制度与金融安全网其他成员之间的协调与配合问题,认为应当通过法律明确规定三者之间信息共享,分工协作,从而共同促进我国金融业健康有序发展。最后,建议应当不断完善外部法律环境,确保存款保险法律制度的有效运行。

【Abstract】 China is about to establish deposit insurance system. How to define the legal system of deposit insurance directly affects its pattern and the perfection of Chinese banks supervision and market withdraw system. This paper is entitled "The Basic Functions of the Legal System of Deposit Insurance". Taking China’s actual conditions as the basis and learning from the experience of developed countries, the writer analyses the functions of deposit insurance system, using comparative and inductive methods. This paper aims to study the two basic functions of deposit insurance system: risk precaution and risk disposal, so as to give personal advice on the choice of Chinese deposit insurance system’s functions and offer a tentative idea in the layers, procedures and methods of establishing deposit insurance system , possessing the two basic functions. This paper also analyses the relationship between the system and the financial safety net as well as other members.This paper is divided into three chapters in addition to introduction and conclusion.The first chapter summarizes deposit insurance system’s two basic functions: risk precaution and risk disposal through the analysis of the functions of deposit insurance system in America, Germany, Japan and Taiwan province. Based on the analysis of the factors which affect the choice of deposit insurance system’s functions and the advantages and disadvantages of the choices made by different countries, this chapter gives suggestion on China’s establishing deposit insurance system, that is to centre the reinforcement and perfection of the system and to strengthen two basic functions of deposit insurance system.The second chapter elaborates deposit insurance system’s two basic functions and their economic and legal basis. If we compare deposit insurance system with the last accommodator system and cautious supervision system, we can see deposit insurance system is the bridge between them and the perfection of Chinese financial safety net. The three systems work as the complement of each other, together establishing Chinese financial safety net.The third chapter analyses the choice of risk precaution and risk disposal, Chinese deposit insurance system’s two basic functions. Based on China’s actual conditions, this chapter analyses the necessity and feasibility for China to choose the deposit insurance system, possessing the two basic functions. Moreover, this chapter offers advices on specific measures to carry out the two basic functions of Chinese deposit insurance system, examine the insurance bank’s qualification and safeguard the risk precaution function at first place. In order to prevent risk in advance and avoid banks’ moral risk, the deposit insurance departments should supervise the operation of insurance banks, using both on-the-spots and off -the-spot methods. Necessary legal punishment can effectively ensure the risk precaution function and can safeguard the effects of deposit insurance system through denying the insurance and issuing prohibition. It is a must to make the criterion for banks involved in problems and finish handling it quickly and effectively at the lowest cost in order to prevent the risk from further spreading, provided that the market’s stability is guaranteed. The following part of his chapter discusses the coordination and cooperation between deposit insurance system and other members in the financial safety net. The writer believes that their duties should be stipulated by law and their cooperative system on exchanging ideas should be strengthened. They together promote Chinese financial development in a healthy and orderly way. In the end, the environment for carrying out the law should be perfected so as to ensure the effectiveness of deposit insurance system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

