

【作者】 刘旭

【导师】 杨波;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 应用心理学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 青少年暴力犯罪问题已经成为国际公害,引起越来越多的关注。根据已有的理论和实证研究,暴力/攻击可以分为两个类型:反应性暴力/攻击和工具性暴力/攻击。两类暴力犯都存在抑制控制的缺陷,但二者之间又有不同,其神经生理机制尚不清楚。文章首先应用Stanford等人编制的“攻击/暴力行为分类程序”区分了反应性暴力犯和工具性暴力犯。其次,使用抑制性的Go/Nogo任务,同时测量行为学反应和事件相关电位(ERP),比较两类暴力犯抑制控制过程中冲突监控和反应抑制功能的差异。结果显示:反应性暴力犯的虚报率更高,提示他们的优势反应过强,抑制控制不足;反应性暴力犯N2-Nogo效应的范围减小,N2差异波(Nogo减Go)平均幅值的绝对值显著低于工具性暴力犯,而且在排除预谋性攻击(IPAS量表中的一个维度,对应于工具性暴力)水平的影响后,差异波平均幅值的绝对值与冲动性攻击(IPAS量表中的一个维度,对应于反应性暴力)的水平成反比,提示反应性暴力犯抑制控制早期阶段的冲突监控功能异常;反应性暴力犯呈现正常的P3-Nogo效应,而工具性暴力犯的P3-Nogo效应消失,说明工具性暴力犯的抑制控制缺陷可能体现在抑制控制晚期阶段的反应抑制功能的异常上。

【Abstract】 Inhibitory control dysfunction is considered a universal character in adolescent violent offenders.The author proposed that reactive and instrumental types of violent offenders would differ in inhibition control.In study 25 boys,which contained 13 reactive offenders and 12 instrumental offenders,were selected from 322 boys using "Procedures for the Classification of Aggressive/Violent Acts" developed by Matthew S. Stanford.To compare the inhibition mechanism of sub-categories of violenct criminals,behavioral data and ERPs(event-related potentials) were recorded during a visual Go/Nogo task.Accorded with the hypothesis, the reactive offenders made more commission errors than instrumental criminals,suggesting stronger pre-potent responses or a failure of inhibitory control in reactive ones.The N2 amplitude(absolute value of Nogo minus Go) was significantly lower in reactive prisoners than in instrumental ones,which is evidence of dysfunction in conflict monitoring of reactive violenct offenders.And that,there was a reverse correlation between N2 amplitude and the level of impulsive aggression,which is a dimension of IPAS corresponding to reactive violence,eliminated the impact of premeditated aggression corresponding to instrumental violence, which supported the foregoing explaination.Reactive criminals appeared frontal and frontocententral P3-Nogo effect,but that effect disappeared in instrumental prisoners.This implied that instrumental violent offenders were impaired on response inhibition,which reflects the terminal Inhibitory control.

  • 【分类号】C913.5
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】343

