

Analysis on the Characteristics of the Radiation and the Features of Dust Aerosols in Spring and Summer of 2007 in the Hinterland of the Taklimakan Desert

【作者】 孔丹

【导师】 何清;

【作者基本信息】 新疆师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文利用2007年4月和2007年8月塔克拉玛干沙漠塔中气象站地面气象观测数据和塔中大气环境监测地表能量收支探测系统中辐射监测部分辐射数据,以及沙尘气溶胶质量浓度数据,分析了2007年4月和8月塔克拉玛干沙漠太阳辐射各波段特征变化以及不同天气型辐射收支特征,重点利用地面观测数据分析不同天气情况下气溶胶分布特征及辐射收支特征。此外对沙尘暴天气采集的不同下垫面梯度样本进行粒度特征分析。本文主要结论如下:1.天气型分析通过地面气象观测数据分析,2007年4月沙尘天气居多,8月沙尘天气较少,水汽丰富,云的变化比较复杂。配合风速、气温、相对湿度和气压的变化趋势,可以分析出典型天气为4月15日和8月19日为晴天,4月7日和8月7日为阴天,4月4日和8月22日为浮尘天气,4月22日和8月12日为沙尘暴。以分析结果为分析辐射收支特征及气溶胶质量浓度特征提供天气气候背景。2.典型天气辐射收支特征2007年4月和8月中四种天气类型中,以晴天为背景值分析不同天气情况下辐射收支的变化。结果表明在阴天、浮尘、沙尘天气时短波辐射通量减小,长波辐射通量增加,净辐射通量减小。在不同强度干扰天气下,辐射通量变化程度不同。3.沙尘气溶胶质量浓度特征2007年4月PM10质量浓度数据最高值为4.227mg/m~3,出现在4月22日天气为沙尘暴。2007年8月TSP质量浓度数据最高值19.59mg/m~3,出现在8月22日天气为浮尘与扬沙交替。PM10质量浓度对天气和辐射通量有影响。4.梯度沙尘样本粒度特征2007年4月22日沙尘暴天气采集的沙尘样本,表现同一地点高层沙尘样本比低层沙尘样本平均粒径小,分选好,峰度集中,正偏,沙垄下方a点沙尘样本比沙垄顶端b点沙尘样本的平均粒径小,分选好,峰度集中,正偏。

【Abstract】 In this thesis,According to the data of Meteorological Station ground meteorological observation data in the Taklimakan Desert and the atmospheric environment monitoring surface energy budget in the radiation detection system to monitor part of the radiation data,as well as the magnitude of dust aerosol concentration Data in April and in August 2007,We analyzed the Taklimakan Desert-band features of the solar radiation changes and different weather characteristics of Radiation Budget,focusing on data of ground-based observations,We analyzed the characteristics of the Distribution of aerosols and Radiation Budget in different weather conditions. Futher more,study to the acquisition of the sandstorm weather surface gradient samples for different characteristics of particle size.The main conclusions as below:1. Weather AnalysisBy ground meteorological observation data analysis,in April 2007 the majority of sand and dust weather,dust weather in August less abundant water vapor,clouds change is more complicated. With wind speed,temperature,relative humidity and air pressure changes in trends can be analyzed typical weather for April 15 and August 19 for the sunny,April 7 and August 7 to cloudy,April 4 and 8 From 22 to dust weather,on April 22 and August 12 for the dust storms. To analyze the results for the balance of payments characteristics of radiation and aerosol concentration to provide weather and climate characteristics of the background.2. Radiation Budget characteristics of the typical weatherFour typical weather in April and August 2007,with sunny weather for the background value of different weather conditions radiation balance of payments changes. The results showed that in the cloudy day,dust,sand and dust weather short-wave radiation flux decreases,long-wave radiation flux increased,the net decrease radiation flux. Strength in different weather interference,radiation flux change to different degrees.3. Aerosol concentration characteristics of the dustApril 2007 the highest concentration of PM10 value of 4.227mg/m3,appear in the April 22 weather for the sandstorm. August 2007 TSP the highest concentration of 19.59 mg/m3,appear in the August 22 for dust and Yangsha. PM10 concentration of radiation fluxes have an impact.4. Gradient particle size characteristics of the dust samplesApril 22,2007 Sandstorm collected samples of dust,sand and dust high-level performance for the same location lower than the average size of small dust samples,selected at peak concentrated,is biased,a point below the sand ridge of sand and dust samples Sand Ridge show the same tendency .

  • 【分类号】X513;P422.4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】154

