

The Study on the Comparative Advantage of TV Program in China

【作者】 吴佳

【导师】 彭祝斌;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 传播学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 电视节目作为电视产业的重要内容产品,伴随自由贸易发展,上个世纪后半段在发达国家之间已经实现了自由流动,基本形成了以美国电视节目向其他国家单边流动的贸易模式。直到20世纪90年代,这种依赖度才有所降低。入世六年,中国文化产业已经被纳入国际市场的版图,中国电视节目作为电视内容产业的关键产品,同样面临来自国际市场的激烈竞争。在中国电视内容产业的发展背景下,电视节目贸易逆差严重,缺乏稳固的国际市场竞争力。因而,讨论中国电视节目的比较优势很有意义。本文沿承国际贸易比较优势的研究思路,吸取文化产业比较优势的研究经验,以比较优势动态理论中的代表理论“钻石理论”为理论依据,首先提出电视节目比较优势要素的系统框架,进而通过借鉴美国电视节目的比较优势模型的分析方法,联系电视节目比较优势要素系统,构建了中国电视节目的比较优势分析模型。在模型基础上,通过数据统计和相关性分析的定量分析方法验证了经济模型的可行性。然后,根据该分析模型用定性分析的方法阐述了中国电视节目比较优势的具体内容,并深入探讨了中国电视节目比较优势的生成条件。本文认为要素禀赋、需求系统、相关产业和企业行为是影响中国电视节目比较优势的关键因素,其中要素禀赋包括资本资源、劳动力资源、技术(知识)资源和其他资源,需求系统包括需求结构、消费偏好、文化折扣等方面,相关产业的重要内容有产业结构和规模经济,而企业行为专指竞争力和交易效率;在中国电视节目比较优势的分析模型中,本文重点指出电视节目的市场需求、市场供给和资本因素与电视节目国际市场竞争力呈现正相关关系,应当作为中国电视节目比较优势的有效推进力量;同时指出影响中国电视节目比较优势的组合要素之间部分存在较强的相关性,证实了要素系统的联动性。本文分析得出中国电视节目比较优势的具体内容大致包括资本结构多样、资源禀赋丰裕,电视节目需求规模化、“文化折扣”减弱,产业价值链初步建设、外部规模经济的营造,实现了电视节目整体开发、节目增值空间拓展等;而中国电视节目面临国际贸易市场弱势表现,需要构建的比较优势转化条件主要有阶段性技术资本的积累、电视节目资源的前期知识投资,中外电视节目的需求结构相似、消费市场成为有效货币资源,电视内容产业的形成、电视产业规模经济的实现,与外国媒介的广泛合作、制播交易体系逐渐成熟、贸易流通体系的深度构建以及规范、明确的政策支持。

【Abstract】 TV program has joined into the tendency of the free float in global world. After 6 years entered into WTO, Chinese TV program trade represents a hard deficit in trade these years showing a lack of competitive power compared with aboard. It’s very significant to study on the competitive power of Chinese TV program. Standing for this, the essay aims at finding out the reference value factor of which can provide TV program in China superiority through the way taking lessons of comparative advantage research on culture industry, starting from comparative interest in trade theory, with the tool of economic to analysis on the system of Chinese TV program.According to the comparative advantage in the international trade and the experience of study on the culture industry, the essay represents a factor system in TV program from the“diamond model”theory. In further, the article constructs the model to analyze comparative advantage in Chinese TV program. With tools of statistic and correlation, to find out the feasibility of those models. Then the article describes the contents and condition of the comparative advantage in Chinese TV program.Through the phase of theory and model, the study at first solve the problem over the system on comparative advantage in Chinese TV program, whose essential factors contains producing elements, demand factors, relevant industry and working enterprise. Then the essay investigates the correlations between those factors and point out there exists a positive correlation between demand, supply, capital and comparative advantage in the TV program in China, the factors in the system exist some kind of positive correlation as well, proving the movements of the system itself.In continue, the essay summarize the contents of comparative advantage in Chinese TV program, including variety in capital resource, abundant producing factors, huge demand scale, decay in“culture discount”, etc. In front of the practical action of Chinese TV program around international market, the study make out a series of conditions to the comparative advantage for Chinese program like accumulation of technology, investment of TV program content, similar structure in demand, TV audience market monetary, form the TV content industry, to achieve the industry scale economy, to cooperate with companies oversea, the mature of system in make and broadcast, construct the circulation system and standard policy supporting TV program.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期

