

A Study of the Effects of Bilingual Teaching on College Students’ English Proficiency and Subject Content Knowledge

【作者】 周建

【导师】 章晋新;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究运用双语教育理论及第二语言习得理论对国内大学双语教学进行分析研究,其目的在于调查大学双语教学的现状及双语教学对学生英语水平和学科知识的影响,并根据调查结果从英语学习和英语教学的角度提出旨在提高双语教学的一些建议。本研究采用了问卷调查、课堂观察、访谈相结合的方式调查了湖南大学双语教学的现状,并运用独立样本T检验、成对样本T检验等主要统计方法对双语教学对学生英语水平和学科知识的影响进行分析,研究结果表明接受调查的双语课程教师和绝大部分学生对大学双语教学持肯定态度,认为双语教学有必要且有积极意义:双语教学对学生英语水平的提高有一定的促进作用,其中学生英语听力和阅读水平提高显著。在学科知识方面,双语教学并没有阻碍学生对学科知识的掌握,与非双语班的学生相比并无显著性差异;同时研究结果也表明大学双语教学中还存在一些问题:学生英语水平发展不平衡;双语课堂互动需进一步加强;缺乏足够既精通专业知识又精通英语的双语教师;缺乏合适的双语教材。基于以上结果,本研究从英语学习和英语教学的角度分别对双语课堂,大学英语课程,双语教师,以及双语教材方面提出了旨在提高双语教学质量的一些建议。(1)提高学生语言运用能力特别是语言交际能力,给学生创造良好的语言学习坏境,加强双语课堂的交互互动,使学生有机会实现对语言的运用,以期达到在使用中学习语言的目的,使学生把语言运用与解决学科问题有机结合;(2)采用SCLT(sustained-content language teaching)模式促进双语教学与大学英语教学的结合,以提高学生对本专业语言的熟悉程度,提高学生双语课堂知识的吸收效果:(3)加强双语课教师培训,对专业课教师进行英语语言运用能力培训,争取在较短时间内培养出一支质量较高的双语教师队伍。(4)选用合适的双语课程教材等。

【Abstract】 This thesis applied theories of bilingual education and second language acquisition to conduct an empirical study on bilingual teaching in Hunan University.It aims at studying the status quo of bilingual teaching in university, and it aims at studying the effects of bilingual teaching in university physics course on the students’ performances in their English proficiency and subject content knowledge as well.This thesis employed questionnaire, classroom observation and interviews to investigate the status quo of bilingual teaching in Hunan University, and it also employed the Independent Sample T-test and Paired Sample T-test to analysis the data to study the effects of bilingual teaching on the students’ performances in their English proficiency and subject content knowledge. According to the data analysis, we found that the teacher and most of the students accepted bilingual teaching, and they thought it was necessary to conduct bilingual teaching; Bilingual teaching improved students’ English proficiency, especially their listening and reading comprehension; Bilingual teaching did not impede the students’ performances in their subject content knowledge. There was no significant difference between the bilingual class and non-bilingual class in students’ subject knowledge; there were some problems in the bilingual teaching program, such as lacking of interaction in bilingual class, lacking of enough qualified bilingual teachers, lacking of suitable textbooks.Based on the above conclusion, this study aims at bringing some thoughts and constructive suggestions from the aspect of English learning and teaching for bilingual teaching in universities:(1)To create a meaningful interaction with the cooperation of the teachers and the students and to create favorable environments for students to practice their English effectively and to improve their communicative competence then enhance the interaction in bilingual class;(2)To adopt SCLT to sever as a bridge over the gap between general English learning and bilingual teaching.(3)To design teacher training programs to promote teachers’ command of content-oriented language;(4)To select suitable textbooks.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期
  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】474

