
基于Web Service的小型办公自动化系统的设计与实现

【作者】 郑付海

【导师】 周勇; 巩祥斋;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 软件工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 以一个小型办公自动化(OA)系统的开发为例,详细介绍了基于.Net的办公自动化系统的开发过程。OA系统作为企业日常办公所必须的系统,经常要与本部门的其他业务系统或其他部门的办公系统进行数据的共享和互操作。鉴于此,本文将Web服务引入了OA系统的开发,将系统中可供外部调用的业务流程设计为Web服务,较好地解决了这一问题。本文首先介绍了课题的研究背景和意义,阐述了办公自动化系统的相关概念和发展历程,并对相关的理论和技术进行分析。然后介绍了项目开发中主要的工具和相关技术,如.Net平台和Web Service。接下来结合小型企业办公自动化系统的实际要求,对系统进行了结构设计和功能设计。以办公自动化系统中的核心——公文流转子系统为例,详细介绍了该系统的总体设计和数据库设计,并给出了数据存取层、业务服务层和表示层的具体实现。最后对整个系统的开发进行了总结。本系统在开发中引入了Web Service技术,增强了本系统与其他系统共享数据和互操作的能力,在公文流转子系统的设计过程中,实现了流程定制。通过流程的定制,实现了审批流程的多样化和可变性。为基于Web Service的办公自动化系统开发提供了一个可参考的方案。

【Abstract】 Taking the development of a small OA system for example,the development process of the.Net-based OA system is described in this paper.As an integrant system in an organization’s office business,OA system often shares data and operates with the other systems inside and outside of the organization.Therefore,the web service is introduced in the development of the OA system,the business flow that can be called by the outer application is designed as a web service,and the problem is solved preferably.Firstly,we begin with the background and Significance in the research subject, and then we expound the relevant concepts and the development course of the OA system,and analyze the relevant theory and technology.Secondly,we introduce the development tools and technologies,such as the.Net framework and the web service, which the search project need.Combining with the real requirement of the small enterprise OA system,the overall structure and function of the system is designed. Taking the document circulation subsystem for example,the overall structure and database design is described in detail.Then the implement of the data access layer,the business service layer and the present layer is proposed.At last,we summarize the development of the OA system.As the web service being introduced in the software development,the OA system’s ability of sharing data and operating with the other system is boosted up. The customized workflow is implemented in the design of the document circulating system,which makes the examination and approval process diverse and changeable. So,the paper is valuable to the development of the OA system,which based on the web service.

【关键词】 办公自动化系统Web Service工作流.Net框架
【Key words】 OA systemweb serviceworkflow.Net Framework
  • 【分类号】TP317.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】213

