

The Study of Service Satisfaction Survey on Pudong Airport and Its Implications

【作者】 史璟

【导师】 何佳讯;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文试图探讨服务营销理念在中国机场管理中的使用,针对上海浦东国际机场服务满意度调查的结果,利用服务营销的理论对机场的经营管理进行系统解读和分析,并提出机场提高服务质量吸引旅客的建议,探究中国机场业的生存和发展道路。本文的第一章,从介绍机场管理和机场营销理论出发,探讨了机场营销理念的产生和发展过程,提出了国际航空政策的演变以及国际主要机场经营模式的发展是机场营销理念产生和发展两大基础的观点,并试述了机场服务营销的概念。然后从两个层面介绍了本文的研究对象浦东机场所处的现状,第一个层面是中国机场业这个大背景,认为目前中国机场业在服务营销上与国际同业的差距主要表现在缺乏市场环境、缺乏政策环境、缺乏战略意识、缺乏服务营销意识四个方面;第二个层面则详细描述了浦东机场目前发展所面临的四个方面的挑战和机遇。通过这些内容力图全面反映本文的研究对象上海浦东国际机场所处的市场环境、管理状态。本文的第二章,主要内容是本文的理论基础以及浦东机场满意度测评的情况介绍。文章详细回顾了服务满意度测评理论的产生和发展过程,通过介绍Parasuraman、Berry、Zeithaml、Cronin、Taylor、Gr(o|¨)nroos等等众多学者的观点和理论,详述了国际上主要服务满意度理论的内容,服务满意度测评的主要模式,服务满意度的测评方法,测评中可能存在的问题。在本章中还介绍了对浦东机场进行服务满意度测评的基本情况。本文的第三章,详细介绍了根据浦东机场服务满意度测评得出的结论:旅客关注需求的满足、旅客期望与服务满意度关系密切、环境对旅客满意度有影响作用、标准化程度影响旅客满意度的稳定。从这四个方面入手,结合浦东机场的运行特点,分析探讨了旅客形成服务满意度感受的原因,解释了机场要提高服务质量和能力应注意的问题。本文的第四章,针对服务满意度测评的结果提出了通过服务营销管理机场服务的对策和浦东机场参与国际市场竞争的建议,试图通过这些对策寻找提升浦东机场服务水平和服务能力的途径,为浦东机场参与国际航空运输市场的竞争,树立国际航空枢纽地位寻找有益的解决途径。最后,本文提出了要提高浦东机场服务能力和质量,必须在充分理解旅客满意度测评结果的基础上,采取相应服务营销管理对策的观点,认为浦东机场要进一步发展,具备在国际航空市场中的竞争能力,必须在现有满意度测评的基础上,熟悉国际市场范围的旅客需求,从更多的、范围更广的满意度测评中发现自身服务与国际水准的差距,从而明确改进目标,获取未来的发展空间。

【Abstract】 This article tries to study the usage of Service Marketing theory in the Management of Chinese Airports. After studying and analysis the results of Service Satisfaction Survey on Pudong Int’l Airport, it gives the suggestions to enhance the service quality to attract the passengers, searching the development methods for the China Airport Industry.Chapter 1 introduces the theory of Airport Management and Airport Marketing, discussing the development of them, and believing that the development of International Civil Aviation policy and business model of key International Airports was the foundations of the theory of Airport Marketing. Try to give the concept of Airport Service Marketing. Then, the article introduces the current situation of the object of study, Shanghai Pudong Airport, with two parts. First is the background of Chinese Airport Industry, and considering the four losses as the reasons of the differences between the home and abroad, which are loss of Market Environment, loss of Policy Environment, loss of Strategy Consciousness and loss of Service Marketing Consciousness. Second is the four challenges and opportunities which Pudong Airport facing now.The main content of Chapter 2 is the theory foundation of this article and the Test circumstances of the object of study. In this chapter, the author reviews the development of theory of Service Satisfaction Evaluation, the main model of the Evaluation, the processing methods and the probably shortcomings, with the opinions and thoughts of Parasuraman、Berry、Zeithaml、Cronin、Taylor、Gronroos etc. Then, it tells the circumstances of the object of study, Pudong Airport.Chapter 3 introduces the four results of the Pudong Airport Service Satisfaction Evaluation: Passengers focus on the satisfaction of their requests, Passengers’ Expectation closely link with the Satisfaction Evaluation, the Circumstance influence the Passengers’ Evaluation feelings, the level of Service Standardization influence the stable of Passengers’ Evaluation feelings. With these results and the characteristics of Pudong Airport, this chapter analysis the reasons of formation of the passengers’ Satisfaction feelings, explain the problems how to enhance the quality of Airport Service.In Chapter 4, the author gives the countermeasures on the Airport Service Management with Service Marketing theory, and the competition suggestions for Pudong Airport in the International Civil Aviation Market.Finally, the article believe that to enhance the Service ability and quality of Pudong Airport, the Airport must take right countermeasures under the Service Marketing theory following the fully understanding the results of the Passenger Satisfaction Evaluation. To have the competition ability in the International Market, the Airport must familiar the requests of the passengers home and abroad. To acknowledge the broader market, the Airport need join the World Class Evaluation to understand the differences and the developing direction.

  • 【分类号】F562
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】832

