

The Use and Development of Teachers and Students Information Literacy Vocational Training High School to Improve Teaching and Learning of Chinese

【作者】 肖枫

【导师】 郑桂华;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着多媒体和网络技术在我国中小学的普及,职高语文教学与信息技术的结合越来越密切。如何利用与开发信息素养来改进职高语文教学成为中等职业教育改革的突破口之一。为此,笔者进行了理论的阐述和实践的研究。全文共分四章:第一章:明确“信息素养”是指在信息社会中获得信息、利用信息、开发信息方面的修养与能力的涵义,及其具有知识性、普及性和操作性的多重特点。同时从信息社会的要求、新一轮教育改革的需要以及职高学生语文学习兴奋点不高现状三方面阐明了利用与开发信息素养的意义。第二章:由职高语文教师的信息素养对教学的促进作用入手,阐明当前教师运用多媒体、网络技术教学的现状:通过对学生的问卷调查,侧面了解到教学课件存在片面追求形式而忽视内容的不足;在运用信息技术过程中只注重单边操作,缺乏师生、生生、群体互动;对教育理念学习不深入,还没有实现信息技术与语文课程的有效整合;教师的信息技术知识和能力以及信息道德还有待提高。同时提出了应当强化语文课件设计的基本理念学习,培养教师良好的信息意识,加强信息技术知识和技能培训,创设信息技术环境来开发教师信息素养的对策。第三章:由职高学生的信息素养对语文学习的作用切入,通过对我校职高学生的问卷调查了解学生信息素养现状。调查表明学生因信息技术操作技能不高,严重影响自身就业;学生还缺乏利用网络来查阅、收集各种学习资源的意识,信息检索能力有待提高;学生对于信息道德和信息法规内容了解还不够深入。同时提出了一些开发学生信息素养的对策。第四章:分析以多媒体和网络技术为主的信息技术在职高语文教学中应用的典型案例。实践证明多媒体教学中合理使用图片、声音和动画等多种媒体可以很好地创设教学情境,激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学生的审美想象,由于良好的多媒体课件制作需要依托信息技术及课程整合理念,教师亟待提高自身信息素养;网络教学中学生对网络资源、BBS、QQ群、Blog也产生了浓厚的兴趣,在自主学习讨论过程中思维得到了激发,但同时存在松散性、不确定性、难控制性的游离现象,教师需要对学生进行有效控制。

【Abstract】 With the multimedia and network technology in our country’s universal primary and secondary schools, high school Chinese teaching and information technology are getting closer and closer. How to make use of information and development to improve the quality of high school Chinese teaching in secondary vocational education reform has become one of a breakthrough. To this end, I had a set of theoretical and practical research. The full text is divided into four chapters:ChapterⅠ: Clear "information literacy" means in the information society access to information, the use of information, development of information and the ability of the meaning of self-cultivation, and has the knowledge, and universal interoperability of multiple characteristics. At the same time, from the information society, a new round of the need for education reform as well as high school students in Chinese learning excitement is not high status in three areas out utilization and the development of information literacy.ChapterⅡ: From vocational training high school Chinese teachers for teaching information literacy to promote the role of the start of the current teachers to clarify the use of multimedia, network technology teaching of the status quo: the student survey, the side that the existence of one-sided pursuit of courseware in the form of neglect and lack of content; in the use of information technology in the process of focusing only on unilateral operation, the lack of teachers and students, students and students , group interaction; the idea of education is not an in-depth study, yet to achieve the information technology and the effective integration of Chinese courses; teachers in information technology knowledge and as well as moral message yet to be improved. At the same time, should be made to strengthen the language courseware design the basic concept of learning and training good teachers in the sense of information, strengthening the information technology knowledge and skills training, information technology to create the environment for the development of information literacy teaching strategies.ChapterⅢ: Vocational training high school students from the quality of information on the role of language learning cut through my high school students in the school survey students to understand the information literacy status quo. Investigation showed that students of information technology skills is not high, serious impact on their employment; students also use the lack of access to the network, collecting a variety of learning resources, awareness, information retrieval capability to be improved; information for students and information ethics rules is not enough in-depth understanding of the content. At the same time, made a number of students in the development of information literacy strategy.ChapterⅣ: Analysis of multimedia and network technology-based information technology in Chinese teaching vocational training high school in a typical case of the application. Practice has proved that the rational use of multimedia in teaching pictures, sound and animation and other media can create a good teaching situation, to stimulate interest in learning to mobilize students to imagine the aesthetic, as well need to rely on the production of multimedia courseware for information technology and curriculum integration the idea that teachers need to improve their own quality of information; network of secondary school teaching resource network, BBS, QQ group, Blog also had a keen interest in the self-study course of the discussions has been to stimulate thinking, but the loose-exist, uncertainty hard to control the phenomenon of free, teachers need to effectively control the students.


