

The Analysis on the Process of Poor Chemistry Learners’ Problem Solving in High School and the Empirical Research on Its Countermeasure

【作者】 崔飞

【导师】 乐翠娣;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 通过对化学学业不良学生和化学学业优秀学生在问题解决的陈述性知识、程序性知识以及认知和元认知因素的对比研究,比较它们对两类学生问题解决的影响差异,探讨影响化学学业不良学生问题解决的因素。研究结果发现:1.化学学业不良学生不仅在陈述性知识上与化学学业优秀学生存在明显差异,在陈述性知识的运用上与化学学业优秀学生也存有显著差异。2.问题理解、问题表征、解题计划、问题分类和程序评估对化学学业不良学生问题解决有显著影响。3.问题的理解是影响化学学业不良学生问题解决的重要的因素,对问题不能理解是他们解答较难应用题困难的首要原因,他们找不到问题原型,而确立新问题原型的能力几乎没有,增加应用题文字信息对化学学业不良学生问题解决有缓和作用。4.化学学业优秀学生在对应用题进行表征时,倾向于从整体把握问题,看问题信息之间的内在联系,使用结构表征策略;而对化学学业不良学生来说,复述内容和关键信息策略的使用次数明显多于结构表征策略。5.化学学业不良学生在自我评估这一元认知能力上与化学学业优秀学生存有显著差异,表现为对自己解题过程不能正确评估。依据以上研究成果,设计教学干预措施,教学干预措施主要有:1.要求化学学业不良学生记忆陈述性知识时要注重多感官协同记忆,要将知识结构化。2.要求化学学业不良学生在完成化学应用题时,在解题之前额外增加一道步骤:要求他们用图表的形式来表示出问题的内在关系。3.要对化学学业不良学生加强对应用题题意理解方面的教学。教给他们正确的解题策略:类比策略、分解策略、逆推策略等。4.要对化学学业不良学生强化化学典型应用题解法的教学,尽量帮助学生在一类化学应用题中归纳出问题原型,让他们掌握解题方法,并及时巩固。5.要求化学学业不良学生在解化学应用题时要运用反思策略。要求在解决化学问题时,不时停下来对自己的问题解决过程作出评价。根据评价结果,随时对解决问题的方法和步骤做出调整和完善。在教学实践中,运用这些干预措施。通过对被试的前测、教学干预、后测等步骤的实证研究,对比前后测的学业不良学生的化学成绩的提高情况,分析出教学干预措施对化学学业不良学生的问题解决有较大帮助,这些措施是有效的。

【Abstract】 By comparing and contrasting the differences in problem-solving between good learners and poor learners in chemisty learning due to the differences in declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge and cognitive and metacognitve factors, the essay conducts a survey trying to discuss and find out the possible factors that affect poor learners’ performance in learning chemistry. The results show that:1. Poor learners not only differ much from good learners in declarative knowledge but also in procedural knowledge.2. The understanding and the analysis of the question, together with the technique used in solving the problem and procedural assessment have an obvious effect on poor learners when it comes to solving the problem.3. The key to solving the problem lies in the understanding of the target problem. Failing to understand the question is the prime factor that makes them unable to work out the complex problem. They cannot possibly locate the original knowledge, not to mention their poor ability to establish a whole new one. Adding more textual information to the problem is beneficial to help students solving it.4. Good learners tending to view the problem as a whole, focus on the interner connection between the information provided and prefer to use representational strategy. In contrast, poor learners are more likely to use retelling and key information strategy.5. Poor learners differ greatly from good learners in self- assessment. Poor students often fail to make a correct assessment about themselves.Based on this survey, the following teaching measures are adopted to interfere in students’ learning.1. Advising poor learners to improve their way of memorizing declarative knowledge by combining all senses so as to systematically construct their knowledge2. Asking poor learners to add an extra procedure in solving the problem, that is showing the internal connection by drawing diagrams.3. Emphasizng on teaching students how to understand the question correctly and effectively by instilling useful learning strategies.4. Strengthening the teaching of techniques in solving the problems with the intention of helping improving students’ conductive and deductive abilities.5. Encouraging students to reflect on what they’ve learned by stopping from time to time to assess their problem-solving procedure and eventually making proper ajustments and improvement.These meaures are applied in practical teaching. Relevant data involved in pre-test, testing and post-testing are collected and analyzed and the result proves that these interferences in teaching are effective in helping poor students to improve their academic performance.

  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【下载频次】246

