

On Classroom Violations Primary School Students

【作者】 鲁玲

【导师】 黄忠敬;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 课堂教学是教师与学生完成教与学的互动,最终使学生实现全面发展的一条重要途径,良好的课堂教学秩序是提高课堂教学效率、促进学生全面发展的重要保证,但在现实的教育情境中,课堂违规行为普遍存在。研究者立足于国内外对课堂违规行为已有的研究基础之上,将小学生确定为研究对象,力求通过实际的调查研究和分析,寻找小学生课堂违规行为产生的真正原因并据此提出纠正课堂违规行为的方法。在本研究中,研究者选择了安徽省蚌埠市的三所公立小学作为研究对象,采用文献研究、问卷调查、个别访谈以及观察的方法进行研究。研究者在文献研究的基础上自行设计了调查问卷,对三所小学的243名在校学生进行了调查,在研究过程中,研究者立足小学校跟随班级听课、观察及访谈的时间累计16周,随堂听课、观察累积56课时,访谈人数17人,其中教师11人,学生6人。本研究在调查研究的基础上分析了小学生课堂违规行为的特点及小学生课堂违规行为产生的原因并据此提出了小学生课堂违规行为的纠正策略。通过对调查问卷结果的统计分析,研究者认为小学生的课堂违规行为有以下特点:1、小学生课堂违规行为具有普遍性;2、小学生课堂违规行为以轻度为主;3、小学生课堂违规行为具有性别差异。对小学生课堂违规行为产生原因的调查分析是本研究的重要部分,只有找准“病因”,才能“对症下药”,研究者通过问卷调查、个别访谈和随堂观察,从教师、学生、环境三个方面对小学生课堂违规行为产生的原因进行了分析,得出的结论是:对小学生课堂违规行为产生影响较大的几个因素分别为教师的教育观念、管理行为、业务水平、学生的家庭环境以及学生自身的心理原因,其中教师方面的原因是导致学生课堂违规行为的主要原因。在原因分析的基础上研究者提出了小学生课堂违规行为的纠正策略:1、教师方面——全面提高教师素质;2、学生方面——培养学生的自我管理能力;3、环境方面——优化学校、社会、家庭育人环境。

【Abstract】 Classroom Teaching is an important way for teachers and students to complete the interactive teaching and learning, and ultimately to enable students to achieve the comprehensive development. A good classroom teaching order is an important guarantee to improve teaching efficiency, and promote all-round development of students. However, in real situations of education, classroom violations can be found universally. The researchers, identified primary school students for this study which is based on the studies at home and abroad on classroom violations, tried their best to find the real causes for the violations through actual investigation and analysis, and accordingly find the ways to correct classroom violations.In this study, the researchers selected three public primary schools in Bengbu City, Anhui Province as the subject investigated. The study methods included literature research, surveys, individual interviews and observation. The researchers designed a survey questionnaire of their own on the basis of literature research. 243 students in three primary schools conducted the survey. In the course of the study, the researchers listened to classes in primary schools, observed and interviewed the students with a total time of 16 weeks, including 56 hours of listening to classes and observation, and the interviews with 17 people, of whom 11 were teachers, 6 were students.This study analyzes the characteristics of primary classroom violations and the causes for it on the basis of investigation, and accordingly puts forward strategies to conect it. Through the statistical analysis of the survey results, the researchers believe that the primary classroom violations have the following characteristics: 1. primary classroom violations are universal; 2. the classroom irregularities of primary school students are mainly mild; 3. gender differences exist in classroom violations of primary school students. The investigation and analysis of the causes of classroom violations of primary school students is an important part of this study, for only accurately identify the "cause" can we know how to make it "right". The researchers did the cause analysis of the primary classroom violations through a questionnaire survey, individual interviews and in-class observation, from three aspects named teachers, students and environment. The conclusion is that: the more influential reasons for primary classroom violations were teachers’ educational concepts, management, capability of business, the student’s family environment and the student’s own psychological reasons, among which teachers’ reasons are the main causes for violations. The researchers put forward the strategies of correcting primary classroom violations on the basis of cause analysis: 1. from the aspect of teachers -comprehensively enhance the quality of teachers; 2. from the aspect of students -cultivate the students’ self-management capabilities; 3. from the aspect of environment - optimize education environment of schools, society, and family.

  • 【分类号】G622.4
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1278

