

Research about the Influence of University Ideological and Political Education Theme Web Site

【作者】 吴先琳

【导师】 余玉花;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 互联网给人类生活带来了日新月异的变化,并且已成为大学生获取知识和信息的重要渠道,对学生的学习、生活和思想观念产生深刻的影响,也使得高校思想政治教育面临着无数机遇和挑战。面对挑战,一些高校迅速应变,纷纷建立思想政治教育主题网站,积极利用网络的优势、不断探索网络教育新模式。目前,我国的高校思想政治教育主题网站有了较好、较快的发展,取得了一定的成绩,但也存在特色不够、内容单一、后续发展乏力等问题,高校利用互联网开展思想政治教育的实际效果与其预期目标还存在较大差距,影响力不足。针对存在的问题,笔者从理论到实践,层层深入,从决定影响力的关键因素、相关因素、应采取的措施等方面,积极探寻提高思想政治教育主题网站影响力的最佳途径,以求提高其实效性、扩大其覆盖面、增强其影响力,真正使主题网站成为大学生的“精神家园”。论文的具体结构如下:第一部分:高校思想政治教育主题网站及其影响力研究的意义。本部分在前人研究成果的基础上,界定了思想政治教育主题网站的内涵、分类,并对其功能进行了研究,同时具体阐述了对主题网站影响力进行研究的意义,指出高校思想政治教育自身发展的需要决定了该研究的必要性。第二部分:决定高校思想政治教育主题网站的影响力的主要因素。本部分对影响力及其衡量标准进行了界定,创造性地提出了点击率、参与率和认同感、辐射力、教育效力这四个标准,并且具体分析了决定高校思想政治教育主题网站影响力的主要因素,指出网站内容、工作队伍、网络技术、校方重视是决定思想政治教育主题网站影响力的关键因素。第三部分:高校思想政治教育主题网站的影响力现状及存在问题的原因分析。该部分主要通过调查问卷得出的数据,分析当前思想政治教育主题网站在现实运行中取得的成绩和出现的问题,并针对现有的问题进行原因探究,为下文突破思想政治教育主题网站运行困境作好理论上的铺垫。第四部分:提升思想政治主题网站的影响力的对策。本部分主要着眼于有针对性的对策研究,从改进网站内容、实现网上网下的立体互动、加强网站教育管理队伍建设、优化网站运行的环境、改进网站的运营理念等五个方面指出了扩大主题网站影响力的具体途径。

【Abstract】 The internet has brought to human life rapid changes, and has become the main channel that university students of the time to get knowledge and information. It has brought profound impact on the general students’ learning, life and ideas and concepts, and also made the university Ideological and Political Education face countless chance and challenge.Facing it, some universities respond rapidly. They establish the theme web site, use the network edge, continuing to explore new mode of network education. At present, China’s ideological and political education in colleges and universities with the theme site has had better, faster development, and achieved certain results, but there are some questions such as not enough characteristics, as single, weak follow-up issues of development. But the current situation, as deficient influence these sites have, there is still a large gap between the actual results that China’s colleges and universities use the Internet carrying out ideological and political education and its intended purpose. In view of these existing problems, the author from theory to practice, step by step, actively explore the best way to improve the influence of ideological and political education theme site, from the decisions of the key factors, relevant factors of determining the influence, measures to be taken, and enhance its effectiveness, expand its coverage, enhance its influence, to make it become the "spiritual home" of university students actually.The detail structure of this thesis as the follows:The first part points out the research significance of university Ideological and Political Education theme site and its influence. On the basis of the fruit of previous studies, it defines the content and classification of the university ideological and political education theme the site, researches its function, and expatiate on the significance of researching on the theme sit’s influence, points out the necessity of this research is determined by the university Ideological and Political Education, it’s own development needs;The second part points out the leading factors determine the influence of university Ideological and Political Education theme web site. It defines the influence of the sites and the reference point of it, puts forward four standards in a creative way such as clicks ratio and participation rate, sense of identity, radiometric force and effectiveness of education;The third part analysis the status quo of influence and problems of the university ideological and political education theme web site. Based on the data of questionnaire survey, analysis the achievements and problems in the actual operation of university Ideological and Political Education theme web site, analysis the reasons for the existing problems, prepares in theory for the next part, which expatiates how to broke through plight of operating of university Ideological and Political Education theme web site.PartⅣpoints out the countermeasure to enhance the influence of university Ideological and Political Education theme web site. This part proposes targeted countermeasures and thinking from five aspects such as the contents of the web site, three-dimensional interaction, team building operating environment and operational concepts, points out the specific ways and means of expanding the influence of the university Ideological and Political Education theme web site.

  • 【分类号】G641
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】337

