

A Study of Eco-poet Gary Snyder

【作者】 高歌

【导师】 王诺;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 美国诗人加里·斯奈德是当代世界生态文学的代表性作家。他的生态诗歌创作对世界生态文学的发展产生了巨大而深远的影响,他作品中的生态思想对当代美国乃至世界的生态主义思潮、对生态区域主义运动产生了重要的推动作用。斯奈德还是当今生态批评的热点,几乎所有主要的、有代表性的生态批评家都对他进行了研究。生态角度的斯奈德研究为生态批评的深入发展提供了重要的个案。这便是本论文确定这一选题的主要原因。本文从生态视角对斯奈德的生态诗歌进行解读分析,总结了斯奈德在诗歌作品中对生态危机现状的认识和理解,对蕴涵在自然万物和若干民族文化中的生态资源的探索,以及他的生态整体主义思想以及由此延伸出的生态实践观。本文的研究建立在对斯奈德作品的大量阅读和翻译的基础上。本文以斯奈德的十部主要的原文诗集为主、七部原文散文集为辅来全面研究斯奈德诗歌中的生态思想。本文引用的所有斯奈德诗歌和散文均为作者本人翻译。迄今为止,中国大陆还没有一本施奈德诗集译本问世,台湾也只有一部斯奈德诗文选出版,中国还没有出现从生态视角对斯奈德诗歌进行研究的中文论著,从这个角度进行研究的论文也很少。国内已有的相关研究大多是对斯奈德的生态思想进行总体性介绍,或着重于斯奈德的生态思想与东方文化的联系。国外有较多的相关文献,本文主要的文献支撑来自英文研究成果。本文在国内外已有的生态视角的斯奈德研究之基础上,意图在斯奈德生态诗歌研究的宏观和微观方面达到以下创新:在宏观方面,以其生态思想为独立的主线,对蕴涵在斯奈德诗歌中的生态观进行整体性介绍和逻辑梳理;在微观方面,大量翻译斯奈德的生态诗作,并对其进行细致解读,让读者对斯奈德的诗歌作品及其中的生态意蕴有直观而具体的了解。本文用五个章节、约20万字的篇幅系统介绍评论了斯奈德融会以佛教生态观为主的多种思想的生态整体主义观念,其中包括汲取了印第安狩猎观、神话传统以及原始巫教的“深度生态学”;也探讨了斯奈德以重新栖居为目的的生态实践观,包括斯奈德在印第安神话和巫教文化启发下对诗人生态使命的界定,以龟岛为范本对生物区域主义、地方、“地方感”和栖居者的理解,以及建设生态社区、开创并传承生态文化的基本观点。本文论述的斯奈德的生态思想以万物重新栖居为主线,按照以下逻辑展开论述:首先,探讨斯奈德的诗歌所展现出的在女神、上帝、科学主宰的几个时代中自然的遭遇,通过分析自然和人类在生态危机中遭受重创的表现和原因,揭示重新栖居是包括人类在内的万物的必然要求。其次,解读斯奈德的诗歌对万物重生力量和若干民族栖居智慧的探索,肯定万物重新栖居的可能性。再次,总结斯奈德诗作中的生态认识,明确人与自然万物在物质和精神上应有的和谐关系,建立万物重新栖居的思想基础。最后,分析斯奈德独特的生态实践观,明确万物重新栖居的具体实践方法和努力方向。在结语部分,简要评析了斯奈德生态思想的意义及其局限。

【Abstract】 The American poet Gary Snyder, as a representative writer in ecoliterature in modern times, exerts a profound and global influence on the development of ecoliterature with his eco-poetry writings, and his ecological thoughts embodied in which greatly contribute to the booming of American ecoliterature especially to the global ecological thoughts and the Movement of Bioregionalism. Significantly, Snyder is also the most controversial poet in ecocriticism. Almost every important ecocritic has studied or illuminated his poems. Based on the anterior studies, my ecoliterary interpretation of Snyder’s works will contribute an in-depth case study to the ecocriticism for its further development. Holding this faith, I have determined to take up this study.This thesis aims to interpret Snyder’s eco-poetry from ecological perspectives in order to conclude the way that Snyder gets to know the current ecological crisis, explores the ecological elements involved in nature and some ethnical culture, and constructs his theories of ecological holism which is later extended into his ecological practicalism.My extensive reading and translation of Snyder’s works lays a sound foundation for this study. Snyder’s ecological thoughts are mainly embodied in his ten volumes of poems which I scrutinized and will utilize as main materials. I also use his 7 volumes of prose as supporting materials. All the Chinese versions cited in this thesis are translated by myself.So far, not a single volume of Snyder’s poetry has been published in the mainland of China and just one in Taiwan, still less the master written in Chinese studying Snyder’s poetry from ecological perspective. Papers about this are also rare. The anterior studies used to make an introductory comment on Snyder’s ecological thoughts or emphasize the relations between his thoughts and eastern culture. However, documents in foreign countries abound, which render a rich bank for my study.Proceeding from the existing ecoliterary studies of Snyder home and abroad, I make an attempt to achieve my innovative goal in both macroscopical and microcosmic aspects as follows: macroscopically, tracking the line of his ecological thoughts, I try to make a general introduction and summarization to Snyder’s ecological thoughts embodied in his works; microcosmically, I translated a lot of his eco-poems. I hope my interpretation will give readers a straight and sound understanding of Snyder’s works as well as those ecological elements embodied in them.Five chapters containing around 200,000 words are for the illustration of Snyder’s ecological holism, a fusion of multiple ecological thought, with Buddhist ecological thoughts as its main source, and this holism including the "depth ecology" absorbing Indian game laws, mythological tradition and shamanism. These chapters also explore Snyder’s ecological practicalism aiming to Reinhabitory. This theory includes the aspects of how Snyder, under the inspiration from the Indian mythologies and shamanism, defines the responsibility of poets, how he takes the Turtle Island as a paradigm, making sense of Bioregionalism, place, "sense of place", and inhabitant respectively, and how he constructs the community, creates and carries on the ecological culture.In this thesis, I follow the mainstream of Snyder’s Reinhabitory to disscuss his ecological thoughts, and lay out my paper logically as follows: firstly, I will explore his depictions on how nature suffers in different eras governed by goddesses, God and science. By analyzing how and why nature and human beings suffer in the ecological crisis, the poet reveals that Reinhabitory is indispensable to all creatures including human beings. Secondly, I make an attempt to figure out how Snyder explores the renascent power of creatures and inhabitation wisdom of some races so as to prove the possibility for all creatures to reinhabit. Thirdly, I try to summarize Snyder’s ecological awareness embodied in his poetry and prove the harmony which links all the creatures physically and mentally so as to establish the Reinhabitory theory. Finally, another attempt is made to analyze Snyder’s special ecological practical theory and to find a way to practise the Reinhabitory theory and point out a direction to his future aim. In the conclusion, I make a simple evaluation on the significance of Snyder’s ecological poems, as well as his limitations.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】I712.072
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】524

