

Research on the Factors Influencing the Cooperation of Industry-Academy-Research at Chinese Higher Education Institutions

【作者】 陈鸿雁

【导师】 范怡红;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 比较教育学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 在当今知识经济时代,高校不仅是传授知识、培养创新思维和培育人才的地方,它也逐渐成为了国家创新主体及新知识、新技术的聚集地。走产学研合作之路是世界各国高校将其新知识、新技术转化成现实生产力的普遍选择。本论文以“官产学关系的三重螺旋”理论为基础,深入研究影响高校产学研合作的主要因素。这些因素不仅包括高校与企业自身的因素;还包括经济环境、政府以及科技中介机构等因素;同时,又包括合作过程中的诸多因素。近几年,高校产学合作在快速发展的同时,也存在着许多问题,如:合作层次偏低;合作效益不够好;合作双方观念有差异;相关法律法规不完善等。这些问题制约着高校与企业合作的进一步深入,不利于高校科研成果向现实生产力的转化。在这种情况下,探究影响高校产学研合作的因素尤为重要。有鉴于此,本论文以高校产学研合作的影响因素为研究对象,分六章探讨该问题:第一章为绪论,主要内容包括本研究的选题背景与研究意义,相关研究现状综述,本研究的基本思路、方法与新意以及概念界定和理论基础。第二章是对我国高校产学研合作的历史发展进程进行梳理,介绍了高校与企业合作的主要模式与发展现状,分析二者合作中存在的主要问题。第三章是在第二章的基础上,从外部经济环境、政府、中介机构以及合作过程中的影响因素等四个方面深入研究影响高校产学研合作的主要因素,为第六章针对高校产学研合作中的问题提出有切实可行的建议作基础。第四章以厦门大学产学研合作为研究案例,具体呈现高校在产学研合作中面临的问题,并从外部经济环境、政府、中介机构等方面详细分析影响厦门大学产学研合作发展与成效的因素。第五章运用比较研究法,在介绍美、德、日三国高校产学研合作情况的基础上,同样从外部经济环境、政府以及中介机构等方面分析影响美、德、日三国高校与企业合作发展及成效的因素。然后,总结出这三个国家在高校产学研合作方面可资我国借鉴的经验。第六章是在上述所有研究的基础上,试图对我国高校产学研合作工作的顺利开展提出有针对性的建议,以规范和引导高校产学研合作,促进其健康发展。本论文的基本结论:高校产学研合作的发展受多种因素的影响,其中既包括国家经济环境、政府、中介机构等因素,又包括高校与企业自身的因素,还包括合作环节等方面的因素。这些因素相互关联,共同影响着高校产学研合作工作的开展。认真研究这些因素可以帮助我们看清高校产学研合作中存在的问题,提出有针对性的对策建议,进而推进高校产学研合作工作的稳步发展。

【Abstract】 In today’s era of knowledge economy, Hihger Education Institutions (HEIs) is not only the place to impart knowledge, train innovative thinking and cultivate talents, it has also become a national hub for innovation, new knowledge and technologies. The cooperation of Industry-Academy-Research is a unanimous choice for the HEIs around the world to transform these new knowledge and technologies into practical productivity. The thesis is based on the theory of "the Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government Relations", analyzes the key factors influencing the cooperation of Industry-Academy-Research at Chinese HEIs. In addition to HEIs’ internal influencing factors, the extent and scale of the cooperation between HEIs and enterprises are also deeply influenced by many external factors, such as the economic environment, government, intermediaries of science and technology, and so on. Recent years, Chinese HEIs has made remarkable achievements in the cooperation of Industry-Academy-Research. However, there are also many problems in the cooperation. For example, the level of the cooperation is low; the benefits of the cooperation are not good enough; the concepts of HEIs and enterprises in the cooperation are different; the relevant laws and regulations are imperfect. These problems constrain the further development of the cooperation between HEIs and enterprises; they are also not conducive to the transformation of scientific research achievement of HEIs into productivity. In such circumstances, the research of the influencing factors of the cooperation of Industry-Academy-Research at Chinese HEIs is particularly important. Accordingly, the thesis takes the factors influencing the cooperation of Industry-Academy-Research at Chinese HEIs as research objective. The thesis consists of six chapters.The first chapter is the introduction to the whole thesis. It introduces the background and significance, the literature review, the main contents, the research approaches and methodology, the main innovation, the definition of basic terms, and the theoretical foundation of the thesis.The second chapter looks back on the development history of the cooperation of Industry-Academy-Research at Chinese HEIs, analyzes its main cooperative modes, current development and existing problems.The third chapter analyzes the factors influencing the cooperation of Industry-Academy-Research at Chinese HEIs from the aspects of the economic environment, government, intermediaries of science and technology, and the internal influencing factors of HEIs, so as to provide a foundation for making practical proposals to solve the problems existing in the cooperation.The fourth chapter is a case study of the cooperation of Industry-Academy-Research at Xiamen University (XMU). It analyzes the problems that XMU encountering in the cooperation of Industry-Academy-Research and then analyzes the factors influencing the cooperation of Industry-Academy-Research at XMU from the aspects of the economic environment, government, and intermediaries of science and technology. It illustrates the influences of these factors on the cooperation of Industry-Academy-Research at Chinese HEIs through the study of the specific case.The fifth chapter introduces the current situation of the Industry-Academy-Research cooperation at HEIs in the United States, Germany and Japan; it also analyzes the factors influencing the cooperation of Industry-Academy-Research at HEIs of these countries from the aspects of the economic environment, government, and intermediaries of science and technology. Then, it sums up their revelations to the cooperation of Industry-Academy-Research at Chinese HEIs.On the basis of above studies, the sixth chapter makes suggestion on standardizing and guiding the development of the cooperation of Industry-Academy-Research at Chinese HEIs.The conclusion of this thesis: The development of the cooperation of Industry-Academy-Research at Chinese HEIs are influenced by many factors, including the economic environment, government, intermediaries of science and technology, the internal factors of HEIs and enterprises, and some other factors. These factors are interrelated and form a joint force to affect the development of the cooperation. The research on these influencing factors and their relationship can help us to find the problems in the cooperation and propose the countermeasures and suggestions to promote the steady development of the cooperation of Industry-Academy-Research at Chinese HEIs and to guide its developing trend.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】G649.2
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】2285

