

Ecosystem Health Assessment of Jiulong River Estuary

【作者】 刘佳

【导师】 杨圣云;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 海岸带综合管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 河口是海水和淡水交汇和混合的部分封闭的沿岸海湾,是地球上两类水域生态系统之间的交替区。河口受到自然和人类的双重影响。随着世界人口数量的大幅增加和经济的快速增长,河口与人类的关系日益密切。河口生态系统为人类提供了丰富的服务功能,具有重要的经济价值;同时,河口环境也是最易受人类活动破坏的区域,污染、淤积、富营养化、资源枯竭等问题日益突出。因此,河口生态系统的研究越来越受到人们的重视。目前,国内外对生态系统健康的研究尚不成熟,未形成完整的评价指标体系和评价方法,而河口生态系统健康评价方面的研究更是少之又少。本文以福建省九龙江河口为例,以PSR模型为基本框架构建指标体系,尝试对九龙江河口生态系统健康进行评价,根据评价结果提出相应的对策措施以改善其健康现状。本论文分为理论部分和实践部分,主要包括以下研究内容:(1)理论部分包括第一章和第二章。该部分介绍了生态系统健康的概念和研究进展,以及河口生态系统健康及其评价方法,尝试提出河口生态系统健康的定义,认为健康的河口生态系统必须是稳定的和可持续的,对自然或者人为干扰能保持弹性与稳定性,一方面能够维持自身可持续发展的能力与状态,维持系统内物质流和能量流平衡,另一方面能够满足人类合理的需求和社会经济发展的要求(如港口航道、渔业资源、休闲娱乐等),不对邻近的其他生态系统(如海洋生态系统、陆地生态系统、流域生态系统等)造成压力;介绍了压力-状态-响应(PSR)模型及其应用研究,提出本文的研究目标、内容和技术路线,在此基础上阐述本文的基本思路;初步构建了基于PSR模型的河口生态系统健康评价指标体系,分别提出压力、状态、响应三部分的研究方法。(2)实践部分以九龙江河口为例进行案例研究,包括第三章至第六章。该部分介绍了九龙江河口生态系统的基本情况,阐述了九龙江河口区的自然环境特征、社会经济概况和资源特征等;根据理论研究构建的指标体系建立了九龙江河口生态系统健康评价的三级指标体系;依照该指标体系,采用定性与定量相结合的方法对研究区域的海洋生态现状进行健康评价,并与上世纪80年代的历史资料作简要的对比分析。结果表明,九龙江河口生态系统的压力主要来自台风、水土流失、生物入侵、赤潮、海平面上升、人口数量和入海污染物增加、经济增长以及资源开发利用等因素。定量计算结果表明,九龙江河口生态系统的非生物环境健康状态总分值为0.38,处于不健康状态;生物环境总分值为0.58,处于亚健康状态,综合评价指标分值为0.48,九龙江河口生态系统处于亚健康状态。响应部分主要从法律法规与政策、基础设施建设、生态保护与建设三个方面加以分析,指出九龙江河口区生态恶化趋势未得到有效控制。在此基础上提出了九龙江河口生态系统恢复的对策和建议。(3)九龙江河口生态系统健康状态综合指数0.48距离较健康水平尚须0.12的努力空间,而坠入不健康状态却仅差0.08。这就给社会各界敲响了警钟:保护九龙江已经到了刻不容缓的地步。从积极乐观的角度来看,无论是生物环境还是非生物环境,其中的不利因素相对比较集中,这样相关部门能够有针对性地制定解决方案。此外,非生物环境距离亚健康水平仅差0.02,生物环境距离较健康水平仅差0.02,这说明只要采取恰当有效的措施,全民动员,克服松懈懒散情绪,九龙江流域生态保护工作就可以取得新进展,九龙江河口生态系统的健康状况也可以迈上一个新台阶。(4)本论文的创新之处在于,结合生态系统健康的相关研究及河口生态系统的特征,提出了“河口生态系统健康”的概念;基于PSR模型构建了典型河口生态系统健康评价指标体系,并将其应用于九龙江河口生态系统研究,研究结果表明该指标体系具有一定的实用性;首次对九龙江河口生态系统健康进行的评价研究,研究结论对有关部门制定管理策略具有一定的借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 Estuary is a partially closed coastwise bay where seawater and freshwater mix. Two types of ecosystem pool at the estuary. Estuary is influenced by both nature and human. As the world population and economy greatly increase, the relationship between estuary and human is more and more closely. The estuary ecosystem has important value, as it provides abundant products and services to human. At the same time, estuary is easily destroyed by human activities. Some problems such as pollution, siltation, eutrophication, resources exhaustion, et al become increasingly seriously. As a result, the study on estuary has attracted more and more attention.At present, the research on ecosystem health is not mature yet. There are no integraty ecosystem health assessment indicator systems or assessment methods, especially on estuary ecosystem health assessment. This paper took Jiulong River Estuary in Fujian as an example, established a framework of indicators based on PSR Model, and attempted to assess Jiulong River Estuary Ecosystem Health. Then several proposals were offered according in order to the result to improve the status of the estuary.This paper was devided two parts: theoretical research and case study, principally as follows:(1) Theoretical research part included 1st and 2nd chapter. In this part, the concept of ecosystem health, its research progress, estuary ecosystem health and the methods of its assessment were introduced. As outlined in Charpter 1, Estuary Ecosystem Health could be defined that: a healthy estuary ecosystem should be balanced and sustainable. Facing natural and human disturbance, on one hand, it can maintain its own ability and state of sustainment, and maintain the balance of matter and energy stream. On the other hand, it can fill the reasonable need of human and the need of sustainable development (port, fishery, entertainment, et al), and doesn’t threaten other ecosystems around (sea ecosystem, land ecosystem, valley ecosystem, et al). In this part, Pressure-State-Response (PSR) Model and its application research were introduced. Then the objectives, contents and approach were described. The indicator system of Estuary Ecosystem Health Assessment based on PSR Model was established, including the methods of pressure, state and response.(2) The case study part took Jiulong River Estuary as an example, and included 3rd to 6th charpter. In this part, the general situation of Jiulong River Estuary Ecosystem was introduced firstly. The natural environment, social economic features and utilization of the resources were described then. Based on the indicator system established in the theoretical part, Jiulong River Ecosystem Health Assessment 3-class indicator system was built. The qualitative and quantitative analysis approaches were carried out based on the indicator system above. And the current data contrasted with the history data of 1980s clearly. The result indicated that, the major pressures of Jiulong River Estuary were typhoon, soil erosion, biological invasion, red dide, sea-level rise, the increase of population and influent contamination, economic development, and resource exploitation and utilization. The result of quantitative analysis indicated that, the index of abiological environgment state of Jiulong River Ecosystem was 0.38, presenting unhealthy; the index of biological environment state was 0.58, presenting subhealthy; and the final result of Jiulong River Estuary Ecosystem state was 0.48, presenting subhealthy. The response part mainly included laws and policies, essential establishments, and ecological protection and construction. It indicated that, the deterioration trend of Jiulong River Estuary has not been controlled yet. According to this, countermeasures of Jiulong River Estuary Ecosystem restoration were proposed.(3) The integrated index of Jiulong River Ecosystem health state 0.48 had 0.12 effort space to comparably healthy, but had 0.08 to drop to unhealthy. So the alarm bell was ringing: protecting Jiulong River should not be hesitated. From the point of view of optimism, disadvantages in biological and abiological were relatively concentrative. Thus the departments related could offer proposals pertinently. Otherwise, there was only 0.02 space of the abiological environment to subhealthy state, and 0.02 of biological environment to comparably healthy state. This indicated that as long as right methods were adopted and all people acted without indolence, ecological protection of Jiulong River would make great progress. And the healthy state of Jiulong River Ecosystem would be greatly improved.(4) The innovations of this paper was that, giving the concept of Estuary Ecosystem Health according to the study of ecosystem health and the features of estuary ecosystem; establishing a typical indicator system of Estuary Ecosystem Health Assessment based on PSR Model and applying it to Jiulong River Estuary, the result showing that it had practicability; assessing Jiulong River Ecosystem Health for the first time, giving a reference of decision-making to the departments related and having application values.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 09期
  • 【分类号】X826
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】765

