

A Tentative Study of English-Chinese Literary Translation from the Perspective of Writing

【作者】 林莉莉

【导师】 杨士焯;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文的研究目的在于应用周姬昌的写作学理论和高健提出的语性说,从写作的角度来分析英汉文学翻译的过程。林语堂许多早期文章具有两种文字文本,且大多是中文文本由作者本人译自英文文本,译文效果极佳。这种作者自我翻译的现象启发了翻译写作学的概念,用写作的态度来进行翻译活动,将更有利于译文保有原文的艺术和审美价值。根据周姬昌的理论,写作活动分为三个进程:感知,运思和表达。感知是作者对写作对象形成感性认识的过程;运思是对文章整体以及局部进行构思的过程;而表达则是将作者的脑力劳动的成果外化为文字的活动。如果将这三个步骤应用到翻译活动中,译者在进行翻译时更能从全局上把握译文,统筹规划。要指出的是,在翻译表达的过程中,由于汉英民族思维方式的不同,使文字表达也产生了很大的差异,这点结合高健的语性说,归纳出汉英两种语言的表达偏好,从而使译者在英译汉的过程中能使用更加地道的中文。中国文学向来视文采为衡量文章的好坏的关键标准,且本文的研究范围设定为英汉文学翻译,文学翻译不仅要求准确,也要求译者尽力保持原文的艺术和审美价值,因此译者在使用地道的中文准确地传达原文意思的同时,如能为译文注入“文气”,必然是锦上添花。四字格及古字虚词都是中文文采的有力表现,恰当应用,将有助于译文成为翻译文学。最后,纵观众多中国作家型翻译家的翻译实践,与职业译者相比,他们表现出了许多的优势,例如对原文的理解以及对译语的使用,由此本文提出了写作素养对于译者的重要性。

【Abstract】 This thesis aims at presenting an analysis of the process of English to Chinese literary translation from the perspective of writing by employing the writing theory advanced by Zhou Jichang and the language character theory proposed by Gao Jian.There exist two linguistic versions for many of Lin Yutang’s early writings, and most of the Chinese versions are translated by the writer himself from English versions. The effect of these translations is exceptionally excellent. This rare phenomenon of self-translation inspires the conception of writing translation (Actually, this term is coined by my supervisor, Professor Yang Shizhuo): it would be beneficial to the preservation of artistic and aesthetic value of the source text if the translator treats the translation as writing.According to Zhou Jichang’s writing theory, the process of writing can be divided into three phases: perception, thought operation and expression. Perception is a phase in which the writer forms a perceptual cognition of the target of writing; thought operation is a phase in which the writer conceives the whole and parts of the work to be written; expression is an activity to transform the fruit of the writer’s mental labor into letters. If the translator follows these three phases in translation activities, he can grasp the work as a whole and carry out overall planning. It needs to be pointed out that, owing to the dissimilarities between Chinese and English thought patterns, literal expression of each nationality are accordingly quite different. Together with language character theory proposed by Gao Jian, we can deduce the expression preference of each nationality. With the deduction in mind, the translator’s use of target language would be more idiomatic.Chinese literature always regards literary grace as the standard to evaluate an article or work, and since the research scope of this thesis is English to Chinese literary translation, which not only requires the preciseness of the meaning, but also the preservation of artistic and aesthetical value of the source text, so it would be better if the translator can inject "Wenqi" (文气) into the target text and use the idiomatic Chinese to deliver the meaning of the source text precisely. The four-character structure (四字格), classical Chinese (文言) and function words (虚词) are all powerful devices to represent Chinese literary grace. With appropriate application of these devices, the target texts are likely to become translated literature.At last, this thesis carries an overview of the translation practices of many Chinese writers. Compared with common professional translators, they show many advantages in translation, such as their comprehension of the source text and their command of the target language. Therefore, the thesis emphasizes the importance of writing attainments for a translator.

【关键词】 文学翻译写作语性文采
【Key words】 literary translationwritinglanguage characterliterary grace
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】139

