

Study on Rural Drinking Water Safety Evaluation of Coastal Area in Fujian Province

【作者】 王颖

【导师】 欧阳通;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 环境管理, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 当前农村饮用水安全问题在我国构建和谐社会、建设社会主义新农村和发展现代农业进程中愈加成为制约和阻碍。截止到2004年底,我国仍有3亿农村居民饮水不安全,1.9亿人饮水有害物质超标。国家已经明确将农村饮用水安全的保障工作纳入“十一五”规划,计划到2020年基本解决这一问题。福建省作为的东南沿海经济重地,虽然水资源丰富,但农村地区饮用水安全资源化、结构化矛盾突出,水质、用水量、水源保证率和用水方便程度均没有完全得到保障,在很大程度上影响了农村地区的经济发展和人民的身体健康。为此,福建省将发展农村饮用水安全工程建设,构建农村饮用水安全保障体系列入了“十一五”期间的主要政府工作任务中。2006年国家出台的《农村饮水安全评价指标体系》为进行区域农村饮用水安全评价工作的开展奠定了基础。但由于我国农村饮用水安全保障体系的评价工作起步较晚,对于有关的评价指标体系和评价方法还缺乏针对性的案例研究。东南沿海地区的社会经济发展对我国经济的长期可持续性发展具有举足轻重的作用,但有关东南沿海农村地区饮用水安全保障体系的研究的还未见报道。在此前提下,对福建沿海农村地区的饮用水安全水平进行系统性的评价对于我国南方沿海地区农村饮用水安全保障体系的建立具有积极的意义,该项工作成果可以为各级政府的基础设施建设和制定管理政策提供科学的决策依据。本论文从地区代表性、可比性方面考虑,选取福建省漳浦县作为研究对象,根据全省2015年基本解决农村饮用水安全问题的目标要求和漳浦县的实际数据资料,分析并探讨影响该地区农村饮用水安全保障体系建设的诸多因素,参照《农村饮水安全评价指标体系》建立一套能如实反映当地农村饮用水安全状况及供水发展水平的指标体系和评价等级标准;在此基础上,把评价指标的权重结构分解为安全属性权重和安全等级权重;并采用基于加速遗传算法的模糊层次分析法计算,根据最小相对信息熵原理把属性权重和等级权重综合为的评价组合权重;建立评价组合权重模型,计算得出指标体系的综合评价值——安全程度,对全县农村饮用水安全水平进行定量评价。试图以此方法解决农村饮用水安全系统化和定量化的测度问题,为促进农村供水工程的发展,提高饮用水安全保障水平提供科学依据。同时针对评价结果以及漳浦县农村饮用水安全出现的问题,分别从技术手段、管理体制、公众意识和政策引导等方面对当地的农村饮用水安全保障工作提出建议和对策。本论文首次以福建南部沿海农村地区作为研究对象进行农村饮用水安全保障体系的研究,其有关成果将为台湾海峡西岸的社会与经济和谐可持续发展的有关政策制定提供有价值的参考依据。

【Abstract】 At present, the problem of rural drinking water safety has been a hinder and becomes the main restricting factor in the process of rural modernization and building a well-off society in all-round way of China. Up to the end of 2004, the amount of drinking unsafe water rural population is 3 hundred million, among which 1.9 hundred million supplied with unqualified drinking water which contains standard-exceeded deleterious materials. The Chinese government has claimed the target of resovling the rural drinking water safety problem till 2020, and also has brought this plan into the Eleventh Five Year Plan.In the southeast coastal area of China, Fujian Province is one of the most important economic zones which possesses rich water resources whereas with conspicuous structural contradiction of drinking water problem in rural areas. Water quality and quantity, the guarantee rate of water source and water use convenience is insecure, which seriously affected the development of the rural economy and rural population’s health. Therefor, Fujian Province has put the development of rural drinking water project and the building of rural drinking water safety guarantee system as the primary task of the Eleventh Five Year Plan of Fujian Province.The rural drinking water evaluation index system which was put forward in 2006 provided a base for rural drinking water evaluation of some rural districts.Yet rural drinking water safety evaluation and research has a late start, there is a lack of pertinent case studies of the evaluation index system and the corresponding appropriate methods. The socioeconomic development of the southeast coastal region is vital to the sustainable development of China’ economy, however, reseaches on the rural drinking water safety guarantee system of this area is rare to see. On the premise of the above, to study on the level of rural drinking water safety systematically is significant for the establishment of the rural drinking water guarantee system in coastal areas of Southeast China. Moreover, the progress of the study can be used as scientific reference of governmental policy decision for foundation construction and management policy.This thesis considered the representative quality of regional characteristics and comparability, chose Zhangpu town as the study subject, according to the resolve target of rural drinking water safety of Fujian Province till the year of 2015, factors affecting the establishment of drinking water safety system were analyzed, an index system that can truthfully reflected the actual situation of rural water safety and development level of local water supply and their safety grading criterion were set up. A weight structure of evaluation indexes consisted of safe attribute weight and security grading weight on the basis of evaluation index system was presented, the two weight can be computed by using accelerating genetic algorithm based fuzzy analytic hierarchy process, and can be synthesized combination weight based on minimum relative information entropy principle, which formed a model for rural drinking water safety evaluation, named CWMRE for short. Quantitative evaluation of local rural drinking water safety level reflected by comprehensive assessmentvalue------safety rate, was carried out by using this model. It provided a measurablemeans for systematic and quantitative assessment of rural drinking water safety and also a scientific base for improving the guarantee rate of rural drinking water safety, furthering rural water supply project development. Meanwhile, Contraposing to the evaluation results and the problems related to rural drinking water safety in Zhangpu Town, some advice and countermeasures are drawn to ensure rural drinking water safety in view of technique means, management system, public consciousness and policy lead based on the principle for harmonious coexistence of human and nature and guided by sustainable development concept.This study took the coastal rural regions of Fujian Province as the study subject for the first time, the correlative progress is worthy of consulting for the sustainable and harmonious development between the society and economy of the West Taiwan-Strait Zone.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】S277.7
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】646

