

Study on Not to Compete

【作者】 蒋海燕

【导师】 丁丽瑛;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 我国新颁布的《劳动合同法》第22条、23条和24条对竞业限制的主体、范围、地域、期限以及补偿方式做出了明确的规定,这些规定很好的规范了现实中日益增多的竞业限制争议,使得这些争议有法可依。但是,我国立法对竞业限制制度还是没有系统的规定,在该制度的保护对象和认定竞业限制协议的有效的标准上还存在着立法缺失。本文从竞业限制与商业秘密保护的关系出发,论述了竞业限制的含义、性质及法理基础。本文还重点论述了竞业限制是商业秘密保护的必要补充,并通过比较法介绍和评价了域外法和实践关于竞业限制制度的规定以及针对目前我国竞业限制制度立法和司法的不足提出了完善该制度的建议。全文共分五部分,具体如下:引言部分主要论述了论文选题的背景和意义,论文的主要研究领域、研究内容、研究方法以及预期取得的研究成果。竞业限制制度的一般性分析部分主要包括竞业限制制度的含义、性质、与商业秘密保护的关系及其法理基础。该部分创新之处在竞业限制和商业秘密保护的关系方面。笔者认为,竞业限制制度在保护商业秘密上比传统的商业秘密保护制度有优势,同时竞业限制制度保护的对象又不限于商业秘密,而是包括商业秘密在内的雇主的正当合法的权益。竞业限制域外法和实践之比较研究部分主要比较研究了英美法系和大陆法系几个法制比较成熟的国家有关竞业限制制度的立法规定和实践做法。笔者希望通过比较法研究能对完善我国竞业限制制度起启示作用。竞业限制协议的规范化和认可这一部分是在第二章比较法研究上的归纳和提炼。该部分既提出了认定竞业限制协议有效的原则性标准,也对规范竞业限制制度的具体考量因素做了详细的论述。我国竞业限制制度的评价和完善部分从我国竞业限制制度在现行立法和实践中的不足谈起,针对性地从立法和司法两个方面,从微观和宏观两个层面,提出了完善我国竞业限制制度的建议。结束语谈到竞业限制协议在社会经济生活中大量存在,制度规定的不足,导致同案不同判的情形时有发生,劳资双方及社会公共利益不能有效平衡,研究竟业限制制度已成为必要。

【Abstract】 China’s new "Labor Contract Law" Section 22, 23 and 24 pairs of the main research center, scope, geographic, as well as compensation for ways to make clear rules which regulate the good growing reality The research center controversy, the law makes these disputes. However, the research center of China’s legislative system is not the system, the target system and the protection of the not to compete agreement that effective standards still exist in the legislative defect.In this paper, research center and the protection of commercial secrets of the relationship, a research center on the meaning of nature and legal basis. This paper also focuses on a research center in the protection of commercial secrets is a necessary complement to, and through comparison and evaluation of the law on extra-territorial law and practice on the system requirements as well as a research center on China’s current research center is legislative and judicial system to the inadequate the refinement of the system.The full text is divided into five parts, as follows:Introduction of the main topics discussed papers on the background and significance of the main thesis research, study, research methods as well as the expected research results.Chapter 1 research center in the general analysis systemThe main part of the meaning of the system including research center, nature, and the relationship between the protection of commercial secrets and its legal basis. Part of the innovation in the research center and the protection of commercial secrets relations. In my view, no compete system in the protection of commercial secrets than the traditional commercial secret protection system has advantages and research center in the target system is not limited to the protection of commercial secrets, commercial secrets, but also the legitimacy of the employer’s interests.Chapter II research center outside the law and practice of comparative study Comparison of the main part of the common law and civil law legal system several more mature system of the relevant national research center in the legislative provisions and practices. The author hopes that by comparing the method can improve our system from the research center Enlightenment role.Chapter III no compete agreement and recognition of the standardizationIn the second part of this chapter comparison study of the method of induction and refining. Both part of the no compete agreement that put forward the principle of effective standards, but also in regulating the research center system to the specific considerations are discussed in detail.Chapter IV research center in China and improve the evaluation systemPart of the system from China’s research center in the existing legislation and practice about the shortcomings, targeted two from the Legislature and the Judiciary, from the micro and macro levels, and improve our research center in the proposed system.Part V conclusionConcluding remarks on no compete agreement in the socio-economic life of a large number exists, the system provides inadequate, resulting in co-different judgments in the cases occur from time to time, both employers and employees and the community can not effectively balance the public interest to study the system has become necessary research center.

【关键词】 竞业限制商业秘密制度完善
【Key words】 Not to competeTrade secretsPerfect system
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】D922.5
  • 【下载频次】624

