

Study on Timesharing Legislation

【作者】 林娜

【导师】 宋方青;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 法学理论, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 分时度假作为一种新兴旅游度假方式,最早出现于法国阿尔卑斯地区。随后迅速传遍欧洲,并在美国得到更快的发展。目前分时度假已成为风靡全球的休闲旅游度假方式。上个世纪80年代,我国将分时度假引进旅游度假及房地产等领域,在发展的过程中出现了许多问题。分时度假作为一种经济发展的重要模式,通过立法将其引上发展的正轨,意义是十分重大的。作者对分时度假立法问题从理论和实务两个角度进行初步的探索。在理论上,作者探索了分时度假的含义、分时度假立法的适用范围、分时度假立法的理论基础、欧美国家的立法例及其采取的措施、我国是否需要进行分时度假立法等问题。其中,笔者通过对欧美国家立法背景及立法发展史的分析与我国现阶段立法背景相比较,总结了双方立法背景的差异,这一差异是采取措施的基础。通过对欧美国家采取的措施的分析,总结了适用于我国的经验教训。此外,还提出了我国与国际通例不同的特色制度。从现实角度看,迄今为止,我国分时度假立法缺位,购买者投诉、诉讼与日俱增,虚假广告、超范围经营、提供不平等格式合同、欺诈销售、诱导性陈述等情形在我国现阶段更是屡见不鲜。购买者,由于其法律知识的缺欠,很多重要权益和对方的承诺没有落实到合同中,购买者行走在艰难的维权之路上;国家主管部门不明,工商部门、公安机关及旅游主管单位互相推诿,这些问题的解决都迫切需要国家有关部门进行立法活动。笔者从分时度假购买者权利保护角度出发,在参考了国外经验的基础上提出了信息披露制度、冷静期制度及担保制度,并草拟了相应的法律条款,希望以此能达到保护购买者的合法权利的目的。

【Abstract】 The thesis mainly focuses on the studies of timesharing legislative. Timesharing, as a new way of tourist consumptions, originated from the Alps area of France. It spread quickly later in Europe, and got a faster development in the United States. Currently, timesharing has already become a range of recreational holidays which has been gained popularity in this world. We have brought timesharing into our country since the1980s. But as a new tourism product, timesharing causes a lot of conflicts after introduced into China, which hurt the consumers’ rights and benefits. These conflicts include bait and switch schemes、misleading presentation and mandatory sales and so on.If timesharing, as a comprehensive tourist product, can be led into a fine way through legislative, it will play a significant role in our economic development. The problem of timesharing legislative mainly reviews from two angles of the theories and actual situation. In theories part, I discuss the law problems including the conception of timesharing、the scope of application of timesharing legislative、the theoretical foundations of timesharing legislative、Europe and the United States’ acts and rules、the necessity of our country to study timesharing legislative. Comparing Europe、the united states with our country’s, we aggregate the difference among them. Analyzing the rules they take, we conclude the helpful lessons. Then I propose the unique measures our country use.From the realistic angle, because until now profession competent department doesn’t have the management standard to supervise, the country has not stipulated necessary related legal laws and regulations restraint, so it leads to many timesharing suits. As consumer, because he is short of legal knowledge, many important rights and interests and opposite party pledge have not been carried in the contract. National authorities unknown, the industrial and commercial department and the public security organs mutual prevarication, all of which lead to very difficult for consumers to protect their rights.From the perspective of protecting the interests of timesharing buyers, I propose information disclosure system、cooling off period requirement and guarantee system on the basis of foreign experiences, hoping to help timesharing buyers protect their legitimate rights and interests.

【关键词】 分时度假立法购买者保护
【Key words】 timesharinglegislativebuyer protection
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】D922.5
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】211

