

The Way and Option of Group Action in China

【作者】 李丽

【导师】 张榕;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 诉讼法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的发展,处于社会转型时期的中国,社会矛盾众多而复杂,群体性纠纷迅速增长,这些纠纷往往声势大,涉案人数多,媒体充分关注,处理有一定的难度,稍有不慎可能引起群体上访和群体闹事事件。当前解决群体纠纷的诉讼制度主要是代表人诉讼制度,然而代表人诉讼制度的适用现状并不尽如人意,其原因主要在于:在立法层面上,我国代表人诉讼制度在民事诉讼法中规定得过于苛刻,法律条文太少,可操作性比较差;在司法实践层面上,代表人诉讼也遇到了运行难题,从所谓的“稳定社会不安定因素”方面考虑,法院对代表人诉讼案件大多不予受理或分案处理。本文主要运用比较分析法和实证分析法,在考察域外三种群体诉讼制度类型的基础上,结合我国自身的国情与实际,探索我国群体诉讼建构的路径和选择。本文除前言和结语外,共分为四章:第一章是群体诉讼的概述。首先论述了群体诉讼的概念和特征;然后对群体诉讼的价值进行分析总结;最后介绍了世界四种主要群体诉讼制度的历史沿革。第二章是对域外几种典型的群体诉讼制度进行考察、研究和比较,包括美国的集团诉讼制度、德国的团体诉讼制度和日本的选定当事人制度。并特别介绍了团体诉讼、选定当事人制度与美国集团诉讼的区别和联系。第三章从分析我国群体纠纷产生的原因和特点出发,介绍了代表人诉讼制度的立法及运行现状,并总结出我国群体诉讼制度缺陷。第四章是改革和完善我国群体诉讼制度的一些设想。本部分首先确立了完善群体诉讼制度的整体思路和价值取向,倡导实体法与程序法相结合,立法与司法体制改革相联系;然后提出对我国代表人诉讼制度的改革与完善的具体建议:呼吁引进和解集团诉讼制度、确立公益诉讼制度;最后提倡在我国建立多元化群体纠纷解决机制。

【Abstract】 With the social and economic development, lots of group conflicts are taking place. Because of practical necessity, group litigation as a new litigation is given attention more and more. But the status quo of the group litigation in China (the representative action) is unsatisfied. I conclude the reasons as follows. On the legislative side, most rules are abstract, and lack of applicability; on the judicial side, the application of representative action has many problems in practice. For example, for the social stability, most of cases are refused by court. This paper with comparative and positive methodology, on the basic of reviewing three types of the group litigation system in foreign countries, combining with the condition and reality in our country, puts forward some opinions of the reformation and modification of the group litigation system in China. The paper is divided into four parts as follows:The first chapter: I analyze the basic theory of group litigation system. Firstly, I introduce the concept and characteristics of the group litigation system, and then analyze its reality demand factors, summarize its value at last.The second chapter, I review, research and compare some typical types of the group litigation system in foreign countries, which include American class action system, Germany group action system and Japan deputy action system. Particularly, I introduce the real situation of the American class action, and the revelation experience about the American class action system and Germany group action system to our country.The third chapter: I give an introduction and analysis of legislation circumstance, main content and function situation of the representative action in our country. Then I do research on the difference between our country group litigation system and foreign ones.The fourth chapter: I discuss the reformation and modification of the group litigation system in china. In this part, I set up the principle of the modification of the group litigation firstly, then give the suggestion of the reformation and modification of the representative action system in detail secondly, and introduce the group action and establish the multiplex group conflict resolution system in our country with the substantive and procedure law at last.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】D925.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】198

