

【作者】 吴玉苗

【导师】 陈文;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 公共卫生, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 [目的]为了解社区老年人的生活质量并分析其影响因素,在此基础上结合文献回顾,提出改善社区老年人生活质量的对策建议。[方法]采取分层整群抽样的方法,在上海市静安区石门二路社区的13个居委中按照居住情况和经济条件状况分别抽取2个条件较好和2个相对较差的居委,结合户籍资料及居委会的人口登记资料,由石门二路社区卫生服务中心的社区医生,经统一培训后对所有常住于本区域的60岁以上老年人,进行项目为封闭式的现场问卷调查。调查表整理后进行数据录入到SPSS13.0数据库,采用频数分析、T检验、单因素分析、多元逐步回归等进行统计分析。[结果]得出上海市石门二路社区老年人96.42%生活自理,靠自己照顾自己,经济状况尚可,95.55%的老年人表示生活开支够用,79.3%的老人受到家人支持,91.5%的老人有城镇医疗保险,测量的平均生活质量中等偏上,60.2%的老年人生活质量良好;但社区老年人慢性病患病率很高,患一种及以上慢性病者占88.7%;老年人抑郁症状发生率较高,达到17.2%;社区老年人生活质量的影响因素包括性别、年龄、婚姻、居住情况、家庭人均收入、日常开支、日常生活自理能力、主要照顾给予者、业余爱好、家人支持、参与社区活动情况、躯体患慢性病的数目、患病严重程度、抑郁症状患病、患糖尿病,与文化程度、退休前职业、医疗保险情况、配偶患病严重程度无关。[结论]建议从社区卫生服务、家庭、社会三个方面努力,多做工作,不断提高社区老年人的生活质量。社区卫生服务要更加重视慢性病管理工作,要重视老年人的精神卫生教育和心理干预;家庭要给予老年人多一些支持与关注,让老年人保持经济上的独立和支配权,并落实好患病老年人的照顾问题;社会方面要不断提高老年人的经济收入,扩大对无经济收入老年人的保障范围和力度,创造支持性的社会环境和积极的生活氛围,并重视非正式支持。

【Abstract】 [Objective] The study aims to investigate the quality of life of the elderly in community and analyze influencing factors. Then the recommendations have been put forward to improve the quality of old people’s life in community based on this investigation as well as document review.[Methods] Stratified cluster sampling method was employed for this research. 4 communities among 13 communities in Shi Men Er Road area, Jing’an Direction of Shanghai were selected according to living and economical conditions. With information of official household registration and communities’ population record, and after related training, community doctors from Shi Men Er Road community health service center made a questionnaire survey among residents over 60-year-old in these communities. Survey data was put into SPSS data base, and analyzed by using frequency analysis, T test, single-factor analysis, multi-regression, and other statistical analysis. [Results] Survey results showed that most old people in Shanghai Shi Men Er Road Community can be self-help and take care of themselves. Their economical conditions were good, most of them reported medical expenditure was acceptable and their families provided support for them. Most old people had health insurance coverage. Measured average life quality of these old people was quite good and above society’s average. However, the rate of having chronic diseases among these old people was relately very high. Ratio of suffering from one kind of chronic disease was about 88.7%; up to 17.2 % for melancholia. Factors affecting old people’s life’s quality included gender, age, marriage, living condition, family member’s average incoming, daily expenses, ability of daily living independence, main care provider, hobby, family support, status of taking part in community activities, chronic disease number and severity degree, whether having melancholia and diabetes. But there’s no relationship with education degree, career before retire, health insurance coverage, disease severity degree of consort.[Conclusion] The study proposes to work hard to improve quality of old people’s life in community step by step from following aspects: community health services, family and society. For community health services, we should pay more attention to chronic diseases management, old people’s spirit health indoctrination and psychology interventions. Family should offer more support and attention to old people, provide them independence and control right on economy, and make it clear how to take care of old people. For society, it should improve old people’s economic income step and step, enlarge the range and improve the degree of security for old people without income. Meanwhile, it is important to provide a supportable society environment and an active living atmosphere, and pay attention to informal support.

【关键词】 老年人生活质量影响因素
【Key words】 elderlyQuality of lifeInfluencing Factors
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

