

【作者】 赵晨

【导师】 段匡;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 责任保险属于财产保险的一种。它是以被保险人对第三人依法应承担的赔偿责任为标的的保险。责任保险最初创立的目的在于分散和转移被保险人对第三人应承担的赔偿责任风险,是纯粹为保护被保险人利益而存在的一种险种。然而,随着责任保险的发展,重视对受害第三人利益的保护,已成为责任保险发展的一种趋势。本文即从责任保险第三人的直接请求权问题,探讨了如何完善我国相关立法,保障受害第三人的利益。全文共分为五章。第一章主要论述了责任保险的基本法律问题,包括责任保险的概念、特征、功能和主要类型。指出责任保险中最显著的特征是其具有第三人性。若没有第三人,被保险人的损害赔偿责任无从发生,当无责任保险的适用。现代责任保险最突出的社会价值在于对受害第三人的利益的保护。责任保险可以分为自愿责任保险和强制责任保险。第二章着重论述了责任保险中的第三人的性质、地位、范围。指出责任保险合同本质上属于第三人利益合同,责任保险中的第三人的性质与第三人利益合同中的受益人性质为特殊与一般之间的关系,其地位是责任保险的受益人,其范围取决于责任保险所承保的责任基础、保险合同的约定以及法律的规定。但是,又指出第三人范围的确定应当从责任保险的立法宗旨出发,而我国目前的有关规定过于保守,建议作进一步扩大。第三章切入责任保险第三人直接请求权正题,从两则案例引出建立责任保险第三人直接请求权的现实必要性,并论述了第三人直接请求权的概念、法理基础、性质,并介绍了西方发达国家或地区的相关立法例。指出第三人直接请求权是建立在突破合同相对性理论的基础之上的,对于强制责任保险其性质为原始取得,对自愿责任保险其性质为权利转移。第四章论述了责任保险第三人直接请求权的行使。指出第三人直接请求权的内容包括给付请求权、给付受领权、债权保护请求权,被保险人对第三人负有协助义务,保险人对第三人应尽注意义务。自愿责任保险的行使有一定条件的限制,包括被保险人死亡、逃逸、破产、怠于行使保险金请求权;赔偿责任经依法确认、赔偿责任在承保范围内等。同时探讨了第三人行使权利所遭遇的抗辩权,在强制责任保险中,保险人只能以被保险人对抗第三人的事由对抗直接请求权的行使;而在自愿责任保险中,保险人得以被保险人对抗第三人和保险人对抗被保险人的事由对直接请求权行使双重抗辩。第五章分析了我国的《保险法》、《道路交通安全法》及其实施条例、《机动车交通事故责任强制保险条例》中对责任保险第三人直接请求权均无规定,仅在《民用航空法》、《海事诉讼特别程序法》中作了有限规定的立法现状,以及法院在审理中已经对强制责任保险中的第三人直接请求权作了有益的探索和尝试的司法现状,并提出结合我国国情实际及国外立法实践,进一步完善我国责任保险第三人直接请求权有关立法的建议。

【Abstract】 The liability insurance is a kind of property insurance. Its object is the liability to indemnities of the insured to the third party. The original aim of liability insurance is to disperse and transfer compensation liability of the insurant for the third party. It exists only for the benefit of the insurant. However, with development of the liability insurance, the trend that attaches importance to protect the benefit of the third party has been formed. This article discuss the direct claim right of the third party against the insurer, pointing out that we should complete the relevant legislation of our country. The whole article is divided into 5 chapters.Chapter1 mainly discusses the fundamental legal problems of liability insurance, including the concept, characters, functions and types of liability insurance.Chapter2 discusses the status, the scope of the third party of the liability insurance contract, pointing out that the liability contract is a kind of contract for the benefit of third parties, and therefore the third party is actually the beneficiary of the liability contract. The scope of the third party is decided by the foundation of the liability, the stipulation of the insurance contract and law.Chapter3 begins with two cases, which embody the necessity of giving the third party the direct claim right against the insurer. It also discusses the foundation of the direct claim right is based on the theory of breaking through the relativism of contract and introduce the relevant legislations of many developed countries in the world.Chapter4 mainly talks about the practice of the direct claim right of the third party, including the content, restrictions, counterpleas of the direct claim right of the third party. In compulsory liability insurance, the insurer can only counterplea the third party with the matter that the insured would take against the third party; while in optional liability insurance, the insurer can counterplea both the matter mentioned above and the matter that the insurer would take against the insured.Chapter5 analyses the relevant stipulations of The Insurance Law, The Road Traffic Safety Law, and The Regulations on Compulsory Liability Insurance of The Automobile Traffic Accident of our country, pointing out that there is no direct claim right of the third party in those legislations. And only in the Civil Aviation Law and The Special Procedure Law on Admiralty Action have limited stipulations. But the court of our country has already made some explorations by acknowledging the direct claim right of the third party in compulsory liability insurance. The author recommends that by absorbing the experience of other countries’ practice, we should do something to complete the relevant legislation of our country.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】D922.284
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】568

