

【作者】 屈月华

【导师】 王志强;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 商业秘密随人才流动在不断的流失是不争的事实,尤其是掌握着企业商业秘密的高层管理人才及高级技术人才离职后实施竞业行为的后果更为严重。对于用竞业禁止协议来保护商业秘密,在现阶段,无论从理论上还是在立法和实践领域都有重要的意义,竞业禁止协议在竞业禁止制度有着举足轻重的地位。本文试从近几年发生在国内外的几个经典案例的介绍开始,引申出竞业禁止的定义、存在的理论依据,从而进一步对竞业禁止协议的概念和特征及其对保护商业秘密的独特作用进行阐述。通过综合比较国外和我国关于竞业禁止协议的发展历程、立法和司法实践,可以清晰地看到,我国目前关于竞业禁止协议的相关立法零零散散,不成体系,内容也过于原则、简单,尤其对竞业禁止协议的法律地位在全国性的立法层面上目前还存在着空白。针对此种现状,本人重点以离职人员约定竞业禁止协议为中心结合具体案例进行深入的分析。从立法层面上建议尽快颁布全国人大级别的《商业秘密法》,将竞业禁止协议作为有名合同进行专项规定,来统一和完善我国竞业禁止协议的相关规定。对影响竞业禁止协议有效性所涉及的内容,从义务主体、保护利益、竞业期限、地域范围、职业种类及经济补偿六个方面来认定,并提出了可借鉴英美的禁令制度,结合我国《民事诉讼法》先予执行等规定,通过司法解释的形式进行先期救济的设想。希望对我国竞业禁止协议的相关立法有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 The leaking of the trade secrets caused by talents flow, especially the resigned former employees of high-level management and technology talents who grasped enterprise trade secrets will engage in competition, and the result will be serious. Currently, utilizing the covenant not-to-compete to keep trade secret is significant theoretically and practically.This thesis starts from several typical cases happened in China and foreign country in recent years, explicating the definition of not-to-compete and existing theoretic reasons. Then it sets forth the definition and character of covenant not-to-compete, as well as the unique function to protect trade secret. By comparing the covenant not-to-compete development, legislation and practice in Chinese with that of foreign countries, so we clearly see, our country’s rules are scattered without a systematical form, the content is also fundamental and simple, and covenant not-to-compete rule is vacant at present. The author makes a in-depth analysis from resigned former employee promissory covenant not-to-compete integrating the detailed cases. It is suggested that from the legislative perspective, China shall enact Trade Secret Law as soon as possible, and make special provisions for covenant not-to-compete as nominate contract, thereby to consolidate and consummate current laws. About effects of covenant not-to-compete, it is suggested to make clarification in those aspects as obligation party, protecting interest, not-to-compete terms, regions, occupation and compensate to identify. Finally, the thesis offers the suggestion that an pretrial relief system should be set up through judicial interpretation, based on concerning rules of Civil Procedure Code of China and, also, a reference to the injunction system of common law.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】D922.294
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】421

