

【作者】 杨国玉

【导师】 赵文耘;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 计算机技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中间件(MiddleWare)是位于平台(硬件和操作系统)和应用之间的通用服务,可解决分布异构的问题。针对现有中间件的不足,本文提出了一个消息中间件CAFEMQ,其主要功能是在应用程序之间传送一般消息和附件。BEA的TUXEDO,IBM的CICS,东方通的TONG/LINK等中间件产品现已被银行广泛采用,但是这种产品比较庞大而且花费不少。多数流行的中间件服务使用专有的API和专有的协议,使得应用建立于单一厂家的产品,来自不同厂家的实现很难互操作。有些中间件服务只提供一些平台的实现,从而限制了应用在异构系统之间的移植。在银行业,各种业务纷繁复杂,这种产品级服务并不能完全满足需要。为克服以上缺点,我和朋友们一起组成开发小组,提出并开发了CAFEMQ。CAFEMQ提供了一个简单易用、高效可靠的分布式应用开发和运行平台,可用于复杂的分布式环境:CAFEMQ采用了消息广播和组播的传送模式,为消息的传送提供了一种简便的开发模型。文中给出了该中间件的体系结构,并对该中间件的消息传递,通信的实现等关键问题进行了讨论,并给出了其相应的实现技术及流程。最后给出了CAFEMQ在银行业的一个应用实例。

【Abstract】 Middleware is a common service for connecting applications with platform (hardware and operating system), it can solve the problems exist in heterogeneous distribute system.To make up the limitation of current middleware, this article proposed CAFEMQ, it belongs to the message passing middleware. Its main function is passing message and attached file between applications.The products TUXEDO of BA, CICS of IBM and TONG/LINK of DONGFANGTONG, adopt by banks. But these products contain too much function and banks must spent a lot for them. Almost all middleware’s service use private API and protect, it makes application limit to use single factory’s product. And some services do not used on all platforms, it can’t be a common service. This services for product level can’t need bank’s satisfied.CAFEMQ is designed to convince above questions.CAFEMQ provides a platform on which users can be easier to design distributed applications and run. It adopts message passing modes for two types: wild-cast and multi-cast, it is an easy way to pass messages.In this article, the architecture of middleware is presented, gives discussion on the key point about the algorithm of message passing and communication in CAFEMQ, and the same as their implementation technique.At last, provides the application of CAFEMQ in bank group.

【关键词】 中间件消息传递
【Key words】 MiddlewareMessage passing
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】57

