

【作者】 刘亦

【导师】 郭建;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 权利保护与权利限制是法学上的永恒话题,因为权利的天然特性之一就是无限扩张,而他人利益和公共利益等屏障的存在导致绝对的权利是不可能的。为此,在保护权利的同时通过制度设计为权利设置边界是法律的重要任务之一。作为现代社会经济生活中出现的一种新型权利,形象权的保护与权利限制也不例外。形象权理论来自西方发达国家。在我国,虽然司法实践中也出现了一些相关案例,但形象权仍属一种应然的法益而非实然的法定权利。学界对此问题进行了广泛的讨论,讨论的主题涉及形象权的主体、客体、内容、性质、保护和限制等,但是系统全面地专论形象权限制的论文和专著尚不多见,更缺乏以一种整合的眼光体系化地探讨形象权的权利限制。理论上,无论是西方的学者还是我国的学者,在试图建立确定一种新型的形象权来保护形象的时候,就必须给予形象权正当性的解释。这种解释既有利于回答为什么需要形象权,也有利于回答形象权限制的边界。本文从形象权理论的缘起入手,对形象权做了界定,并从工具主义进路出发,寻求形象权理论的正当性,为形象权限制研究做必要的铺垫。在此基础上,结合现实情况,从法理学的角度揭示形象权限制的必要性,通过形象权限制概念的界定、价值基础、理论目标的阐述探讨形象权限制的理论基础。在各国形象权限制比较研究的基础上,提出了形象权限制的理论构想。经过一系列的研究,笔者发现无论是西方发达的法治国家还是正处在法制建设中的我国,为形象权理论单独制定法律予以规制的条件均尚未成熟,我国形象权限制的相关立法仅需以现行的立法为基础作一个系统的梳理即可。当然,权利保护与权利限制是一个永恒话题,二者永远处在一个动态的平衡过程中。形象权的限制需在实践中不断地调整、更新。

【Abstract】 The protection for rights and limitation thereof are everlasting topic of law. One natural character of right is to expand unlimitedly while the existing interest of other individuals and public are the limitations of absolute rights, thereby defining right as well as protecting via system designer is one of the important tasks of law, also. As the new type right was original from the merchandising action on business in modern society, the Merchandising right and it’ s restriction is not exception. The theory of the merchandising right was first put forward by the west developed countries. Merchandising right has not set by the government in our country, although some cases involving in merchandising right arising. It is extensively talked over by the scholars, including subject, object, content, character, protection, restriction of the merchandising right and so on. But it is short of treatise and thesis which systematically and comprehensively discuss the restriction on the merchandising right. The scholars lack discussing the restriction on the merchandising right summarily.First we shall study the original of the merchandising right to make foundation for further research. Then according to the reality, the necessary of restriction on merchandising right must be found from the respect of jurisprudence. On this basis, further research will proceed from three aspects of the restriction on the merchandising right theory: objective, relevant judicial practical experience and system of the theory.Through studies, it is believed that not only in our country but also in the developed country, the condition of the enactment of separate laws to regulate the merchandising right is not yet ripe. Relevant Legislation about restriction on the merchandising right in china only needs a system of sorting out on the basis of the exiting legislation.The protection for rights and limitation is the everlasting topic. They are in a dynamic balance. The right of limitation of Merchandising property need practicing adjustment and renewing.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】199

