

【作者】 冯春

【导师】 蒋昌建;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , MPA, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 新媒体是在计算机信息处理技术基础上产生深刻影响的媒体形态,它具有传播模式的交互性、传播形态的多样性、传播范围的超时空性、传播内容的广泛性、传播时间的及时性等特点,在通常情况下,新媒体就是指网络媒体。随着信息技术的进一步发展,以网络媒体为代表的新媒体已经成为新闻传播领域中影响巨大的、最具发展潜力的主流媒体。新媒体的信息传播特征和主流媒体地位,对政府的传统公共危机管理带来了深远的影响,政府部门要有组织、有计划、持续动态的有效开展公共危机管理,必须正确认识新媒体的地位和作用,以及其对传统公共危机管理的影响。在理论上,本文阐述了新媒体的概念、分类、特征、地位和公共危机管理的概念、特征等相关理论,并指出,新媒体在危机信息获取、危机应对的准备和预防、危机的控制与回应、危机的恢复与重建等方面,对传统公共危机管理产生了深远影响,政府部门必须对此有充分的认识,这是开展公共危机管理的必要前提。在实践层面,本文专门选取了发生于2008年7月1日上海市公安局闸北分局的杨佳暴力袭警案件作为案例进行分析。从危机管理的角度,杨佳暴力袭警案件属于因政府部门内部突发事件所引起的公共危机事件。在案例分析中,本文着重介绍了新媒体在危机事件中发挥的舆论导向作用,重点剖析了警察部门在危机管理中应对新媒体的缺陷,并指出,正是由于警察部门对新媒体的重视不够和应对不力,才导致了公共危机事件的舆论向不利于警方的方向发展。最后,在理论研究和案例分析的基础上,本文对政府部门在公共危机管理中应对新媒体的对策进行了探讨。在介绍了国外政府在公共危机管理中应对新媒体的主要经验后,本文指出,应积极借鉴国外政府的成熟做法,在新媒体视野下树立正确的公共危机管理意识、以网络媒体为重点建立舆情发现分析和处置机制、以政府门户网站为平台发布权威信息并与公众互动、建立健全新媒体的监管机制、建立专门机构并培养专业人才。

【Abstract】 New-media is a configuration which has a deep influence on the information management technology. It has alternative characters of transmition mode, multiformity of transmition form, over time characters of transmition extension, universality of transmition content and betimes nature of transmition time. Usually, new-media refers to network media. Along with the development of informaion technology, the new-meia is becoming a main media which has great influence and potential in news broadcasting field. This also makes the new media has a great impact on the traditional public crisis management of government. In order to having an organized, plannable and persistent management on the public crisis, the government should understand this impact and the great function of the new-media.Theoretically, the paper expatiate the concept, class, characteristic and function of the new-media and the management of public crisis. And the paper also point out that the new-media influence public crisis management a lot on information capture, preparation, prevention, control, reply, restoration of the crisis. The government’s proficiently understanding of these information is the essential precondition of public crisis management.And practically, the paper takes the policeman-assault case (Yangjia case) of Zhabei branch of Shanghai public-security bureau as an example and analyse this case in details. This case belongs to the public crisis breaks out inside the government. In the analysis of the case, the paper emphasizes on the introduction of the public opinion direction function of the new-media and the analysis of the defect when the police dealing with the new-media in the crisis management. The research also points out that because the police’s less regard and inadequate reply on the new-media, the public opinion direction goes to the oppositive direction against the police. At last, on the basement of theory research , case analysis and the introduction of the experiences of foreign country, the paper discusses the countermeasures to the new-media. We should consult the advanced experiences, establish the right consciousness of the public crisis management, build up the detective, analysis and disposition system of public opinion emphasize on the network media, release the authoritative information on the governmental portals, constitute supervision mechanism of the new-media and found a special organization to train professionals.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】G206;D630
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】2702

