

【作者】 韩山华

【导师】 苏勇;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 2006年12月11日,是中国加入WTO后五年保护期结束之时,中国金融业全面对外开放。随着《中华人民共和国外资银行管理条例》、《中华人民共和国外资银行管理条例实施细则》的颁布和实施,中国银行业进入了一个在法人导向下的全面开放新时代。外部监管政策的更新和变化,金融机构的竞争日趋激烈,使在华的众多外资银行也需要去寻找出适合自身的发展战略。E银行(中国)作为一家具有港资背景且在中国扎根近百年的外资银行,如何在法人导向下的国内市场中实现本土化经营,合理确定其公司金融业务的本土化经营战略,是本文研究和讨论的重点。本文通过对我国金融业发展的历程与现状做简要分析,对法人导向前和法人导向下的监管政策变化做出比较分析,对E银行(中国)的外部环境进行深入分析,同时收集各类材料,深入了解E银行的历史和发展现状,详细分析E银行(中国)的竞争力状况,运用战略管理理论和战略管理分析工具,发现E银行(中国)的优劣势,在理论基础和实证研究的支持下,针对E银行(中国)的公司金融业务,提出E银行(中国)的本土化经营战略,并确立其具体的战略实施建议。在本土化经营战略的提出和实施部分,主要通过“PEST”方法分析E银行(中国)的外部竞争环境,通过“SWOT”分析E银行(中国)的优势、劣势、机会和威胁等自身竞争力,结合E银行(中国)自身的资源及能力确定其公司金融业务的本土化经营战略。同时,基于前述分析提出可操作的方案,即E银行(中国)必须在业务发展、市场拓展、风险管理、绩效考核、同业竞合、运营支持、企业文化、人力储备等方面进行本土化战略规划和检视,通过机构扩张、产品创新、技术领先、服务卓越来拓展发展空间,为国内市场和客户提供优质服务,为股东创造最大价值,实现本土化的最佳发展。本论文可能的创新主要体现在:第一,通过对中国入世后银行监管政策变化的分析,提出了E银行(中国)在法人导向下的国内本土化经营战略,对其他外资银行在中国的发展有一定的借鉴意义;第二,利用“PEST”和“SWOT”分析方法,剖析E银行(中国)面临的机会与挑战,发现E银行(中国)的内外竞争力,确定了E银行(中国)公司金融业务的本土化经营战略;第三,从业务产品到人才管理,从疆域拓展到运营支撑,本文对E银行(中国)的公司金融业务如何实现本土化经营战略提出了具体的实施建议,具备一定的实际操作意义。

【Abstract】 On December 11, 2006, the 5-year protection period after China entering into WTO ended and China’s financial industry opened to the outside world ail-roundly. Along with the promulgation and the implementation of "Regulation of the People’s Republic of China on the Administration of Foreign-funded Banks" and "Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulation of the People’s Republic of China on the Administration of Foreign-funded Banks", the Chinese banking industry has entered a new corporate-oriented era. In the face of the renovation and the change of the regulatory policy and the increasingly intense competition, all the foreign-funded banks in China need to find their own development strategy. As a HongKong-funded bank which has taken root in China for near a hundred years, how E Bank establishes the suitable localization strategy for its corporate banking business in corporate-oriented domestic market is exactly the key point studied and discussed by this paper.Through analyzing the development course and the status in quo of China’s financial industry, comparing the regulatory policy changes between non corporate-oriented and corporate-oriented, going deep into the external environment of E Bank (China), and fully understanding E Bank’s history, actuality and competitive condition based on all kinds of materials, the author has found out E Bank’s strength and weakness by using strategic management theory and analysis tools. After the foregoing theoretic and demonstrative studies, the author has tried to bring forward the localization strategy of E Bank (China) on its corporate banking business and the detail suggestion for strategy implementation.In the part of establishment and implementation of the localization strategy, by employing PEST and SWOT techniques respectively, the author has analyzed the external competitive environment and E Bank (China)’s own competitive power including strength, weakness, opportunity and threat. And then, according to the resources and abilities possessed by E Bank (China), its localization strategy on the corporate banking business and feasible operation scheme have been framed. E Bank (China) must program and review its localization strategy at all aspects, such as business development, market deploitation, risk management, performance assessment, competition and co-operation with other banks, operation support, enterprise culture and human resource management, etc. And through outspread organization, innovative product, leading technique and outstanding service, E Bank (China) will make achievement in localization, in further business development, in providing quality service to local customers and creating maximized value for shareholders.The creative ideas of this paper might be as follows. Firstly, based on analyzing the changes of banking industry regulatory policy after China entering into WTO, the author has put forward the localization strategy for E Bank (China) which would be applicable for the development of other foreign-funded legal-person banks in China. Secondly, through examining the opportunities and challenges faced by E Bank (China) and discovering its competitiveness by employing PEST and SWOT techniques, the localization strategy on corporate banking business of E Bank (China) has been established. Thirdly, with a lot of practical significance, detailed proposal on the implementation of localization strategy has been made in the paper which involves business and product, human resource management, market deploitation and operation support.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】F832.2
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】305

