

The Study on Evolution of Danyang’s Eclogical Environment Since 1949

【作者】 茅正芳

【导师】 杨旺生;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 专门史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 建设社会主义新农村是我国现代化进程中的重大历史使命,该目标能否实现,与农村环境质量的好坏有着密切的关系。随着改革开放的不断深入,江苏农村的各方面都有了巨大的变化。在经济飞速发展的同时,丹阳农村地区生态环境发生了很大改变,其变化主要受当地的农业、工业、交通以及居民生活的发展影响。建国以来,丹阳农业发展发生了很大改变。农业生产对农村地区的生态资源的影响也在发生着悄然改变。农业的整个生产过程中,农田的整治、肥料的使用、病虫害以及杂草的治理、熟制的改革以及水土保持工作都在不同程度地影响着农村地区的生态环境。大规模的土地整治,使丹阳农村地区的土地面貌发生很大变化,在提高粮食产量的同时,也造成了不同程度的水土流失。化肥和农药的使用,使农村环境受到的污染开始加剧。农作物的熟制改革在某种程度上改变了各区域原先的水土性状。当然,水土保持工作为维护农村区域的生态环境作出了很大贡献。丹阳乡镇工业快速发展的同时,也给农村生态环境带来了很大的压力。建国初期,由于乡镇工业的种类不全,分布零散,对农村区域的环境影响相对较小。随着经济的发展,各地工业发展逐渐完备起来,其对周边地区的生态环境影响开始加剧,特别是化工、造纸、皮革、建材等行业,严重的污染了农村的水资源和空气。随着丹阳农村经济的发展,农村地区的交通运输网络也日趋完善,然而,其对农村地区的环境影响也开始明显起来。纵横交错的交通体系占用了农村大量的耕地资源,运输市场的繁忙使得各处道路充斥着各类交通工具,其产生的噪音严重影响公路两边居民的生产和生活,同时,车辆尾气已经使得农村空气质量逐渐下降。改革开放以来,丹阳农村居民的生活水平和消费水平显著提高,部分富裕地区接近城市水平,但是生活水平的提高并没有和环境意识的提高相同步。农村生活垃圾、生活污水造成的污染已经逐渐开始成为影响农村生态环境的一个重要因素。农村生态环境的变化是一个缓慢的过程,由于其影响的范围相当广泛,其治理和保护工作相当艰巨,需要每一位参与者的共同努力。

【Abstract】 Constructing a new socialist countryside is a major historic mission in the process of China’s modernization, whether this aim will be achieved links closely with the rural environmental quality. With the reform and opening up going further, various aspects of countryside in Jiangsu province have changed tremendously. Nowadays, all rural constructions in Danyang county gradually enter the integration process of urban and rural areas. As economy develops rapidly, land resources, water resources and products in Danyang region have changed in varying degrees, which are mainly caused by the local agriculture, industry, transport and lives of residents.Since 1949, agriculture in Danyang county has developed greatly, and agricultural production has affected the local environment and ecology quietly. In the process of agricultural production, such as the realignment of farmland, the use of fertilizers, the control of pests and weeds, the reform of cropping system and the conservation of water and soil, all of which have had impact on the local environment and ecology. Large-scale realignment of farmlands has greatly changed landforms in Danyang county. With the crop yields increasing, it also caused soil erosion in a certain degree, and using of chemical fertilizers and pesticides exacerbated the environmental pollution in rural areas. Reform of cropping system has changed the original characters of water and soil in various regions, meanwhile, the conservation of soil and water also has been seriously taken, and water conservancy construction and greening work have made great progress, which contributes a lot to the rural environment and ecology.Rapid development of township enterprises in Danyang county brought great pressure on the rural environment and ecology. During the 1950s, township enterprises were fewer, distributing more loosely, which had slighter effect on the rural environment and ecology. With economic development, industrial development in all areas has improved greatly, which aggravated effect on the rural environment and ecology, especially, such industries as chemical, paper, leather and construction materials have polluted rural air and water resources seriously.With the development of rural economy in Danyang county, rural transport networks are improving perfectly there, however, environmental problems have become more and more obvious in rural areas. Complex transport systems in rural areas have encroached upon a large quantity of faming land resources, and prosperous transport markets have made all roads crowded with various vehicles, whose noise interferes with the production and lives of residents living near the roads, moreover, the exhaust has gradually worsened the air quality in rural areas.Since reform and opening up, the living standard and consuming level of residents in Danyang county have extremely improved, and some prosperous areas have caught up with those of cities, however, the improvement of living standard does not synchronize with that of environmental awareness, and pollution resulting from living garbage and sewage in rural areas has become a key factor which harms the rural environment and ecology.Change of the rural environment and ecology is a slow process, because of its widespread influence, improving and protecting the rural environment and ecology are quite difficult, which require every person concerned to exert themselves.


