

Evaluation of Dry Matter Productivity and Profitability for the Cultivation Systems of Forage Crops

【作者】 王祎娜

【导师】 沈益新; 石井康之;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 草业科学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 多花黑麦草(Lolium multiflorum Lam)产量高、品质好,是我国南方农区及日本南部农田冬季种植最多的牧草。青贮玉米(Zea mays L.)营养价值高、适口性好,是全世界最主要的青贮作物。以多花黑麦草和青贮玉米为主构建农区饲草生产体系对农区畜牧业发展具有重要意义。本研究通过田间试验分别评价了卡坦玻拉盖氏虎尾草(Chlonis gayana cv.Katambora)、卡利德盖氏虎尾草(C.gayana cv.Callide)、坚尼草(Panicum maximum cv.Natsukaze)、有色坚尼草(P.maximum cv.Tamidori)和黑籽雀稗(Paspalum atratum)5种热带牧草和Wase-ou、Tachiwase、NS-1、Inazuma、Waseyutaka等5个多花黑麦草品种的饲草干物质生产性能,探讨了播期和施肥对青贮玉米饲草生产性能的影响。在此基础上对全年青贮玉米和牧草复种的生产性能和生产效益进行了分析。热带牧草生产性能的研究结果显示:6月播种的热带牧草在8月中旬第1茬刈割的干物质产量高于10月上旬第2茬刈割,且第1茬刈割的干物质体外消化率(IVDMD)显著高于第2茬刈割牧草(p<0.05)。5种热带牧草总干物质产量高低排序为:卡利德盖世虎尾草>坚尼草>黑籽雀稗>有色坚尼草>卡坦玻拉盖氏虎尾草。其中,卡利德盖世虎尾草和黑籽雀稗具有较强的分蘖能力及明显的株高优势可能是其干物质产量高的主要原因之一。有色坚尼草和卡坦玻拉盖世虎尾草是供试牧草中最不耐刈割的品种,第2茬的干物质产量大幅低于第1茬。秋季10月播种的多花黑麦草各品种均在翌年4-5月份生长最快。结合各品种的产量和IVDMD分析,4月底、5月初为多花黑麦草收获的最佳时期。各品种干物质产量高低排序为:Waseyutaka>NS-1>Tachiwase>Inazuma>Wase-ou。其中,Waseyutaka总产量较高且各生长时期IVDMD都较高,作为牧草生产应是较好的品种;Inazuma和Tachiwase虽然各时期刈割后的平均生长速度较高,但其总产量和IVDMD都较低,NS-1虽然干物质产量高,但后期IVDMD下降幅度较大,尽量选在4月底前收割利用。提高氮肥施用水平可以提高青贮玉米干物质产量及果穗重,且在早播中表现更为明显。迟播虽然使青贮玉米产量降低,但适当增施氮肥可以保证其达到早播低肥处理下的产量。青贮玉米品质方面,早播的全株IVDMD高于迟播,但粗蛋白含量低于迟播。适当提高氮肥施用量有助于提高玉米植株粗蛋白含量。播期与氮肥处理对青贮玉米产量的影响为播期>氮肥。结合经济和生态效益分析,农田采用多花黑麦草与青贮玉米的种植系统不仅干物质产量高,而且成本低,产值高,并可以从外界吸收较多CO2。因此该生产系统最佳。虽然热带牧草生产成本与玉米相差不大,但干物质产量较低导致每kg干物质生产成本较高,纯收入较低。

【Abstract】 With the characteristics of high yield and good quality, Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam) is cultivated extensively in the southern agricultural region of China and Japan. As one of the most important forages in the world, silage maize (Zea mays L.) has characteristics of high nutritive value and good palatability. Thus, the establishment of forage production system based on Italian ryegrass and silage maize has crucial significance in the development of husbandry.This test evaluated the production potential of different varieties of Italian ryegrass and tropical grasses. Besides, the effect of sowing date and different levels of nitrogen fertilization on silage maize production was also included. On the basis of production potential evaluation, the dry matter productivity and profitability for the multiple cropping of silage maize and forage was also analyzed in this test.The results in the experiment of tropical grasses showed that the dry matter yield of the 2nd cut (Oct.) of tropical grasses was lower than that of the 1st cut (Aug.), the IVDMD declined significantly as well(p < 0.05). The dry matter yield of 5 species of tropical grasses was highest in rhodesgrass (cv. Callide), followed by guineagrass, Paspalum atratum, coloured guineagrass and lowest in rhodesgrass (cv. Katambora). Compared with other species, having conspicuous advantages of yield, tiller numbers and plant height may be the main reason that the dry matter yield was the highest for rhodesgrass (cv. Callide) and Paspalum atratum.The results in the experiment of Italian ryegrass showed that the optimum cutting time for fall sowed Italian ryegrass was from late April to early May. The dry matter yield of each variety of Italian ryegrass were sized down as follows: Waseyutaka>NS-1> Tachiwase>Inazuma>Wase-ou, in which Waseyutaka was considered as the best one among all the varieties for the advantages of high yield and IVDMD. Although the average growth rate was relatively high after harvest for Inazuma and Tachiwase, the two varieties were not perfect due to the low dry matter yield and IVDMD. In spite of high dry matter yield of NS-1, the IVDMD dropped remarkably in the later period. Therefore, the harvest of Italian ryegrass should be done by the end of April to maintain high yield and good quality. The results in silage maize experiment showed that increase in the application of nitrogen fertilizer would be helpful to raise silage maize yield and ear weight, and it is even obvious in the treatment of early sowing. Late sowing caused the decrease both in forage yield and IVDMD, however, this phenomenon could be changed by the increasing nitrogen application.Combined with the analysis of economic and ecological effect, it is showed that the production system of Italian ryegrass and silage maize of early-sowing had not only high dry matter yield, but low cost, high productive value. In addition, more amount of CO2 that can be absorbed from the atmosphere into this system than others.

  • 【分类号】S54
  • 【下载频次】202

